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Lux OAuth2 is an OAuth2 authorization server & middleware for Lux API framework.


$ npm install --save lux-oauth2


Lux OAuth2 has been built with extension in mind. More grant types will soon be available out-of-the-box, along with details of how to define your own custom grant types.

Currently, Lux OAuth2 only supports a password with refresh_token grant type flow.

1. Database

Ready your database with the required models listed below. Check out the example app for more guidance.

2. OAuth2 Server

Initialize a new OAuth2 server instance. Ensure to add all the required models and any grant types you wish to use.

// app/middleware/oauth2.js
import { OAuth2BaseServer, OAuth2PasswordGrantType } from 'lux-oauth2';
import OAuthAccessToken from 'app/models/oauth-access-token';
import OAuthClient from 'app/models/oauth-client';
import OAuthRefreshToken from 'app/models/oauth-refresh-token';
import User from 'app/models/user';
class OAuth2Server extends OAuth2BaseServer {
  static models = {
    accessToken: OAuthAccessToken,
    client: OAuthClient,
    refreshToken: OAuthRefreshToken,
    user: User
  static grantTypes = [
export default new OAuth2Server();

3. Token route

The token endpoint will require a POST action. OAuth2 recommends using the /oauth/token route.

// app/routes.js
this.resource('oauth', {
  only: []
}, function(){'/token', 'token');

The payload sent to the server must be wrapped in a data attribute. The following controller setup allows the parameters through to the controller, where the requestToken function is then called.

// app/controllers/oauth.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
import OAuth2Server from 'app/middleware/oauth2';
class OauthController extends Controller {
  params = [
  query = [
  token(request, response) {
    return OAuth2Server.requestToken(request, response);
export default OauthController;

4. Authenticate

Add the authenticate action to the application controller's beforeAction array to ensure the OAuth2 server attempts to authenticate a user for each request.

import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
import OAuth2Server from 'app/middleware/oauth2';
class ApplicationController extends Controller {
  beforeAction = [
export default ApplicationController;

This adds an oauth2 object to the request, containing an isAuthenticated boolean value and the currentUser.

// => { isAuthenticated: true, currentUser: User }

5. Authenticated route

Add the authenticatedRoute action to any resource you wish to protect.

// app/controllers/user.js
import { Controller } from 'lux-framework';
import OAuth2Server from 'app/middleware/oauth2';
class UsersController extends Controller {
  beforeAction = [
export default UsersController;

Keep certain endpoints from requiring authentication using lux-unless.

beforeAction = [
  unless({ path: ['/users/stats'] }, OAuth2Server.authenticatedRoute)


Server Options

The following additional options can be set on the OAuth2 server.

class OAuth2Server extends OAuth2BaseServer {
  accessTokenLifetime = 3600;
  refreshTokenLifetime = 1209600;

Overriding methods

If you need to override one of the OAuth2Server's core methods, simply redefine the method in the OAuth2Server.

class OAuth2Server extends OAuth2BaseServer {
  getUser = async (email, password, done) => {
    // add your custom method of retrieving the user...

Custom Grant types

Coming soon™...


$ cd /examples/lux-oauth2-example
$ npm install
$ lux db:create && lux db:migrate && lux db:seed
$ lux serve

Use the Lux OAuth2 Example Postman Collection to check the following:

  • Request a token as the test user.
  • Try modifying test user email & password sent to the token endpoint to check credentials errors.
  • Use the refresh_token value to auth via refresh token.
  • Try to access /users to find it requires authentication.
  • Add Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN> to the Authorization header to access the /users data.


$ npm install
$ npm test

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This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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  • willviles