
1.3.12 • Public • Published

Miscellaneous Helpers

A collection of utility functions and validators for common tasks.

Table of Contents


Date Formats

  • DATE_ISO_FORMAT_TZ: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'

    • ISO date format with timezone.
  • DATE_ISO_FORMAT: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS

    • ISO date format without timezone.

Brazilian Formats

  • DATE_BR_FORMAT_D: dd-MM-yyyy

    • Brazilian date format (day/month/year).
  • DATE_BR_FORMAT_FS: dd/MM/yyyy

    • Brazilian date format with slashes (day/month/year).
  • DATE_BR_HOUR_FORMAT_D: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss

    • Brazilian date and time format (day/month/year hour:minute:second).
  • DATE_BR_HOUR_FORMAT_FS: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss

    • Brazilian date and time format with slashes (day/month/year hour:minute:second).

    • Brazilian month and year format (month/year).

    • Brazilian month and year format with slashes (month/year).

EUA Formats

  • DATE_EUA_FORMAT_D: yyyy-MM-dd

    • USA date format (year-month-day).
  • DATE_EUA_FORMAT_FS: yyyy/MM/dd

    • USA date format with slashes (year/month/day).
  • DATE_EUA_HOUR_FORMAT_D: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

    • USA date and time format (year-month-day hour:minute:second).
  • DATE_EUA_HOUR_FORMAT_FS: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

    • USA date and time format with slashes (year-month-day hour:minute:second).



    • Format for CADICMSPR string (8 digits, dash, 2 digits).
  • STRING_FORMAT_CNPJ: ##.###.###/####-##

    • Format for CNPJ string (2 digits, dot, 3 digits, dot, 3 digits, slash, 4 digits, dash, 2 digits).
  • STRING_FORMAT_CPF: ###.###.###-##

    • Format for CPF string (3 digits, dot, 3 digits, dot, 3 digits, dash, 2 digits).

    • Format for ProtocolPR string (9 digits, dot, 1 digit).




  • Description: Converts an ECDSA signature in ASN.1/DER format to a concatenated r|s format.
  • Returns: The signature in concatenated r|s format.
  • Params:
    • asn1Signature : ECDSA ASN.1 signature to be converted.


  • Description: Extracts data from a WebAuthn authentication assertion object.
  • Returns: An object containing extracted data from the authentication assertion.
    • id: ID of the WebAuthn assertion.
    • rawId: Raw ID of the WebAuthn assertion.
    • type: Type of the WebAuthn assertion.
    • authData: Authenticator data included in the assertion.
    • response: Response object containing additional data related to the assertion.
  • Params:
    • assertion : The WebAuthn authentication assertion object.


  • Description: Retrieves registration authentication data from a WebAuthn credential.
  • Params:
    • credential {PublicKeyCredential} : The WebAuthn credential object.
  • Returns: An object containing registration authentication data extracted from the credential.
    • rawId: Raw ID of the credential.
    • id: ID of the credential.
    • type: Type of the credential.
    • authenticatorAttachment: Authenticator attachment information.
    • clientExtensionResults: Client extension results from the credential.
    • authData: Authenticator data from the credential.
    • response: Object containing various response data:
      • attestationObject: Attestation object from the credential response.
      • authenticatorData: Authenticator data from the credential response.
      • clientDataJSONDecoded: Decoded client data JSON from the credential response.
      • clientDataJSON: Raw client data JSON from the credential response.
      • transports: Transports used by the credential (if available).
      • publicKey: Public key associated with the credential response.
      • publicKeyAlgorithm: Public key algorithm used in the response.


  • Description: Initiates the WebAuthn authentication process and returns an assertion.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the obtained PublicKeyCredential or a message indicating that WebAuthn is not supported.
  • Params:
    • props {Object} : The PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions object containing the options for requesting an authentication assertion.
    • callback {Function} (optional) : Optional callback function to be called with the obtained assertion.


  • Description: Initiates the WebAuthn registration process and returns a credential.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the created PublicKeyCredential or a message indicating that WebAuthn is not supported.
  • Params:
    • props {Object} : The PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions object containing the options for creating a new credential.
    • callback {Function} (optional) : Optional callback function to be called with the created credential.


  • Description: Asynchronously validates a WebAuthn authentication assertion against the expected properties and the provided credential.
  • Returns: Promise<boolean>: Returns true if the validation is successful.
  • Params:
    • credential (Object):

      • id (string): The credential ID.
      • rawId (string): The raw credential ID.
      • type (string): The credential type, expected to be "public-key".
      • publicKeyAlgorithm (number): The algorithm used for the public key.
      • publicKey (string): The public key in base64 format.
    • assertion (Object):

      • id (string): The assertion ID.
      • rawId (string): The raw assertion ID.
      • type (string): The assertion type, expected to be "public-key".
      • response (Object): The response from the authenticator.
        • clientDataJSONDecoded (string): The decoded client data JSON.
        • authenticatorDataDecoded (string): The decoded authenticator data.
        • signature (ArrayBuffer): The signature generated by the authenticator.
    • expectedProps (Object, optional): The expected properties for validation.

      • challenge (string, optional): The expected challenge.
      • origin (string, optional): The expected origin.
      • type (string, optional): The expected type.
      • rpID (string, optional): The expected relying party ID.
      • counterCredential (number, optional): The expected credential counter.
    • incomingProps (Object, optional): The incoming properties for validation.

      • counterAssertion (number, optional): The incoming assertion counter.
    • publicKeyProps (Object, optional): The properties for importing the public key.

      • importKey (Object, optional): The import key properties.
        • format (string, optional): The format of the key, default is "spki".
        • extractable (boolean, optional): Whether the key is extractable, default is false.


  • Description: Validates a WebAuthn registration credential. This function performs a series of validations on the given credential:
    1. Validates the basic properties of the credential.
    2. Validates the credential against expected request parameters.
    3. Extracts and validates the attestation object.
  • Returns: A Boolean true if the credential is valid, otherwise throws an error.
  • Params:
    • credential {Object} : The WebAuthn credential to validate.
    • expectedProps {Object} (optional) : An object containing expected properties for validation.
      • challenge {string} (optional) : The expected challenge.
      • origin {string} (optional) : The expected origin.
      • type {string} (optional) : The expected type.


  • Description: Asynchronously validates relying party identifier (RPID) for WebAuthn.
  • Returns: Promise<boolean>: Returns a promise that resolves to true if the RPID is valid.
  • Params:
    • rpID : (string): Relying Party Identifier (RPID) to be validated.



  • Description: Decrypts an encrypted message using RSA-OAEP decryption.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the decrypted message as a string.
  • Params:
    • privateKey (string): The RSA private key in PEM format.
    • encryptedMessage (string): The encrypted message to decrypt in Base64 encoding.
    • props (Object): Additional decryption properties.
      • format (string, optional): The format of the private key (default: "pkcs8").
      • algorithm (Object, optional): The algorithm to be used for decryption (default: { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: { name: "SHA-256" }}).
      • extractable (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the key can be extracted from the CryptoKey object (default: true).
      • keyUsages (Array, optional): An array of key usages (default: ["decrypt"]).
      • padding (string, optional): The padding scheme to use for decryption (default: "RSA-OAEP").

Example Usage

const privateKey = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`;
const encryptedMessage = 'ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_BASE64';

decrypt(privateKey, encryptedMessage)
  .then(decryptedMessage => {
    console.log(decryptedMessage); // Decrypted message as a string
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error decrypting message:', error);


  • Description: Computes a cryptographic hash (digest) of the given data using the specified algorithm.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the computed hash as a Uint8Array.
  • Params:
    • algorithm (string): The hash algorithm to use (e.g., 'SHA-256', 'SHA-1').
    • data (string|Uint8Array): The data to hash, either as a string or a Uint8Array.


  • Description: Encrypts a message using RSA-OAEP encryption.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the encrypted message in Base64 encoding.
  • Params:
    • publicKey (string): The RSA public key in PEM format.
    • message (string): The message to encrypt.
    • props (Object, optional): Additional encryption properties.
      • format (string, optional): The format of the public key (default: "spki").
      • algorithm (Object, optional): The algorithm to be used for encryption (default: { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: { name: "SHA-256" }}).
      • extractable (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the key can be extracted from the CryptoKey object (default: true).
      • keyUsages (Array, optional): An array of key usages (default: ["encrypt"]).
      • padding (string, optional): The padding scheme to use for encryption (default: "RSA-OAEP").

Example Usage

const publicKey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`;
const message = 'Hello, World!';

encrypt(publicKey, message)
  .then(encryptedMessage => {
    console.log(encryptedMessage); // Encrypted message as a base64 string
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error encrypting message:', error);


  • Description: Retrieves the crypto object for cryptographic operations.
  • Returns: The crypto object for cryptographic operations, compatible with Web Crypto API.


  • Description: Imports a public key asynchronously using Web Crypto API in browser environment or Node.js crypto module.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves with the imported CryptoKey object.
  • Params:
    • format (string): The format of the key data ('spki', 'pkcs8', etc.).
    • keyData (BufferSource | CryptoKey | ArrayBuffer): The key data to import.
    • algorithm (Object): The algorithm object specifying the algorithm used by the key.
    • extractable (boolean): Indicates if the key can be extracted from the CryptoKey object.
    • keyUsages (string[]): Array of key usage identifiers ('encrypt', 'decrypt', 'verify', etc.).


  • Description: Verifies a digital signature asynchronously using Web Crypto API in browser environment or Node.js crypto module.
  • Params:
    • algorithm (Object): The algorithm object specifying the algorithm used for verification.
    • key (CryptoKey): The public key or key pair used to verify the signature.
    • signature (BufferSource): The digital signature to be verified.
    • data (BufferSource): The data that was signed and needs to be verified against the signature.


DB Sequelize


  • Description: Returns the between conditions in an object format based on the provided date parameters.
  • Returns: The modified object with between conditions set in an object format.
  • Params:
    • object (Object): The object containing the date values.
    • fromFormat (String): Optional. The string format expected for the date (default: "dd-MM-yyyy").
    • key (String): Optional. The key name in the object that holds the main date value (default: "created_at").
    • beforeKey (String): Optional. The key name in the object that holds the upper limit date value (default: "created_at_until").
    • afterKey (String): Optional. The key name in the object that holds the lower limit date value (default: "created_at_from").
    • resetHMS (Boolean): Optional. Whether to reset hours, minutes, and seconds to zero for the date comparison (default: true).
 * Example usage:
 * Assume 'data' is an object with properties:
 * { created_at_from: '01-01-2023', created_at_until: '31-12-2023' }

setConditionBetweenDates(data); // Modifies 'data' to { created_at: { $and: [ { $gte: Date('2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z') }, { $lte: Date('2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z') } ] } }


  • Description: Returns the between conditions in an object format based on the provided parameters.
  • Params:
    • object (Object): The object containing the values.
    • key (String): Optional. The key name in the object that holds the main value (default: "value").
    • beforeKey (String): Optional. The key name in the object that holds the upper limit value (default: "value_until").
    • afterKey (String): Optional. The key name in the object that holds the lower limit value (default: "value_from").
  • Returns the modified object with between conditions set in an object format.
 * Example usage:
 * Assume 'data' is an object with properties:
 * { value_from: 10, value_until: 20 }

setConditionBetweenValues(data); // Modifies 'data' to { value: { $and: [ { $gte: 10 }, { $lte: 20 } ] } }


  • Description: Returns the string like condition format based on the provided parameters.
  • Params:
    • object (Object): The object containing the values.
    • key (String): The key name in the object that holds the value to format.
    • insensitive (Boolean): Optional. Indicates whether the condition should be case-insensitive (default: true).
  • Returns nothing. Modifies the object parameter directly to set the string like condition.
 * Example usage:
 * Assume 'data' is an object with properties:
 * { name: 'John', city: 'New York' }

setConditionStringLike(data, 'name'); // Modifies 'data' to { name: { $iLike: '%John%' }, city: 'New York' }
setConditionStringLike(data, 'city', false); // Modifies 'data' to { name: { $iLike: '%John%' }, city: { $like: '%New York%' } }


A utility class for managing asynchronous waiting operations with promises.


  • WaitList: An object that stores promises for asynchronous operations.


  • finishWait(name, isSuccessful = true, returnParam)

    • Description: Completes a waiting operation by resolving or rejecting a promise based on the success status.
    • Params:
      • name (string): The identifier for the waiting operation.
      • isSuccessful (boolean): Optional. Indicates whether the operation was successful (default: true).
      • returnParam (any): Optional. The parameter to be returned or rejected with the promise.
    • Returns: Returns true if the operation completes successfully; otherwise, returns false or throws an error.
  • startWait(name)

    • Description: Initiates a waiting operation by creating a new promise in the wait list.
    • Params:
      • name (string): The identifier for the waiting operation.
    • Returns: Returns a promise associated with the waiting operation.
  • finishAll(isSuccessful, returnParam)

    • Description: Completes all waiting operations in the wait list, resolving or rejecting promises based on the success status.
    • Params:
      • isSuccessful (boolean): Indicates whether the operations were successful.
      • returnParam (any): The parameter to be returned or rejected with each promise.
    • Returns: undefined


const { waitPlugin } = require('misc-helpers');

// Example: Starting a wait operation
async function exampleWaitOperation() {
  try {
    await waitPlugin.startWait('operationName');
    // Perform async operation
    await waitPlugin.finishWait('operationName', true, 'Operation successful');
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle error
    await waitPlugin.finishWait('operationName', false, 'Operation failed');

// Example: Finishing all wait operations
WP.finishAll(true, 'All operations finished successfully');



  • Description: Returns whether a given dateA is earlier than dateB, considering optional customization options like ignoring errors, considering hours, minutes, and seconds, and whether to consider equality as earlier.
  • Returns: true if dateA is earlier than dateB according to the specified options; otherwise, returns false.
  • Params:
    • dateA (Date): The earlier date to be checked.
    • dateB (Date): The later date to be checked.
    • options (Object): Optional. The options to customize behavior.
    • options.ignoreErrors (Boolean): Whether this function should throw or ignore errors (default: false).
    • options.considerHMS (Boolean): Whether to consider hours, minutes, and seconds in the comparison (default: false).
    • options.considerEquals (Boolean): If true, considers dateA to be earlier even if it equals dateB (default: false).


 * Example usage:

const earlierDate = new Date('2023-01-01T12:00:00Z');
const laterDate = new Date('2023-01-02T12:00:00Z');

const result = dateCompareAsc(earlierDate, laterDate);
console.log(result); // Output: true


  • Description: Returns whether a given dateA is in a later time than dateB, considering optional customization options like ignoring errors, considering hours, minutes, and seconds, and whether to consider equality as later.
  • Returns: true if dateA is in a later time than dateB according to the specified options; otherwise, returns false.
  • Params:
    • dateA (Date): The later date to be checked.
    • dateB (Date): The earlier date to be checked.
    • options (Object): Optional. The options to customize behavior.
    • options.ignoreErrors (Boolean): Whether this function should throw or ignore errors (default: false).
    • options.considerHMS (Boolean): Whether to consider hours, minutes, and seconds in the comparison (default: false).
    • options.considerEquals (Boolean): If true, considers dateA to be later even if it equals dateB (default: false).


 * Example usage:

const laterDate = new Date('2023-01-02T12:00:00Z');
const earlierDate = new Date('2023-01-01T12:00:00Z');

const result = dateCompareDesc(laterDate, earlierDate);
console.log(result); // Output: true


  • Description: Returns a default value instead of empty or null.
  • Returns: The provided value (checkValue) if it is not null or undefined; otherwise, returns the specified default value.
  • Params:
    • checkValue (Any): The value to be checked.
    • defaultValue (Any): The default value to be returned if checkValue is empty or null.


 * Example usage:

const value = null;
const defaultVal = defaultValue(value, 'Default');

console.log(defaultVal); // Output: 'Default'


  • Description: Checks if a given object is an instance of a specified type.
  • Returns: true if the object provided is an instance of the specified instance type; otherwise, returns false.
  • Params:
    • object (Any): The object to be checked.
    • instanceType (Any): The type to check against.


 * Example usage:

class Person {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

const person = new Person('Alice');
const result = isInstanceOf(person, Person);

console.log(result); // Output: true


  • Description: Checks if a given value is a numeric value.
  • Returns: true if the value provided is numeric; otherwise, returns false.
  • Params:
    • value (Any): The value to be checked.


 * Example usage:

const result1 = isNumber(42);
console.log(result1); // Output: true

const result2 = isNumber('42');
console.log(result2); // Output: false


  • Description: Checks if a given object is an object.
  • Returns: true if the object provided is an object; otherwise, returns false.
  • Params:
    • object (Any): The object to be checked.


 * Example usage:

const result1 = isObject({ name: 'John', age: 30 });
console.log(result1); // Output: true

const result2 = isObject('Hello');
console.log(result2); // Output: false



  • Description: Returns a new object with the merge of two objects, target and source.
  • Returns: A new object resulting from merging target and source.
  • Params:
    • target (Object): The target object to merge into.
    • source (Object): The source object to merge from.
    • throwsError (Boolean): Optional. Whether this function should throw errors if target or source is not an object (default: true).


 * Example usage:

const targetObject = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const sourceObject = { b: 3, c: 4 };

const mergedObject = assign(targetObject, sourceObject);
console.log(mergedObject); // Output: { a: 1, b: 3, c: 4 }


  • Description: Converts a Base64 encoded string to plain text (UTF-8) or a Buffer, depending on the environment and options.
  • Returns: Decoded plain text (UTF-8) string or Buffer.
  • Params:
    • text (string): The Base64 encoded string to decode (default: "").
    • toString (boolean): If true and in Node.js environment, decode to UTF-8 string. Default is true.


 * Example usage:

const base64String = "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"; // Example Base64 encoded string
const decodedText = base64From(base64String);
console.log(decodedText); // Output: "Hello World!"


  • Description: Converts a URL-safe base64 encoded string to a standard base64 encoded string. URL-safe base64 encoding replaces + with - and / with _ to make the string safe for use in URLs. This function converts these characters back to their standard base64 counterparts and adds padding characters (=) if necessary to make the string length a multiple of 4.
  • Returns: String - The standard base64 encoded string.
  • Params:
    • urlSafeBase64 (String): The URL-safe base64 encoded string to convert.


  const urlSafeBase64String = 'rqXRQrq_mSFhX4c2wSZJrA';
  const base64String = base64FromBase64URLSafe(urlSafeBase64String);
  console.log(base64String); // Output: 'rqXRQrq/mSFhX4c2wSZJrA=='
  const anotherUrlSafeBase64String = 'U29tZS1kYXRh';
  const anotherBase64String = base64FromBase64URLSafe(anotherUrlSafeBase64String);
  console.log(anotherBase64String); // Output: 'U29tZS1kYXRh'


  • Description: Converts an ArrayBuffer to a Base64 string.
  • Returns: The Base64-encoded string representation of the ArrayBuffer.
  • Params:
    • buffer (ArrayBuffer): The ArrayBuffer to convert to Base64.


 * Example usage:

const { base64To } = require('misc-helpers');

const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
const view = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
    view[i] = i;

const base64String = base64FromBuffer(arrayBuffer);
console.log('Base64 Encoded:', base64String);


  • Description: Returns a text in a base64 format.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The text to be transformed.
    • fromFormat (String): From what format to expect (default: utf8).
  • Returns: The text transformed into Base64 format.


 * Example usage:

const { toString } = require('misc-helpers');

const base64String = base64To("Hello, world!", "utf8");
console.log('Base64 Encoded:', base64String);


  • Description: Converts a Base64 encoded string to a binary Buffer or ArrayBuffer.
  • Params:
    • base64String (string): The Base64 encoded string to decode.
    • toString (boolean): If true and in Node.js environment, decode to UTF-8 string. Default is true.
  • Returns: Decoded binary Buffer or ArrayBuffer.


 * Example usage:

const { base64From, base64ToBuffer } = require('misc-helpers');

const base64String = "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="; // Example Base64 string
const buffer = base64ToBuffer(base64String);
console.log('Decoded Buffer:', buffer);


  • Description: Compares two ArrayBuffer objects for equality.
  • Params:
    • buffer1 (ArrayBuffer): The first ArrayBuffer.
    • buffer2 (ArrayBuffer): The second ArrayBuffer.
  • Returns: boolean - True if the buffers are equal, false otherwise.


 * Example usage:

const { bufferCompare } = require('misc-helpers');

const buffer1 = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const view1 = new Uint8Array(buffer1);
for (let i = 0; i < view1.length; i++) {
    view1[i] = i;

const buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const view2 = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
for (let i = 0; i < view2.length; i++) {
    view2[i] = i;

const isEqual = bufferCompare(buffer1, buffer2);
console.log('Buffers are equal:', isEqual);


  • Description: Concatenates two ArrayBuffer objects.
  • Params:
    • buffer1 (ArrayBuffer): The first ArrayBuffer.
    • buffer2 (ArrayBuffer): The second ArrayBuffer.
  • Returns: ArrayBuffer - The concatenated ArrayBuffer.


 * Example usage:

const { bufferConcatenate } = require('misc-helpers');

const buffer1 = new ArrayBuffer(4);
const view1 = new Uint8Array(buffer1);
view1.set([1, 2, 3, 4]);

const buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(3);
const view2 = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
view2.set([5, 6, 7]);

const concatenatedBuffer = bufferConcatenate(buffer1, buffer2);
const concatenatedView = new Uint8Array(concatenatedBuffer);

console.log('Concatenated Buffer:', concatenatedView);


  • Description: Generates a buffer from a given string in both Node.js and browser environments.
  • Params:
    • txtString (string): The string to convert to a buffer.
    • encoding (string, optional): The encoding to use (only applicable in Node.js). Default is "utf-8".
  • Returns: Buffer|Uint8Array - The buffer representation of the string.


 * Example usage:

const { bufferFromString } = require('misc-helpers');

// Node.js usage
const bufferNode = bufferFromString('Hello, World!', 'utf-8');

// Browser usage
const bufferBrowser = bufferFromString('Hello, World!');


  • Description: Generates a string from a buffer in both Node.js and browser environments.
  • Params:
    • buffer (Buffer|Uint8Array): The buffer to convert to a string.
    • encoding (string, optional): The encoding to use (only applicable in Node.js). Default is "utf-8".
  • Returns: string - The string representation of the buffer.


 * Example usage:

const { bufferToString } = require('misc-helpers');

// Node.js usage
const bufferNode = Buffer.from('Hello, World!');
const strNode = bufferToString(bufferNode);
console.log(strNode); // Output: Hello, World!

// Browser usage
const bufferBrowser = new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33]);
const strBrowser = bufferToString(bufferBrowser);
console.log(strBrowser); // Output: Hello, World!


  • Description: Returns the time value given the seconds, either adding or subtracting the seconds from the current time.
  • Params:
    • seconds (Number): Value to be added or subtracted in seconds.
    • add (Boolean, optional): Whether to add (true) or subtract (false) the seconds from the current time. Default is true.
  • Returns: Number - The time value in milliseconds.


 * Example usage:

const { calculateSecondsInTime } = require('misc-helpers');

// Adding seconds
const addedTime = calculateSecondsInTime(60); // Adds 60 seconds to the current time
console.log(addedTime); // Output: Current time + 60 seconds

// Subtracting seconds
const subtractedTime = calculateSecondsInTime(60, false); // Subtracts 60 seconds from the current time
console.log(subtractedTime); // Output: Current time - 60 seconds


  • Description: Returns a float value from a given money string formatted in Brazilian Real (BRL) currency.
  • Params:
    • moneyString (String): The money string to be transformed into a float.
  • Returns: Float - The float representation of the money string, or false if conversion fails.


 * Example usage:

const { currencyBRToFloat } = require('misc-helpers');

// Valid money string
const money1 = "R$ 1.234,56";
const result1 = currencyBRToFloat(money1);
console.log(result1); // Output: 1234.56 (float)

// Another valid money string
const money2 = "R$ 999,99";
const result2 = currencyBRToFloat(money2);
console.log(result2); // Output: 999.99 (float)

// Invalid money string
const invalidMoney = "R$ ABC";
const result3 = currencyBRToFloat(invalidMoney);
console.log(result3); // Output: false (conversion failed)


  • Description: Returns a new Date object with the hour, minute, second, and millisecond set to 00:00:00.
  • Params:
    • date (Date): The date object for which the time should be set to the first hour of the day.
  • Returns: Date - A new Date object with hour, minute, second, and millisecond set to 00:00:00.


 * Example usage:

const { dateFirstHourOfDay } = require('misc-helpers');

// Create a new Date object
const date = new Date();

// Set the date to the first hour of the day
const result = dateFirstHourOfDay(date);
console.log(result); // Output: Date object with time set to 00:00:00


  • Description: Returns a new Date object with the hour, minute, second, and millisecond set to 23:59:59.
  • Params:
    • date (Date): The date object for which the time should be set to the last hour of the day.
  • Returns: Date - A new Date object with hour, minute, second, and millisecond set to 23:59:59.


 * Example usage:

const { dateLastHourOfDay } = require('misc-helpers');

// Create a new Date object
const date = new Date();

// Set the date to the last hour of the day
const result = dateLastHourOfDay(date);
console.log(result); // Output: Date object with time set to 23:59:59


  • Description: Returns a formatted string representation of a Date object according to the specified format.
  • Params:
    • date (Date): The Date object to format.
    • stringFormat (String): Optional. The format string in which the Date object should be formatted. Default is dd-MM-yyyy.
  • Returns: String - A string formatted according to the specified format.


 * Example usage:

const { constants, dateToFormat } = require('misc-helpers');

// Create a new Date object
const date = new Date();

// Format the date according to the Brazilian date format
const formattedDate = dateToFormat(date, constants.DATE_BR_FORMAT_D);
console.log(formattedDate); // Output: Formatted date string according to the format dd-MM-yyyy


  • Description: Debounces a function until the timeout period has elapsed, ensuring it is executed only once within that period.
  • Params:
    • callback (Function): The function to be executed after the timeout period.
    • timeout (Integer): Optional. The timeout period in milliseconds. Default is 1000 milliseconds.
  • Returns: Function - A debounced function that delays execution of callback until after the timeout period has elapsed.


 * Example usage:

const { debouncer } = require('misc-helpers');

// Define a function to be debounced
function fetchData(query) {
  // Simulating an asynchronous operation
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log(`Fetching data for query: ${query}`);
    }, 500);

// Create a debounced version of fetchData with a timeout of 1000 milliseconds
const debouncedFetchData = debouncer(fetchData, 1000);

// Invoke the debounced function multiple times in rapid succession
debouncedFetchData("search query 1");
debouncedFetchData("search query 2");
debouncedFetchData("search query 3");

// Only one execution of fetchData will occur after the timeout period (1000 milliseconds)


  • Description: Removes specified keys from an object.
  • Params:
    • object (Object): The object from which keys should be deleted.
    • keys (Array): The array of keys to be deleted from the object.
  • Returns: Object - The object with the specified keys removed.


 * Example usage:

const { deleteKeys } = require('misc-helpers');

// Example object
let user = {
  id: 1,
  username: "john_doe",
  email: "john.doe@example.com",
  password: "password123",

// Keys to delete
const keysToDelete = ["password", "email"];

// Remove keys from the user object
const modifiedUser = deleteKeys(user, keysToDelete);

// Output: { id: 1, username: 'john_doe' }


  • Description: Generates a new random string based on specified size and options.
  • Params:
    • size (Integer): The size of the string to generate (default: 32).
    • options (Object): Optional. The options to customize behavior.
      • options.excludeLowerCaseChars (Boolean): Whether to exclude lowercase characters (default: false).
      • options.excludeUpperCaseChars (Boolean): Whether to exclude uppercase characters (default: false).
      • options.excludeAccentedChars (Boolean): Whether to exclude accented characters (default: false).
      • options.excludeDigits (Boolean): Whether to exclude digits (default: false).
      • options.excludeSymbols (Boolean): Whether to exclude symbols (default: false).
      • options.includeSymbols (String): A string with customized symbols to include.
  • Returns: String - A new random string based on the specified criteria.


 * Example usage:

const { generateRandomString } = require('misc-helpers');

// Generate a random string of size 16 with default options
const randomString1 = generateRandomString(16);

// Generate a random string of size 8 excluding digits and symbols
const randomString2 = generateRandomString(8, {
  excludeDigits: true,
  excludeSymbols: true


  • Description: Returns a new simple string identifier based on a given text and optional separator.
  • Params:
    • id (String): The string text identifier to incorporate into the new id.
    • separator (String): Optional. The separator between id parts (default: "_").
  • Returns: String - A new string identifier combining the given text, current timestamp, and random number.


 * Example usage:

const { generateSimpleId } = require('misc-helpers');

// Generate a simple id with default separator
const id1 = generateSimpleId("example");

// Generate a simple id with custom separator
const id2 = generateSimpleId("example", "-");


  • Description: Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds from a given reference time using Node.js process.hrtime.
  • Params:
    • time (BigInteger): Optional. The reference time in milliseconds to compare against (default: 0).
  • Returns: BigInteger - The elapsed time in milliseconds from the given time.


 * Example usage:

const { getExecutionTime } = require('misc-helpers');

// Measure execution time of a function
const start = process.hrtime();
// Perform some operation or function here
const end = getExecutionTime(start);
console.log(`Execution time: ${end} ms`);


  • Description: Returns an object parsed from a JSON string.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The JSON string to parse into an object.
    • throwsError (Boolean): Optional. Whether this function should throw an error on parsing failure (default: true).
  • Returns: Object - The parsed object from the JSON string, or null if parsing fails and throwsError is false.


 * Example usage:

const { JSONFrom } = require('misc-helpers');

const jsonString = '{"key": "value"}';
const parsedObject = JSONFrom(jsonString);
console.log(parsedObject); // Output: { key: 'value' }


  • Description: Returns a JSON string representation of an object.
  • Params:
    • object (Object): Optional. The object to be transformed into a JSON string (default: {}).
    • throwsError (Boolean): Optional. Whether this function should throw an error on stringification failure (default: true).
  • Returns: String - The JSON string representation of the object, or null if stringification fails and throwsError is false.


 * Example usage:

const { JSONTo } = require('misc-helpers');

const obj = { key: 'value' };
const jsonString = JSONTo(obj);
console.log(jsonString); // Output: '{"key":"value"}'


  • Description: Decrypts a message from encrypted chunks using RSA-OAEP decryption.
  • Params:
    • privateKey (string): The RSA private key in PEM format.
    • messageChunks (string[]): An array of encrypted message chunks.
    • props (Object): Optional. Additional decryption properties (default: {}).
    • props.algorithm (string): Optional. Encryption algorithm to use (default: 'RSA-OAEP').
    • props.inputEncoding (string): Optional. Input encoding of the encrypted chunks (default: 'base64').
    • props.outputEncoding (string): Optional. Output encoding of the decrypted message (default: 'utf8').
  • Returns: Promise - A Promise that resolves to the decrypted message as a string.
  • Throws: Error - If decryption fails or any other error occurs.


 * Example usage:

const { messageDecryptFromChunks } = require('misc-helpers');
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');

async function decryptMessage() {
  const privateKey = readFileSync("private_key.pem", "utf8");
  const messageChunks = [

  try {
    const decryptedMessage = await messageDecryptFromChunks(privateKey, messageChunks);
    console.log("Decrypted Message:", decryptedMessage);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Decryption Error:", error);



  • Description: Encrypts a message into chunks using RSA-OAEP encryption.
  • Params:
    • publicKey (string): The RSA public key in PEM format.
    • message (string): The message to encrypt.
    • props (Object): Optional. Additional encryption properties (default: {}).
    • props.algorithm (string): Optional. Encryption algorithm to use (default: 'RSA-OAEP').
    • props.inputEncoding (string): Optional. Input encoding of the message (default: 'utf8').
    • props.outputEncoding (string): Optional. Output encoding of the encrypted chunks (default: 'base64').
    • props.chunkSize (number): Optional. The size of each chunk in bytes (default: 190).
  • Returns: Promise<string[]> - A Promise that resolves to an array of encrypted message chunks.
  • Throws: Error - If encryption fails or any other error occurs.


 * Example usage:

const { messageEncryptToChunks } = require('misc-helpers');
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');

async function encryptMessage() {
  const publicKey = readFileSync("public_key.pem", "utf8");
  const message = "This is a secret message to encrypt.";

  try {
    const encryptedChunks = await messageEncryptToChunks(publicKey, message);
    console.log("Encrypted Chunks:", encryptedChunks);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Encryption Error:", error);



  • Description: Returns a text normalized.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The text to be normalized.
  • Returns: String - The text normalized.


 * Example usage:

const { normalize } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "héllõ wórld";
const normalizedText = normalize(text);
console.log(normalizedText); // Output: "hello world"


  • Description: Pushes a message into a log object with the current time.
  • Params:
    • logObj (Array): The log object array to which the message should be pushed.
    • message (Boolean): The message to be pushed.
    • more_info (Any): Optional. Additional information to be added to the log message.
  • Returns: Array - The log object array with the new message pushed into it.


 * Example usage:

const { pushLogMessage } = require('misc-helpers');

let log = [];
log = pushLogMessage(log, "Error occurred", { errorCode: 500 });


  • Description: Returns a string containing only digits from the input text.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The text from which digits should be extracted.
  • Returns: String - The text containing only digits.


 * Example usage:

const { regexDigitsOnly } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "abc123xyz456";
const digitsOnly = regexDigitsOnly(text);
console.log(digitsOnly); // Output: "123456"


  • Description: Returns a string containing only letters from the input text.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The text from which letters should be extracted.
  • Returns: String - The text containing only letters.


 * Example usage:

const { regexLettersOnly } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "123abc456XYZ!@#";
const lettersOnly = regexLettersOnly(text);
console.log(lettersOnly); // Output: "abcXYZ"


  • Description: Returns a string with specified regex replaced by the provided replacement string.
  • Params:
    • text (String): String containing values to be replaced.
    • regex (String): Optional. The regex pattern to keep (default: "A-Za-zÀ-ú0-9 ").
    • replacement (String): Optional. The string to replace matching patterns in the text.
  • Returns: String - The modified string with replacements.


 * Example usage:

const { regexReplaceTrim } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "abc123XYZ456!@#";
const replacedText = regexReplaceTrim(text, "A-Za-z", "-");
console.log(replacedText); // Output: "---123---456---#"


  • Description: Returns a string with duplicated substrings removed.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The string to be checked for duplicates.
    • splitString (String): Optional. The character or substring used to split the text into array elements (default: " ").
    • caseInsensitive (Boolean): Optional. Whether to remove duplicates case-insensitively (default: false).
  • Returns: String - The modified string with duplicated substrings removed.


 * Example usage:

const { removeDuplicatedStrings } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "apple banana apple orange banana";
const uniqueText = removeDuplicatedStrings(text, " ");
console.log(uniqueText); // Output: "apple banana orange"


  • Description: Creates a delay for a specified number of milliseconds and optionally returns a value or throws an error.
  • Params:
    • milliseconds (Number): The number of milliseconds to sleep.
    • returnValue (Any): The value to be returned or used in the rejection after the sleep. Default is true.
    • throwError (Boolean): Whether to throw an error after the sleep. Default is false.
  • Returns: Promise<Any> - A promise that resolves to returnValue after the delay or rejects with returnValue if throwError is true.


 * Example usage:

const sleep = require("./sleep");

// Using sleep to delay for 2 seconds and then log a message
sleep(2000, "Wake up!").then((message) => {
  console.log(message); // Output: "Wake up!"

// Using sleep to throw an error after 2 seconds
sleep(2000, "Error occurred", true).catch((error) => {
  console.error(error); // Output: "Error occurred"


  • Description: Returns an array by splitting a string using a specified character.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The string to be split.
    • char (String): Optional. The character used to split the string (default: " ").
  • Returns: Array - An array of substrings.


 * Example usage:

const { split } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "apple,banana,orange";
const array = split(text, ",");
console.log(array); // Output: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]


  • Description: Returns a text compressed using gzip compression.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The text to be compressed.
    • raw (Boolean): Optional. If true, returns the compressed data as raw gzip encoding (default: false).
    • options (Object): Optional. Additional options for compression.
    • options.level (Integer): Optional. Compression level (0-9, where 0 is no compression and 9 is maximum compression) (default: 3).
    • options.mem (Integer): Optional. Memory usage parameter (default: 16).
  • Returns: Promise<String | Uint8Array> - A Promise that resolves to the compressed text or raw gzip encoding.
  • Throws: Error - If compression fails or any other error occurs.


 * Example usage:

const { stringCompress } = require('misc-helpers');

async function compressText() {
  const text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
  try {
    const compressedText = await stringCompress(text);
    console.log("Compressed Text:", compressedText);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Compression Error:", error);



  • Description: Returns a text decompressed from gzip compression.
  • Params:
    • gzipped (String | Uint8Array): The text or Uint8Array to be decompressed, possibly base64 encoded if raw is false.
    • raw (Boolean): Optional. If true, expects gzipped to be raw Uint8Array data; if false, expects gzipped to be base64 encoded (default: false).
  • Returns: Promise - A Promise that resolves to the decompressed text.
  • Throws: Error - If decompression fails or any other error occurs.


 * Example usage:

const { stringDecompress } = require('misc-helpers');

async function decompressText() {
  const gzippedText = "H4sIAAAAAAAA/8vJLS5R4EvyKklRjQQAAP//WgkIbAAAA";
  try {
    const decompressedText = await stringDecompress(gzippedText, true);
    console.log("Decompressed Text:", decompressedText);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Decompression Error:", error);



  • Description: Returns a new Date object parsed from a string date representation.
  • Params:
    • stringDate (String): The string date to be parsed.
    • stringFormat (String): Optional. The format in which the string date text is provided (default: 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z').
    • defaultDate (Date): Optional. The default date to use if parsing fails (default: current date).
  • Returns: Date - A new Date object parsed from the string date, adjusted for timezone.
  • Throws: None.


 * Example usage:

const { constants, stringToDate } = require('misc-helpers');

const dateString = "2023-06-14T12:00:00.000Z";
const parsedDate = stringToDate(dateString, constants.DATE_ISO_FORMAT);
console.log("Parsed Date:", parsedDate);


  • Description: Returns a formatted string date parsed from a string date representation.
  • Params:
    • stringDate (String): The string date to be parsed.
    • fromFormat (String): Optional. The format in which the string date text is provided (default: 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS').
    • toFormat (String): Optional. The format to which the parsed date should be formatted (default: 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss').
  • Returns: String - A formatted string date representation.
  • Throws: None.


 * Example usage:

const { constants, stringToDateToFormat} = require('misc-helpers');

const dateString = "2023-06-14T12:00:00.000Z";
const formattedDate = stringToDateToFormat(dateString, constants.DATE_ISO_FORMAT, constants.DATE_BR_HOUR_FORMAT_D);
console.log("Formatted Date:", formattedDate);


  • Description: Returns a string formatted according to a given pattern.
  • Params:
    • text (Any): The text to be formatted.
    • pattern (String): Optional. The pattern specifying how the text should be formatted (default: "##.###.###/####-##").
    • options (Object): Optional. The options to customize behavior.
      • options.digitsOnly (Boolean): Whether to apply digits-only transformation (default: false).
      • options.paddingChar (String): The padding character to use (default: '0').
  • Returns: String - A string formatted according to the specified pattern.
  • Throws: None.


 * Example usage:

const { constants, stringToFormat } = require('misc-helpers');

const cnpj = "12345678000195";
const formattedCnpj = stringToFormat(cnpj, constants.STRING_FORMAT_CNPJ);
console.log("Formatted CNPJ:", formattedCnpj); // Output: "12.345.678/0001-95"


  • Description: Returns a text compressed using zlib compression.
  • Params:
    • text (String): The text to be compressed.
    • raw (Boolean): Optional. If true, returns the raw zlib compressed data (default: false).
    • options (Object): Optional. The options to customize compression.
      • options.level (Integer): Compression level (default: undefined).
      • options.mem (Integer): Memory usage (default: undefined).
  • Returns: String - The compressed text as a base64 encoded string if raw is false, otherwise as a Uint8Array.
  • Throws: Error - If compression fails or any other error occurs.


 * Example usage:

const { stringZLibCompress } = require('misc-helpers');

async function compressText() {
  const text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
  try {
    const compressedText = await stringZLibCompress(text);
    console.log("Compressed Text:", compressedText);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Compression Error:", error);



  • Description: Returns a text decompressed using zlib decompression.
  • Params:
    • zlibbed (String): The zlib compressed text to be decompressed.
    • raw (Boolean): Optional. If true, indicates that the input zlibbed text is base64 encoded (default: false).
  • Returns: String - The decompressed text.
  • Throws: Error - If decompression fails or any other error occurs.


 * Example usage:

const { stringZLibDecompress } = require('misc-helpers');

async function decompressText() {
  const zlibbedText = "eJzT0yMAAGTvBe8=";
  try {
    const decompressedText = await stringZLibDecompress(zlibbedText, true);
    console.log("Decompressed Text:", decompressedText);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Decompression Error:", error);



  • Description: Returns a string representation of a given value.
  • Params:
    • textObj (Any): Value to be converted to a string.
    • objectToJSON (Boolean): Optional. Whether to transform objects to JSON stringified form (default: true).
  • Returns: String - The string representation of the provided value.


 * Example usage:

const { toString } = require('misc-helpers');

const obj = { key: 'value' };
const str = toString(obj);
console.log(str); // Output: '{"key":"value"}'

const num = 123;
const numStr = toString(num);
console.log(numStr); // Output: '123'


  • Description: Returns a Uint8Array representation of a string.
  • Params:
    • text (String): Value to be converted to a Uint8Array.
    • joinChar (String): Optional. Character to join Uint8Array elements into a string.
  • Returns: Uint8Array or String - If joinChar is provided, returns the joined string representation of Uint8Array; otherwise, returns Uint8Array itself.


 * Example usage:

const { uint8ArrayFromString } = require('misc-helpers');

const text = "Hello, world!";
const uint8Array = uint8ArrayFromString(text);
console.log(uint8Array); // Output: Uint8Array [ 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33 ]

const joinedString = uint8ArrayFromString(text, '-');
console.log(joinedString); // Output: '72-101-108-108-111-44-32-119-111-114-108-100-33'


  • Description: Converts a Uint8Array or an array of bytes into a string.
  • Params:
    • uint8Array (Uint8Array or Array): The Uint8Array or array of bytes to convert to a string.
    • splitChar (String): Optional. Character to split Uint8Array elements before conversion.
  • Returns: String - The converted string representation of the Uint8Array or array of bytes.


 * Example usage:

const { uint8ArrayToString } = require('misc-helpers');

const uint8Array = new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33]);
const text = uint8ArrayToString(uint8Array);
console.log(text); // Output: 'Hello, world!'

const joinedString = '72-101-108-108-111-44-32-119-111-114-108-100-33';
const convertedText = uint8ArrayToString(joinedString, '-');
console.log(convertedText); // Output: 'Hello, world!'



  • Description: Validates a given CADICMS from the Brazilian Paraná State.
  • Params:
    • cadicms (String): The CADICMS value to be validated.
  • Returns: Boolean - Returns true if the CADICMS is valid, otherwise false.


 * Example usage:

const { validateCADICMSPR } = require('misc-helpers');

const validCADICMS = "1234567890";
const invalidCADICMS = "9876543210";

console.log(validateCADICMSPR(validCADICMS)); // Output: true
console.log(validateCADICMSPR(invalidCADICMS)); // Output: false


  • Description: Validates a given CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, Brazilian corporate taxpayer registry number).
  • Params:
    • cnpj (String): The CNPJ value to be validated.
  • Returns: Boolean - Returns true if the CNPJ is valid, otherwise false.


 * Example usage:

const { validateCNPJ } = require('misc-helpers');

const validCNPJ = "12.345.678/0001-99";
const invalidCNPJ = "11.111.111/1111-11";

console.log(validateCNPJ(validCNPJ)); // Output: true
console.log(validateCNPJ(invalidCNPJ)); // Output: false


  • Description: Validates a given CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas, Brazilian individual taxpayer registry number).
  • Params:
    • cpf (String): The CPF value to be validated.
  • Returns: Boolean - Returns true if the CPF is valid, otherwise false.


 * Example usage:

const { validateCPF } = require('misc-helpers');

const validCPF = "123.456.789-09";
const invalidCPF = "111.111.111-11";

console.log(validateCPF(validCPF)); // Output: true
console.log(validateCPF(invalidCPF)); // Output: false


  • Description: Validates a given email address using a regular expression.
  • Params:
    • email (String): The email address to be validated.
  • Returns: Boolean - Returns true if the email address is valid according to the regular expression, otherwise false.


 * Example usage:

const { validateEmail } = require('misc-helpers');

const validEmail = "example@email.com";
const invalidEmail = "example.email.com";

console.log(validateEmail(validEmail)); // Output: true
console.log(validateEmail(invalidEmail)); // Output: false


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