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1.0.4 • Public • Published

material-timeline component

A React Timeline component using Material-UI

Component Demo Gif

Example on GIF

To find out how to make the components look exactly like they look in the GIF above go to the project's repository and clone it. You can run npm install and then npm start to see the component in action. You will find the implementation of this demo at src/index.js


Run npm install material-timeline


This package uses components created from material-ui so it will automatically install @material-ui/core and @material-ui/icons in order for the Timeline components to work properly



To create a Timeline component you can follow this example

            {timelineItems.length > 0 ? timelineItems : (<CircularProgress style={
                alignSelf: 'center',
                background: this.props.theme.palette.background.default
            } />)}


  • isLeft: function(item, index), returns Boolean.

It should return if each element should be on the left side or not. NOTE it is ignored if the Timeline is one way

  • isOneWay: Boolean

Specifies if the Timeline is one way only, you can use it for example if the screen changes to mobile size

  • side: 'left' or 'right''

If the element isOneWay then you can specify the side of the timeline. There is a directions enum that you can import and use

  • wrapItem: function(item, index), returns newly created node

After passing the TimelineItems as children to the Timeline, you may want to wrap each Item with other components e.g. for animating them. You can do that by implementing a function to pass as a parameter to wrap item. NOTE the item argument is a reactElement, not just data.

  • stackedImages: Boolean

Specifies if the TimelineItems should have their image at the Left or at the Top.

In order to avoid bad usage, possible styles that can break the Timeline's functionality, are removed from the styles property. These are currently listStyleType, listStylePosition


To create a TimelineItem component you can follow the example below

            titleChildren={(<Typography gutterBottom variant={isDesktop ? 'h6' : 'body2'}>{item.title}</Typography>)}
            hasDivider />


  • titleChildren: node

Accepts all the components that should be placed in the item's Title section

  • yearBackgroundColor: string

Specifies the background color of the Middle Item as well as the Vertical Line in the timeline

  • yearColor: string

Specifies the text color in the Middle Item

  • cardContentChildren: node

Accepts all the components that should be placed in the item's Content section

  • cardHeaderChildren: node

Accepts all the components that should be placed in the item's Header section (Below the Title)

  • iconContent: node

Accepts all the components that should be placed in the item's Middle Item section

  • cardMediaProps: object {imgUrl: string, height: string}

Accepts an object containing the imageUrl of the image as well as the height of the image. NOTE if the height is not set then the image won't be visible

  • expandableCardContent: boolean

Specifies if the card content is initially hidden and can be expanded

  • padTop: boolean

Adds top padding of 4px in the card

  • hasDivider: boolean

If true, adds a divider between the cardHeader and the cardContent

  • customLine: String

This is a css property to set the line's styling (background css property). E.g. value linear-gradient('#fafafa, #fafafa ) no-repeat center/4px 100%


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  • pkanellidis