
0.0.3 • Public • Published

Base Design system framework

Installation instructions

  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://gitlab.com/bplaunchpad2/lpds.git
  1. cd into the designsystem directory
cd designsystem
  1. Run npm install
npm install
  1. Run npm start to run the application code
npm start
  1. Run npm run book instance which will allow you to see all the working components in indivdually
npm run book

Precommit Hooks

Husky precommit hooks are installed but not configured by default if you wish to use them please add this to the bottom of your package.json file

    "husky": {
        "hooks": {
            "pre-commit": "npm test",
            "pre-push": "npm test",
            "...": "..."

Conponents Contained with in the Design System


<Alerts />
Props Type Required Default Description
AlertClassName string no '' The class given to the alert if required
alertColor "error" , "info" , "success" , "warning" yes success The colour of the alert
alertMessage string yes '' The alert message
buttonColor any yes default The colour of the Button
buttonSize "medium" ,"small" yes medium The size of the close button
icon any no '' Whether or not to include an icon with the alert
severity_type "error" , "info" , "success" , "warning" yes success The type of alert from materialUI drilled down to the component
variant_type "filled" , "outlined" , "standard" yes standard The fill type of the alert



Filling card content component

<CardContent1 />
Props Type Required Default Description
id number yes - id
title string yes - Title
tags [{ id: string; type: string; value: string; tagColor: string; tagTypeStyle: string; tagType: string; }] yes - Tags
budget string yes - Budget
target_date string
<SingleCard />
Props Type Required Default Description
actionArea string no () => {} or null Function to allow entire card to be clickable should usually mirror the button function
button string yes () => {} or null Function to for the button should usually mirror the actionArea function
backGroundImage string no '' If you want the card to have a header image
content string yes '' The content for the card
minWidth string no '' The minimum width for the card if required
value string yes '' Card specific data which can be returned from the object this includes: id, title, tags, budget, target_date
<ViewPocCard />
Props Type Required Default Description
title string yes '' Title of the card
budget string yes '' budget of the card
PocEndDate string yes '' start date of the card
PocStartDate string yes '' end date of the card


<Carousel />
Props Type Required Default Description
data insideData[] yes '' Data arr with component relative information


<ChipsWithTitle />
Props Type Required Default Description
tags tag[] yes '' Tag name
title string yes '' Title name
tagType string yes '' Tag Type
<TagsChipMap />
Props Type Required Default Description
mapValue mapValue[] yes '' Map of tag values
tagColor string yes '' Tag colour
tagTypeStyle string yes '' Tag style type
tagType string yes '' Tag type

Contact Options

<ContactOptions />
Props Type Required Default Description
users User[] yes '' Array of Users
contact string yes '' Contact info
setNewContact string yes '' Set an new user contact


<Docusign />
Props Type Required Default Description
link string yes '' Docusign powerform variables
linkID string yes '' Docusign powerform link id
callback (event: any) => void yes '' Button callback function
disabled boolean yes '' Button is disabled, this can be set after a click to submit action to prevent multiple clicks
color primary, default, inherit , secondary yes '' Button colour
variant text, outlined, contained yes '' Button variant function

Footer Menu

<FooterMenu />
Props Type Required Default Description
label1 string yes '' Label 1 Text
label2 string yes '' Label 2 Text
label3 string yes '' Label 3 Text


<Form />
Props Type Required Default Description
none N/A N/A N/A N/A
Edit Form
<StartupEditForm />
Props Type Required Default Description
websiteProp string No '' Website address
employeeNumberProp string No '' Number of employees
userListProp User[] No '' List of users assigned to this entity
contactUserProp string No '' Assigns the user as the primary contact
descriptionProp string No '' Allows the setting of core technologies

Graph QL Search

<Search />

| Props | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| ----- | ---- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| none  | N/A  | N/A      | N/A     | N/A         |

#### Icons

##### Available Icons within the system

Props Type Required Default Description
none N/A N/A N/A N/A

KPI's Highlight map

<KpisTickMap />
Props Type Required Default Description
kpiMapItems kpis[] yes '' List of KPI's


<KpiWithTitle />
Props Type Required Default Description
title string Yes '' Title of the KPI field shown
kpiMapItems kpis[] yes '' List of KPI's


<AddKpis />
Props Type Required Default Description
kpiMapItems kpis[] yes '' List of KPI's

Popover Alerts

<PopoverAlerts />
Props Type Required Default Description
alerts string yes '' Alert Text content

Submit Leader

<SubmitLoader />
Props Type Required Default Description
Action (props?: any) => string No '' Callback1 function after button is clicked
buttonColor inherit , default , primary , secondary Yes '' Button color following material design props
buttonText string Yes '' Text displayed in the button
buttonVariant outlined, text, contained Yes '' Button variant following material design props
loadingText string Yes '' Text showed while loading animation
saveIconRef Any Yes '' Custom icon
timeout number Yes '' Timeout time

Tag Picker

<Tags />
Props Type Required Default Description
data data Yes '' Tags data
tagsProps otherTags[] Yes '' Already inserted custom tags
otherOptions boolean Yes '' To allow or disallow other options
type string Yes '' Type
tagClass string Yes '' Tag class for styling


<UploadInput />
Props Type Required Default Description
ButtonColor inherit , default,primary,secondary Yes '' Button color
Comp any Yes '' Component
icon any Yes '' Custom icon
label string Yes '' Label Text for upload
Styled outlined, text, contained Yes '' Button styling
UploadText string Yes '' Upload Text
setUploadFile any Yes '' Set upload file function
format any Yes '' Acceptable file format

View Content

<ViewPoc />
Props Type Required Default Description
entityTitle string Yes '' Entity value
coverImage any Yes '' Cover image path
tags tag[] Yes '' List of tags
kpis kpis[] Yes '' List of kpis
description string Yes '' Description
budget string Yes '' Budget
BackButtonText string Yes '' Back button text
PocEndDate string Yes '' End date
PocStartDate string Yes '' Start date
PocTitle string Yes '' Title




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npm i lpdesignsystem

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  • eddstrickland
  • nk-launchpad