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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ



Lotek is a Script (Joiner / Combiner / Minifier) for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Pretty helpfull for building asset bundle script into One Small File.

Just try it and you'll love it so much.


Crafted with ❤️ by Herlangga Sefani (a.k.a Gaibz)



> npm install lotek --save-dev


In joiner.js file

const Lotek = require("lotek");
const config = {
    groups : [
                // specify group name, for identifier
                name : "Production",
                // if true, then it will print out file location information inside output file
                debug_mode : true,
                // configuration for JS File
                js : {
                    files : [
                    output : "./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.js",
                    // if true then content of file will be inside a javascript closure function. ()()
                    use_closure_per_file : false,
                    // if true then content of all file will be inside javascript closure function
                    use_closure_all : false,
                    // compress output into minified version
                    minify : true,
                    // @see : <https://www.npmjs.com/package/terser#compress-options>
                    minify_options : {}
                // Configuration for CSS Files
                css : {
                    files : [
                    output : "./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.css",
                    // For Css This is important, as inside of css files may contain url() linked to another directory
                    url_replaces : [
                            find : "assets/",
                            replacement : "../"
                        // ... more
                    // Replace Log Output Filepath
                    replace_log_output : "./replacer_log.txt",
                    // compress output into minified version
                    minify : true,
                    // @see https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css#constructor-options
                    minify_options: {
                        // format: 'beautify'
                // Configuration for HTML File
                html : {
                    files : [
                    output : "./index.html",
                    // you may want to change some code inside html for joining
                    replaces : [
                            find : `<link href="./assets/src/css/style1.css" rel="stylesheet" />`,
                            replacement : `<link href='./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.css' rel='stylesheet' />`,
                            find : `<link href="./assets/src/css/style2.css" rel="stylesheet" />`,
                            replacement : "",
                            find : `<script src="./assets/src/js/script1.js"></script>`,
                            replacement : `<script src="./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.js"></script>`,
                            find : `<script src="./assets/src/js/script2.js"></script>`,
                            replacement : "",
                        // ... more
                    // minify html using html-minifier
                    minify : true,
                    // @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-minifier#options-quick-reference
                    minify_options : {
                        removeAttributeQuotes: true,
                        removeComments : true,
                        collapseWhitespace : true,
                        minifyJS : true,
                        minifyCSS : true,
new Lotek(config).compile().then(() => {

Then Simply run in command line

> node joiner.js


groups[] [Array]
Groups is an array of multiple config to be bundled.

groups[].name [String]
Specify Group name for identifier, example : Production, Development, or anything you want.

groups[].debug_mode [Boolean]
If set to true, then it will print out file source location inside output file on top of code.
ex : /*! File : somedir/somefile.ext */

Configuration for JS Files

groups[].js [Object]
Object of javascript bundle configuration

groups[].js.files [Array]
Array of files to be bundled, you can put url from http / https

groups[].js.output [String]
Output file of combined and minified javascript code

groups[].js.use_closure_per_file [Boolean]
if true then it will make closure per file code, see example output

/*! Code of original file1.js */
console.log("File 1");
/*! Code of original file2.js */
console.log("File 1");
/*! Code of output with closure per file set to true */
(() => {
    console.log("File 1");
(() => {
    console.log("File 2");

groups[].js.use_closure_all [Boolean]
if true then it will make closure per file code, see example output

/*! Code of original file1.js */
console.log("File 1");
/*! Code of original file2.js */
console.log("File 1");
/*! Code of output with closure all set to true */
(() => {
    console.log("File 1");
    console.log("File 2");

groups[].js.minify [Boolean]
if true then it will minify the output of all code (Powered by Terser),
see example output

/*! Code of original file1.js */
console.log("File 1");
/*! Code of original file2.js */
console.log("File 1");
/*! Code of output with minify to true */
console.log("File 1");console.log("File 2");

groups[].js.minify_options [Object]
Since I used Terser for minify, please visit Terser Options for better explanation

Configuration for CSS Files

groups[].css [Object]
Object of CSS (Cascading StyleSheet) bundle configuration

groups[].css.files [Array]
Array of files to be bundled, you can put url from http / https

groups[].css.output [String]
Output file of combined and minified css

groups[].css.url_replaces [Array of Object]
For CSS Sometimes you need to specify the path of assets inside CSS, this thing will act like url translator.
For example inside an @import url(...) or background:url(...)
With this configuration it will automatically detect your asset url and refactor into new url by specify find and replacement.
the Object should contain : find and replacement key.

If you have a css file like this (./assets/src/css/style.css) :

/*! Example of CSS */
body {

and you set the config like this (./joiner.js):

/*! Config example */
css = {
    files : [
    output : "./assets/dist/bundle.css",
    url_replaces : [
            find : "assets/",
            replacement : "../"        

And the output of CSS should be :

Without url_replace is set, which will give you wrong path 
body {
With url_replace is set  will give you correct path 
body {
With url_replace is set and minified
body {

groups[].css.replace_log_output [String]
output file for saving replace log

groups[].css.minify [Boolean]
if true then it will minify the output of all code (Powered by Clean-CSS),
see example output

/*! Code of original style1.css */
body {
    cursor: pointer;
    background: url('./images/sample1.png');
/*! Code of original style2.css */
body {
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
/*! Code of output with minify to true */
body{cursor:pointer;background:url(../src/css/images/sample1.png)}body{border:1px solid #ddd}

groups[].css.minify_options [Object]
Since I used Clean-CSS for minify, please visit Clean CSS Options for better explanation

Configuration for HTML Files

groups[].html [Object]
Object of HTML bundle configuration

groups[].html.files [Array]
Array of files to be bundled, you can put url from http / https

groups[].html.output [String]
Output file of combined and minified html

groups[].css.replaces [Array of Object]
Find and Replace content inside HTML. This is usefull if you want to automatically change source script for development and production. Just see example (dev.html) :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Some Title</title>
    <link href="./assets/src/css/style1.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="./assets/src/css/style2.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="./assets/src/js/script1.js"></script> 
    <script src="./assets/src/js/script2.js"></script> 

and you set the config like this (./joiner.js):

/*! Config example */
html = {
    files : [
    output : "./index.html",
    replaces : [
            find : `<link href="./assets/src/css/style1.css" rel="stylesheet" />`,
            replacement : `<link href='./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.css' rel='stylesheet' />`,
            find : `<link href="./assets/src/css/style2.css" rel="stylesheet" />`,
            replacement : "",
            find : `<script src="./assets/src/js/script1.js"></script>`,
            replacement : `<script src="./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.js"></script>`,
            find : `<script src="./assets/src/js/script2.js"></script>`,
            replacement : "",

And the output of HTML should be :

<!-- File : ./dev.html --> 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Some Title</title>
    <link href='./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.css' rel='stylesheet' />
    <script src="./assets/dist/bundle.assets.production.min.js"></script> 

groups[].html.minify [Boolean]
if true then it will minify the output of all code (Powered by html-minifier).

groups[].html.minify_options [Object]
Since I used html-minifier for minify, please visit HTML Minifier Options for better explanation

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  • gaibz