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1.2.4 • Public • Published


Parse enhanced LRC files that provided by ESLyric and mainland SMS provider. Store those LRC in an internal format for later use.


Use Lrc.parse method to parse LRC file. There are 2 formats of ESLyric's enhanced LRC files so you need to indicate the type of LRC before parsing.

Legacy: Use normal time tags. Defined by some karaoke subtitle maker in Japan.

Though output of LyricTools is why we support lrc-legacy, using it for lrc-legacy files is not recommended: The timelines of the files through this way may not be accurate (in parsing QRC files).

import Lrc from 'lrc-utils';

const lrc = '[ar:幽闭星光 (幽閉サテライト)]\n[ti:幻想症候群 (with) Marcia]\n\n[00:00.00]幻[00:00.66]想[00:01.33]症[00:02.33]候[00:02.99]群[00:03.66]';

const lyric = Lrc.parse(lrc, 'lrc-legacy');
console.log(lyric.offset, lyric.meta, lyric.lines);

Modern: Use <mm:ss.ff> fragment tags, as Wikipedia defined, supported by ESLyric and many players.

import Lrc from 'lrc-utils';

const lrc = '[al:幻想症候群]\n[offset:0]\n[00:00.00]<00:00.00>幻<00:00.66>想<00:01.33>症<00:02.33>候<00:03.00>群<00:03.66> [<00:04.00> <00:04.33>Marcia - <00:04.66>幽<00:05.00>闭<00:05.33>星<00:05.66>光<00:06.00><00:06.33>幽<00:07.00>閉<00:07.66>サ<00:08.00>テ<00:08.33>ラ<00:08.66>イ<00:09.00>ト<00:09.33>)<00:09.66>\n[00:09.66]<00:09.66>词<00:10.00>:<00:10.33>Marcia<00:10.66>';

const lyric = Lrc.parse(lrc);
console.log(lyric.offset, lyric.meta, lyric.lines);

Normal LRC files that accurate to line can also use Lrc.parse without additional parameters.

In some LRC files, there may be multiple lines corresponding to a certain time-tag. This package considers those additional lines as comments. Some softwares use this syntax to store translation and subscripts. Lrc.parse will identify primary and secondary content by the order in which they appear in the LRC files.

Parsing of comments will not proceed in lrc-legacy mode.

Edit and save

You can edit the meta info by APIs class Lyric provided. As for texts, only new rows can be appended currently, related APIs are coming soon...

const lyric = Lrc.parse('...[offset:0]...');
lyric.set('offset', '+500');
const new_lyric = lyric.pan();
console.log(new_lyric.offset);  /* 0, but all time tags has been aligned. */

After editing, you can use Lyric.toLrc to stringify the lyric.

const new_lrc = Lyric.toLrc('lrc');

This method has 3 parameters:

  • type: which can set to lrc, lrc-legacy and lrc-compressed
    • lrc and lrc-legacy are same to above-mentioned, which will return enhanced or simple LRC.
    • lrc-compressed means same text lines will be merged to a single line with a plurality of tags just as the syntax specification dictates. If Lyric contains fixed information, it will be lost.
  • blank: which is optional, indicates if keep blank-lines with only time tags in product.
  • ref: If a line contains comments, generate them in product.

Update Log


Published at 2022/9/11

Implemented almost all the features of LRC files in Wikipedia.


Published at 2022/9/25

Support at-marks of LRC files, which is defined in those Japanese karaoke subtitle maker.

API change: Export TimeStamp utils.

Fixed an issue where the end time-stamp of a line might accidentally be 0 during the conversion of Enhanced-LRC files.


Published at 2022/9/26

API change: Lrc.parse use ParseOptions as secondary parameter to specific parse mode. Old parse mode now is a member of options object.

Support kana string in qrc format. Use the kana string to assign furigana to kanji in lyrics. Furigana fields are add to Lrc.Fragment sup.

Fixed an issue where Lyric.toLrc convert nothing as return.


Fixed: Lyric.pan now move furigana syllable together. Export Lyric.align as a new alias for Lyric.pan.


Fixed: TimeStamp.toString will round milisecond may cause an issue in carrying.

API change: Re-export TimeStamp as Time to avoid possible confusion due to naming conflicts.


Fixed: Now parsing katakana in furigana string of qrc correctly.


Fixed: Now kana string will match zenkaku letters and numbers in qrc lyrics.



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