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1.0.1 • Public • Published

MarkdownArea autosuggest extension

This is the tiniest imaginable autosuggest interface for the Tiniest Markdown Editor for the web. It renders the current suggestion as a text selection, so there's no UI - your textarea is still just a textarea.

Check out the demo to see how it works.


npm install --save mdarea-suggest

Or you can download the raw archive from the Releases section.

Add the mdarea-suggest.js or mdarea-suggest.min.js script to your page or bundle after mdarea.js or mdarea.min.js.

Like mdarea, mdarea-suggest is written in TypeScript and therefore includes native typings out of the box. The package exposes the extension class as the default export and type declarations for the options object are available as named exports:

import MarkdownAreaSuggest, { SuggestOptions } from 'mdarea-suggest';

Register the extension during MarkdownArea initialisation:

<textarea id="mdarea"></textarea>

<script type="application/javascript">
  const loadHashtags = async (prefix, signal) => {
    const response = await fetch('/hashtags?prefix=' + encodeURIComponent(prefix), { signal });
    return response.json();

  var editor = new MarkdownArea(document.getElementById('mdarea'), {
    extensions: [
      new MarkdownAreaSuggest(loadHashtags, {
        pattern: /#[a-z0-9._]*/i


  • new MarkdownAreaSuggest(loader[, options])

    Creates a new instance of the extension. See below for info on the constructor arguments.

That's it - the extension doesn't have any other public methods that you need to know about. It is automatically managed and destroyed by the editor.

Constructor arguments

  • loader (required, (prefix: string, signal: AbortSignal) => Promise<string[]> | string[])

    This function is responsible for obtaining suggestions matching a given prefix. The function can do anything - filter an in-memory array or load suggestions from an API or anything else really, but it should always return an array of strings, or a Promise which resolves to an array of strings. The signal argument will be an AbortSignal instance if AbortController is implemented (or polyfilled) in the browser; you can pass it directly to fetch() as shown above or you can bind a listener to its abort event using the standard addEventListener() method.

  • options (object)

    • pattern (RegExp | string, default \S+)

      Specifies the pattern that the suggestion prefix must match in order for autosuggest to be triggered. The pattern is tested on each keystroke against the string immediately to the left of the cursor. Even though the pattern is optional, you'll probably want to specify it. Usually the pattern has something fixed at the start - e.g. # or @ or even [@#], followed by a pattern for the contents of the suggestion (e.g. [a-z0-9._] might be a good starting point for @mentions and #hashtags). The pattern should never match the empty string and ideally it also shouldn't match across line boundaries to keep it reasonably performant even if the text in the editor is long.

    • keyMap (object)

      Lets you customize the default key mapping for the autosuggest extension. The keys of the keyMap object correspond to the actions: prev, next, accept and cancel. The values can be either comma-separated strings or an array of strings containing the names of keys which should trigger the specified action.

      Note that unlike mdarea the autosuggest extension doesn't support key combinations, only single keys. The default mapping is as follows:

      Action Keys
      prev ArrowUp, Up
      next ArrowDown, Down
      accept ArrowRight, Right, Enter, Tab, Accept
      cancel ArrowLeft, Left, Escape, Cancel


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  • jahudka