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Utilities for React + Bacon MEGABLOB development

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MEGABLOB architecture is awesome. However, there is some boilerplate that must be written before the actual development can begin. This project contains some essential utilities which can deal the boilerplate and enable rapid development startup.


You need to install this package, react and baconjs

npm i --save react baconjs megablob


MEGABLOB provides a set of functions / React components that can be used by requiring the package

const {<functions/components...>} = require("megablob")



Creates a new action that can be called as normal function taking single argument. Internally this uses Bacon.Bus and .push and binds the bus instance to the function so that no bus.push.bind(bus) is needed.

In addition it detects the calling environment so that in nodejs environment the returned functions are no-op, thus enabling some memory and performance improvements (because no extra buses are created).

The underlying bus can be accessed by using .$ member variable.


// actions.js
const {createAction} = require("megablob")
export const increment = createAction()

// state.js
const {increment} = require("./actions")
export default initState({counter = 0}) {
  return increment.$.map(1).scan(counter, (state, step) => state + step)

// component.js
const {increment} = require("./actions")
export default React.createClass({
  render() {
    return <button onClick={increment}>+</button>


(state, Function<state,Property<state>>, Function<state,_>) => _

This function takes three arguments:

  1. Initial state of the application
  2. Function which takes state as an input value and returns "application state property" Bacon.Property (aka MEGABLOB)
  3. Function which is called every time when the "application state" changes. The new state is given as a parameter

This function is meant to be used in the entry point of the browser application (top level). It deals automatically the live reloading / hot module replacement if such thing is used with Browserify/Webpack.

ATTENTION: At the moment only one startApp call per application is supported!


// appState.js
export function appState(initialState = {}) {
  return Bacon.combineTemplate({
    ...init state...

// entry.js
const {startApp} = require("megablob")
const appState = require("./appState")

startApp(window.INITIAL_STATE, appState, state => {
  React.render(<MyApp {...state} />, document.getElementById("app"))


flatUpdate :: (state, [Observable+, [Function<(state,args),Observable<A>>, Function<(state, A),newState>]]+) => Observable<state>

This function is the successor of Bacon.update. It is fully backwards compatible with Bacon.update syntax but it also enables "2-stage" async state updating by using two separate functions

  1. The first function receives the current state and triggering event stream values. It can returns an (asynchronous) stream.
  2. The second function processes the values from the first stream and synchronously returns the new state based on those values

Usage example:

const stateP = flatUpdate(initialState,
 [event1S], (state, newState) => newState,                   // supports normal Bacon.update
 [event2S], (state, newState) => Bacon.later(100, newState)  // supports delayed state updating
 [event3S], [submitForm, handleSubmitResult]                 // supports 2-stage state updating
function submitForm(state, event) {
  return Bacon.later(1000, doSomethingWith(state, event))  // simulate "server"
function handleSubmitResult(state, resultFromServer) {
 return {...state, ...resultFromServer}   // resultFromServer === doSomething(state, event)




Any important utility function/component missing that should be included? Please raise an issue or create a pull request. All contributions are welcome!

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  • milankinen