
0.0.19 • Public • Published


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May Starter

create-react-app without react.


  • build is designed to automate tasks in everyday front-end development
  • using the template engine twig
  • using the preprocessor SCSS
  • using the bootstrap grid Bootstrap
  • using the transpiler Babel to support modern JavaScript (ES6) in browsers
  • using the bundler Webpack to build JavaScript modules


npx create-may-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

Get Started Immediately You don’t need to install or configure tools like Gulp, Webpack or Babel. They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.

Just create a project, and you’re good to go.

If you did everything right, browser with a local server should be opened. The build mode implies project optimization: image compression, autoprefixing of CSS, minification of CSS and JS files for uploading to the server.

File structure

├── build
├── public
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── media
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── favicons
│   │   └── sprite.svg
│   └── .htaccess
├── src
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── favicon.{image type}
│   │   └── svg
│   ├── js
│   ├── scss
│   └── views
│       └── data.js
├── may.config.js
├── package.json
├── .eslintrc.js
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierrc.js
└── .stylelintrc.js
  • Root folder:
    • .eslintrc.js — configure ESLint
    • .prettierrc.js — configure Prettier
    • .stylelintrc.js — configure Stylelint
    • .gitignore – a ban on tracking files Git
    • may.config.js — Gulp tasks settings
  • Folder public - Define files to be moved at the root of build folder (e.g. .htaccess).
    • fonts: public/assets/fonts
    • media files, wich will be deleted, after landing on backend: public/assets/media
    • images: public/assets/images
      • favicons, generated from src/images/favicon.{img}: public/assets/images/favicons
      • svg sprite, generated from src/images/svg/**/*.{svg}: public/assets/images/sprite.svg
    • Apache web server configuration file with settings gzip (lossless compression): public/.htaccess
  • Folder src - used during development:
    • images: src/images
      • favicon, generates from src/images/favicon.{img}, to public/assets/images/favicons
      • svg sprite, generates from src/images/svg/**/*.{svg}, to public/assets/images/sprite.svg
      • all other images are moving to build folder, which are optimized if using build task
    • JS files: src/js
    • SCSS files: src/styles
    • Twig files: src/views
      • Site pages: src/views/pages
      • Data for templates – src/views/data.js
  • Folder build folder from which you run a local server for development purposes (when you run npm run start), or contains optimized files after npm run build command.

Usage guidelines

  • stick to the original folder and file structure
  • stick component approach to the development of sites
    • SCSS-file of a component is imported to src/styles/main.scss file, JS-file is imported to src/js/main.js
  • from all SCSS files, only main.scss is compiled. Other style files are imported into it
  • pages located in the folder src/views/pages
    • each page (including the main page) inherits the src/views/layouts/default.htm template
    • main page: src/views/pages/index.htm
    • all pages should be at the root of pages directory: src/views/pages/blog/index.htm – not allowed
  • fonts are in public/assets/fonts folder, use ttf, woff and woof2 formats
  • images are in the folder src/images
    • the image for generating favicons should be src/images/favicon.[your extension], and have a size of at least 100px x 100px. Favicons will be generated to public/assets/images/favicons, for better performance better to disable favs task, after you generated your favicons.
    • icons from src/images/svg folder are collected in one svg sprite at public/assets/images/sprite.svg.
    • pictures that are not part of the design, and will later be loaded from the CMS put in the folder src/media. Ex: post images, product pictures.
  • all third-party libraries are installing in the node_modules folder
    • to install another, use npm install [package_name] command
    • to connect library JS files, import them into JS file, for example: javascript import $ from "jquery";
    • to connect library style files, import them into the src/scss/vendor/[lib name].scss (which in turn is imported into a file src/styles/main.scss)
  • only main CSS and JS files are included in the layout.

Svg sprite

The build collects all svgs from the src/images/svg folder into a single sprite that can be used with the use tag. Polyfil were added to support the syntax <use xlink:href="./assets/images/sprite.svg#svg-logo"> on ie11, for easy use, and proper caching. The Id for svg is svg-[file name]. Detailed information on the use of here.


In the starter included auto-generation of favicons. By default, the task generates favicons to public/assets/images/favicons folder. This task takes a lot of time, so its recommended to turn it off in configuration file by setting it to run: false, after you've already created a favicons for the first time. Or just create them once with the may-tasks favs command (you should add this field to package.json to make it work, e.g. 'favs': 'may-tasks favs', npm run favs).


Webp support is included in the starter. WebP is a graphics format developed by Google in 2010. It was created as an alternative to PNG and JPG and differs from them in much smaller size with the same image quality. Detailed information on the use of here.


Starter kit, is designed for CMS landing. Media folder for images, not to mix design images and images wich will be uploaded dynamically. Html is already splitted into chunks. Added couple of filter's to twig to land the frontend to the backend with pleasure:

  • theme: Use theme to specify path's for theme assets. Ex: {{ "assets/images/sprite.svg#svg-logo" | theme }}.
  • media: Use media to specify path's for media files. Reffers to the build/media folder by default, so you shouldn't write a full path. Ex: {{ "post1.jpg" | media }}.
  • page: Just set the name of html page, without extension, to create a link to it. Ex: href="{{ "blog" | page }}".

You may simply not use these filters, but I would recommend you to. Also, these filters were "mocked" from OctoberCMS, so this will increase the speed of your development for it. But they are also useful for any other backend, because these paths are always dynamic, and you can simply search for those filters through files and change them according to your needs.

IDE configuration

It's recommended to configure your IDE with defined linting rules. Example for VS code: here.



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