A wrapper for microservices strategies, based on Pigato (ZeroMQ) with an optional network abstraction for Docker Links.
Also provides Pub/Sub functionalities .
npm install --save microservices-layer
var port = 1234;
var host = 'localhost';
var MsLayer = require('microservices-layer');
MicroServices = new MsLayer.Client(port, host);
// the service identifier string. DON'T use hifens or underscores in the name.
// the json payload
some: 'payload',
any: 'data'
// callback
function(err, response){
// do something
Since 1.0.6 you can abstract your network between Docker containers using Docker Links. Just use the same string for your service name and your service's Docker container/link (In the service).
var port = 1234;
var MsLayer = require('microservices-layer');
MicroServices = new MsLayer.Client(port, null, {docker:true});
// the service identifier string. DON'T use hifens or underscores in the name.
// the json payload
some: 'payload',
any: 'data'
// callback
function(err, response){
// do something
Client is lazy, it means that the tcp connection with zmq will be only open the first time the service is called and, as the connection is based on the service name, you don't need any additional configuration besides the Docker Links. Just request the service by its name, enywhere in your code.
The service will not change its configuration, it will be the same for localhost or Docker environments. Just use the right service name.
var MsLayer = require('microservices-layer');
var serviceName = 'someservice'; // the service identifier string. DON'T use hifens or underscores in the name.
var serviceConfigs = {
port: 1234
var serviceGateway = function(params, reply){
// some logic maybe...
// call some internal functions
case "create" : createSomething(params, function(data){ reply.end(data); }); break;
case "read" : readSomething(params, function(data){ reply.end(data); }); break;
case "update" : updateSomething(params, function(data){ reply.end(data); }); break;
case "delete" : deleteSomething(params, function(data){ reply.end(data); }); break;
// invalid command
sta: 0,
msg: 'invalid:cmd'
var service = new MsLayer.Service(serviceName, serviceGateway, serviceConfigs);
Since 0.1.2 you can use Pub/Sub directly with this module and with a very simple syntax.
var MsLayer = require('microservices-layer');
var Publisher = new MsLayer.Pub(3002);
// then, somewhere in your code...
Publisher.publish('SomeEvent', { some:'value', other: 'value' });
var MsLayer = require('microservices-layer');
Subscriber = new MsLayer.Sub(3002);
// subscription is automatic, just set your callback
Subscriber.on('someEvent', function(data){
// do something