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1.0.0 • Public • Published


Simplistic Context provider and consumer hook in order to manage MetaMask in the browser.


The recommend way to use MetaMask React with a React app is to install it as a dependency.

If you use npm:

npm install metamask-connetor-ts

Or if you use yarn:

yarn add metamask-connetor-ts

Quick Start

The first step is to wrap you App or any React subtree with the MetaMaskProvider

// index.js
import { MetaMaskProvider } from "metamask-connetor-ts";


      <App />

In any React child of the provider, one can use the useMetaMask hook in order to access the state and methods.

// app.js
import { useMetaMask, Status } from "metamask-connetor-ts";


function App() {
    const { status, connect, account, chainId, ethereum } = useMetaMask();

    if (status === Status.INITIALIZING) return <div>Synchronisation with MetaMask ongoing...</div>

    if (status === Status.UNAVAILABLE) return <div>MetaMask not available :(</div>

    if (status === Status.NOT_CONNECTED) return <button onClick={connect}>Connect to MetaMask</button>

    if (status === Status.CONNECTING) return <div>Connecting...</div>

    if (status === Status.CONNECTED) return <div>Connected account {account} on chain ID {chainId}</div>

    return null;

Statuses and behaviour

The MetaMaskProvider will first initialise the state with initializing status, the account and chainId will be null. A synchronization is performed in order to derive the MetaMask state.

If the ethereum object is not present or if it is not the one associated to MetaMask, the synchronisation will change the status to unavailable.

Otherwise, a check is performed in order to detect if MetaMask has already connected accounts for the application.

In case of no connected accounts, the status will be notConnected, otherwise the status will be connected.

Here is an abstract on the different statuses:

  • initializing: the provider is currently initializing by synchronizing with MetaMask
  • unavailable: MetaMask is not available, nothing will be done
  • notConnected: MetaMask is available but not connected to the application
  • connected: MetaMask is connected to the application
  • connecting: the connection of your accounts to the application is ongoing

Chain utils

The context exposes two methods in order to facilitate the management of the networks. These methods are wrappers around the JSON RPC requests handled by MetaMask, see MetaMask documentation for additonal informations.

Request a switch to a different network

function WrongNetwork() {
  const { switchChain } = useMetaMask();
  // Request a switch to Ethereum Mainnet
  return (
    <button onClick={() => switchChain("0x1")}>Switch to Ethereum Mainnet</button>

Request to add to MetaMask a network and then connect to it

function WrongNetwork() {
  const { addChain } = useMetaMask();
  const gnosisChainNetworkParams = {
    chainId: "0x64",
    chainName: "Gnosis Chain",
    rpcUrls: [""],
    nativeCurrency: {
      name: "xDAI",
      symbol: "xDAI",
      decimals: 18,
    blockExplorerUrls: [""]
  // Request to add Gnosis chain and then switch to it
  return (
    <button onClick={() => addChain(gnosisChainNetworkParams)}>Add Gnosis chain</button>

Call metamask to sign a transaction

function TransferHandler() {
  const { transfer, getSigner } = useMetaMask();
  const handleTransfer = async () => {
    const signer = await getSigner()
    const contract = new ethers.Contract(
    const decimals = await contract.decimals()
    const tx = {
      to: '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',
      value: 0,
      data: contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('transfer', [
        utils.parseUnits('500', decimals)
      gasLimit: 100000
    await signer.sendTransaction(tx)
  return (
    <button onClick={handleTransfer}>Handle Tranfer</button>

Call metamask to send a transfer

function TransferHandler() {
  const { transfer } = useMetaMask();
  const onTransfer = async () => {
    const tx = {
      to: '0x479A641d2d037a46fb68d9d0d0Ac8183d911c8B1',
      value: utils.parseEther('1')
    const txResponse = await transfer(tx)
  return (
    <button onClick={onTransfer}>Call a Transfer</button>

Call metamask to invoke the contract method

function ContractMethodHandler() {
  const { callContractMethod } = useMetaMask();
  const call = async () => {
      contractAddress: '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',
      methodName: 'transfer',
      params: [],
      abi: []
  return (
    <button onClick={call}>Call Contract Method</button>

Finally, here is a non exhaustive list of the networks and their chain IDs

const networks = {
  mainnet: "0x1", // 1
  // Test nets
  goerli: "0x5", // 5
  ropsten: "0x3", // 3
  rinkeby: "0x4", // 4
  kovan: "0x2a", // 42
  mumbai: "0x13881", // 80001
  // Layers 2
  arbitrum: "0xa4b1", // 42161
  optimism: "0xa", // 10
  // Side chains
  polygon: "0x89", // 137
  gnosisChain: "0x64", // 100
  // Alt layer 1
  binanceSmartChain: "0x38", // 56
  avalanche: "0xa86a", // 43114
  cronos: "0x19", // 25
  fantom: "0xfa" // 250

Type safe hook

Most of the time, the application will use the state when the user is connected, i.e. with status connected. Therefore the hook useConnectedMetaMask is additionally exposed, it is the same hook as useMetaMask but is typed with the connected state, e.g. the account or the chainId are necessarily not null. This hook is only usable when the status is equal to connected, it will throw otherwise.

function MyComponent() {
  const {
    // typed as string - can not be null
    // typed as string - can not be null
  } = useConnectedMetaMask();

  return <div>Connected account {account} on chain ID {chainId}</div>

Special Thanks

This project is based on the metamask-react, which provides a solid foundation for our work. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the contributors and maintainers of the original project for their hard work and dedication.

Why Fork?

We originally started our development work on the metamask-react, but soon realized that some aspects of the original repository didn't align with our needs. Despite submitting pull requests and opening issues to address these concerns, we weren't able to reach a resolution with the project maintainers. As a result, we decided to fork the original repository and create this new project. This allows us to make the necessary modifications to the codebase and tailor it to our specific use case, while still benefiting from the ongoing improvements and bug fixes in the upstream repository. We understand that forking a repository can be seen as a last resort, and we want to emphasize that we made every effort to work with the original project before taking this step. Ultimately, we believe that this was the best course of action to ensure that our project meets the needs of our users and stakeholders.


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