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LyrausTable Vue.js Component

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The LyrausTable component is a versatile table component designed for displaying tabular data in Vue.js applications. It provides various features such as pagination, sticky columns, sorting, filtering, and customizable column rendering.


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  import { LyrausTable } from "lyraus-ui";
  <LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns" />

Column Object

Props Description Example Type Default
key Identifier for using data. "orderNo" String
label Column title (optional). Order Number String
width You have to give width to use sticky option (optional). 80 Number
isDate Changes the date format (optional). true Boolean false
dontDisplay To provent displaying values for a column (optional). true Boolean false
center Centers the slot component (optional). true Boolean false
maxLength Limit the displayed text to a specified length (optional). 14 Number
extraKeys Extra data to show in same column (optional). ["unitType"] Array

Table Props

Props Description Example Type Default
columns An array of objects representing the columns of the table. Each object should contain key, label, and width properties. [{ key: "orderNo", label: "Order No", width: 90, isDate:false, extraKeys=["unitType"] }] Array
data An array of objects representing the rows of data to be displayed in the table. [{orderNo: 85}] Array
pageCount Total count of rows in the entire dataset (optional). 16 Number
pageProp You have to give your currentPage state to this prop to persist the currentPage data while changing tabs in the app (optional). 1 Number
searchProp You have to give your search value to this prop to persist the search data while changing tabs in the app (optional). 1 Number
totalCount Total count of pages in the paginated data (optional). 324 Number
isLoading Boolean indicating whether data is being loaded (optional). true Boolean false
checkboxColumn Enables a checkbox column (optional). true Boolean false
enablePagination Enables pagination (optional). true Boolean false
useCheckAllBox Enables a checkbox in the selectable column to select all rows (optional). true Boolean false
indexColumn Enables index column (optional). true Boolean false
searchBar Enables a search bar above the table (optional). true Boolean false
rightExtraSlot Enables an extra slot at top right side of the table(optional). true Boolean false
batchOperations Enables batch operation controls (optional). true Boolean false
handleSearch A function to handle search queries (optional). Function
batchOperationsList A list of options for batch operations (optional). Array
clickableColumns Array of column keys to make columns clickable(optional). ['orderNo', 'deliveredName'] Array
dblClickableColumns Array of column keys to make columns double clickable(optional). ['orderNo', 'deliveredName'] Array
stickyLeft Array of column keys to make columns sticky on the left side(optional). ['orderNo', 'deliveredName'] Array
stickyRight Array of column keys to make columns sticky on the right side(optional). ['dropdownColumn', 'buttonsColumn'] Array
alternateRowBg Array of two Tailwind color classes for alternating row background colors(optional). ['white', 'gray-100'] Array
innerTable An array representing the inner table columns (optional). [{key: "vehicle",label: "Vehicle",width: "100px", extraKeys=["orderNo"]}] Array
buttonsColumn Configuration object for rendering custom buttons in a column (optional). { label: 'İşlem', width: 90 } Object
dropdownColumns Configuration array for rendering dropdowns in a column (optional). [{ key: 'status' label: 'Durum', width: 180}] Object
@row-click Function for handling row click (optional). (row, index) => handleRowClick(row, index) Function
@dbl-row-click Function for handling row double click (optional). (row, index) => handleDblRowClick(row, index) Function
@update-selected Function for updating selected checkboxes (optional). (val) => handleSelected(val) Function
@update-search-value Function for updating search value (optional). (val) => handleSearchValue(val) Function
@update-selected-batch-op Function for updating selected batch opertaion (optional). (val) => handleBatchOp(val) Function
@update-current-page Function for updating current page (optional). (val) => handleCurrentPage(val) Function
paginationButtonColor Tailwind color class of pagination buttons (optional). red-500 string gray-600
paginationHoverColor Tailwind color class of pagination buttons on hover (optional). red-600 string gray-700
paginationTextColor Tailwind color class of pagination button text (optional). gray-100 string white
tableHeight Height of the table (optional). 50vh string 65vh
containerClass Tailwind class for the most outer div (optional). string
operationsDiv Tailwind class for the div containing batch operations and search bar (optional). flex justify-between items-center mb-6 string flex justify-between items-center mb-4
tableClass Tailwind class for the table element (optional). min-w-full divide-y divide-red-500 string min-w-full divide-y divide-gray-200
theadClass Tailwind class for the table header element (optional). bg-red-500 sticky top-0 z-10 string bg-gray-50 sticky top-0 z-10
thClass Tailwind class for table header cells (optional). py-4 text-left text-xs font-medium bg-red-500 text-gray-500 tracking-wider border-gray-200 string py-3 text-left text-xs font-medium bg-gray-50 text-gray-500 tracking-wider border-gray-200
tdClass Tailwind class for table data cells (optional). whitespace-nowrap border-gray-200 text-md string whitespace-nowrap border-gray-200 text-xs
tbodyClass Tailwind class for table body (optional). text-white string text-black
innerTableClass Tailwind class for the inner table element (optional). divide-gray-200 border-red-500 sticky left-0 w-screen string divide-gray-200 border-gray-300 sticky left-0 w-screen
innerTheadClass Tailwind class for the inner table header element (optional). bg-red-500 string bg-gray-50
innerThClass Tailwind class for inner table header cells (optional). py-4 text-left text-xs font-medium bg-red-500 text-gray-500 tracking-wider border-gray-200 string py-2 text-left text-xs font-medium bg-gray-50 text-gray-500 tracking-wider border-gray-200
innerTdClass Tailwind class for inner table data cells (optional). whitespace-nowrap text-xs string whitespace-nowrap text-xs
innerTbodyClass Tailwind class for inner table body (optional). text-white string
outerDivClass Tailwind class for the outer div wrapping the table(optional). string overflow-auto m-2
innerDivClass Tailwind class for the inner div wrapping the table (optional). string


Search Bar:

How to use default search bar.

    @update-search-value="(val) => handleSearchValue(val)"

  export default {
      data () {
          return {
              search: ""
      methods: {
          handleSearchValue(val) {
     = val;
          handleSearch() {

Batch Operations:

How to use default batch operations.

    @update-selected-batch-op="(val) => handleBatchOp(val)"

  export default {
      data () {
          return {
              batchOperationsList: [
                      id: 1,
                      name: "Something One",
                      id: 2,
                      name: "Something Two",
      methods: {
          handleBatchOp(val) {
          handleAction(val) {
              switch (val) {
                  case '1':
                      console.log('Case 1 In');
                  case '2':
                      console.log('Case 2 In');
                      console.log('Unknown action');


Search Bar:

Slot to change default search bar.

<LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns">
  <template v-slot:searchBar> < Add Your Custom Search Bar > </template>

Extra Top Right Slot:

Slot for custom component at top right side of the table.

<LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns">
  <template v-slot:rightExtra> < Add Your Custom Component > </template>

Batch Operations:

Slot to change default batch operations.

<LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns" :batchOperations="true">
  <template v-slot:batchOperations>
    < Add Your Custom Batch Operations Component >

Sort Button:

Slot for custom sort buttons in table headers.

<LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns">
  <template v-slot:sortButton="{ columnKey }">
      v-if="columnKey === 'orderNo'"
      @click="triggerSort(columnKey, 'Artan')"
      <i class="fas fa-sort"></i>
      v-if="columnKey === 'outpointAdress'"
      @click="triggerSortTwo(columnKey, 'Artan')"
      <i class="fas fa-sort"></i>

Filter Button:

Slot for custom filter buttons in table headers.

<LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns">
  <template v-slot:filterButton="{ columnKey }">
      v-if="columnKey === 'outpointAdress'"
      class="h-4 w-4"
      @setStatusFilter="(val) => (val, handleFilter(val))"

Column Dropdown:

Slot for custom dropdowns in column. To use this you have to add dropdownColumn prop. If you want this to stick right side of the screen add :stickyRight=['dropdownColumn'] prop.

      { key: 'Durum', label: 'Durum', width: 180 },
  <template v-slot:colDropdown="{ item, dropdownKey }">
      v-if="dropdownKey === 'dropdownColumnDurum'"
      class="table-td w-36 border-r border-opacity-20"
                    () => ((selected = item), $'change-vehicle-modal'))
        @refresh="() => getAll()"
                    (r) => (
                        ($refs.vehicleStatu.modalData = {
                            detail: item,
                            activeStatu: r,

Column Buttons:

Slot for custom buttons in a column. To use this you have to add buttonsColumn prop. If you want this to stick right side of the screen add :stickyRight=['buttonsColumn'] prop.

  :buttonsColumn="{ label: 'İşlem', width: 90 }"
  <template v-slot:colButtons="{ item, index }">
    <div class="flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 px-2">
        class="px-1 rounded text-sm"
        @click="editData(item, index)"
        <i class="fas fa-edit"></i>
    <div class="flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 px-2">
        class="px-1 rounded text-sm"
        @click="deleteData(item, index)"
        <i class="fas fa-trash"></i>

Row Buttons:

Slot for custom buttons in each row.

<LyrausTable :data="List" :columns="columns">
  <template v-slot:rowButtons="{ item, index, columnKey }">
      v-if="columnKey === 'receivedName'"
      @click="handleName(item, index)"
      <img class="w-5 h-5 ml-3" src="../assets/planing/filteredit.svg" alt="" />
      v-if="columnKey === 'outpointAdress'"
      @click="handleLocation(item, index)"
      <img class="w-5 h-5 ml-3" src="../assets/planing/location.svg" alt="" />




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