
8.4.21 • Public • Published


LogicalDocRestApi - JavaScript client for logical_doc_rest_api This is the interactive documentation of the REST APIs exposed by LogicalDOC. You can find more information about LogicalDOC at https://www.logicaldoc.com or on Twitter @logicaldoc.
Note: The access path to the API is protected with basic authentication, to be able to run the samples you must log in using the credentials of a Logicaldoc user, or passing to the request the session ID (SID) as a cookie (cookie name: ldoc-sid).

Here is an example to list the children folders:

curl -u admin:admin -H ''Accept: application/json'' http://localhost:8080/services/rest/folder/listChildren?folderId=4

RESTful Guide with curl: https://wiki.logicaldoc.com/wiki/RESTful_Guide_with_curl

Practical examples of use are available for various programming languages at: http://wiki.logicaldoc.com/wiki/Bindings_And_Samples

SDK Clients for a number of programming languages(Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, C# and more) can be downloaded at: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/swatzniak/logicaldoc_rest_api

Find out more about LogicalDOC https://www.logicaldoc.com This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 8.4.2
  • Package version: 8.4.2
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install logical_doc_rest_api --save
Local development

To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:

npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:

npm link

Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your logical_doc_rest_api from, and run:

npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

You should now be able to require('logical_doc_rest_api') in javascript files from the directory you ran the last command above from.


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/logical_doc_rest_api then install it via:

    npm install YOUR_USERNAME/logical_doc_rest_api --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually use this library):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var LogicalDocRestApi = require('logical_doc_rest_api');
var defaultClient = LogicalDocRestApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
var basicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['basicAuth'];
basicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
basicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
var api = new LogicalDocRestApi.AuthorApi()
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8080/services/rest

Class Method HTTP request Description
LogicalDocRestApi.AuthorApi getSid GET /auth/getSid
LogicalDocRestApi.AuthorApi login GET /auth/login
LogicalDocRestApi.AuthorApi loginPost POST /auth/login
LogicalDocRestApi.AuthorApi logout DELETE /auth/logout
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi bookmarkDocument GET /bookmark/bookmarkDocument
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi bookmarkFolder GET /bookmark/bookmarkFolder
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi deleteBookmark DELETE /bookmark/deleteBookmark
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi getBookmarks GET /bookmark/getBookmarks
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi saveBookmark POST /bookmark/saveBookmark
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi unbookmarkDocument DELETE /bookmark/unbookmarkDocument
LogicalDocRestApi.BookmarkApi unbookmarkFolder DELETE /bookmark/unbookmarkFolder
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi addNote POST /document/addNote Adds a new note for the given document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi callDelete DELETE /document/delete Deletes a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi checkin POST /document/checkin Check-in an existing document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi checkout POST /document/checkout Checkout a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi createAlias POST /document/createAlias Creates a new document alias
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi createDocument POST /document/create Creates a new document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi createDownloadTicket POST /document/createDownloadTicket Creates a new download ticket
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi createPdf PUT /document/createPdf Creates the PDF conversion of the given document; if the PDF conversion was already created, nothing will happen
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi createThumbnail PUT /document/createThumbnail Creates the thumbail of the given document; if the thumbnail was already created, nothing will happen
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi deleteLink DELETE /document/deleteLink Removes an existing link
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi deleteNote DELETE /document/deleteNote Deletes a note
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi deleteVersion DELETE /document/deleteVersion Delete the version of a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getAliases GET /document/getAliases Gets the aliases
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getContent GET /document/getContent Gets the document content
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getDocument GET /document/getDocument Gets document metadata
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getDocumentByCustomId GET /document/getDocumentByCustomId Gets document metadata by custom ID
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getDocuments GET /document/getDocuments Gets the metadata of a collection of document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getExtractedText GET /document/getExtractedText Gets the extracted text of a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getLinks GET /document/getLinks Gets the links of a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getNotes GET /document/getNotes Gets all the notes of a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getRatings GET /document/getRatings Retrieves the different ratings of a focuments
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getRecentDocuments GET /document/getRecentDocuments Gets the last modified documents
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getResource GET /document/getResource Gets the content of a resource
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getVersionContent GET /document/getVersionContent Gets the document content by version
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi getVersions GET /document/getVersions Gets the versions
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi isReadable GET /document/isReadable Tests if a document is readable
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi link POST /document/link Creates a link between two documents
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi list GET /document/list Lists documents by folder
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi listDocuments GET /document/listDocuments Lists documents by folder and filename
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi lock PUT /document/lock Locks a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi move PUT /document/move Moves an existing document with the given identifier
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi promoteVersion PUT /document/promoteVersion Promotes an old version to the current default one
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi rateDocument PUT /document/rateDocument Add/Update the user's vote for a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi reindex POST /document/reindex Re-indexes a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi rename PUT /document/rename Renames the title of an existing document with the given identifier
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi replaceFile POST /document/replaceFile Replace the file of a version
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi restore PUT /document/restore Restores a deleted document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi saveNote POST /document/saveNote Adds a new note
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi sendEmail POST /document/sendEmail Sends documents by email
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi setPassword POST /document/setPassword Password protect a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi unlock PUT /document/unlock Unlocks the document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi unprotect POST /document/unprotect Temporarily removes password protection
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi unsetPassword POST /document/unsetPassword Removes password protection
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi update PUT /document/update Updates an existing document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi upload POST /document/upload Uploads a document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentApi uploadResource POST /document/uploadResource Uploads a new resource of the document
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi deleteAttributeSet DELETE /documentMetadata/deleteAttributeSet Deletes an attribute set
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi deleteTemplate DELETE /documentMetadata/deleteTemplate Deletes a template
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi getAttributeOptions GET /documentMetadata/getAttributeOptions Retrieves the options for the given attribute
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi getAttributeSet GET /documentMetadata/getAttributeSet Gets an attribute set by name
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi getAttributeSetById GET /documentMetadata/getAttributeSetById Gets attribute set's metadata
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi getTemplate GET /documentMetadata/getTemplate Gets template's metadata
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi getTemplateById GET /documentMetadata/getTemplateById Gets template's metadata
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi listAttributeSets GET /documentMetadata/listAttributeSets Lists the attribute sets
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi listTemplates GET /documentMetadata/listTemplates Lists all the templates
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi setAttributeOptions PUT /documentMetadata/setAttributeOptions Save attribute options
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi storeAttributeSet POST /documentMetadata/storeAttributeSet Create/Update an attribute set
LogicalDocRestApi.DocumentMetadataApi storeTemplate POST /documentMetadata/storeTemplate Create/Update a template
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi copy POST /folder/copy Copies a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createAliasFolder POST /folder/createAlias Creates a new folder alias
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createFolder POST /folder/createFolder Creates a subfolder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createFolderByModel POST /folder/create Creates a new folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createPath POST /folder/createPath Creates a path
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createSimple POST /folder/createSimple Creates folders from path
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createSimpleForm POST /folder/createSimpleForm Creates folders from path
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi createSimpleJSON POST /folder/createSimpleJSON Creates folders from path
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi deleteFolder DELETE /folder/delete Deletes a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi findByPath GET /folder/findByPath Gets a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getDefaultWorkspace GET /folder/getDefaultWorkspace Gets the Default workspace
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getFolder GET /folder/getFolder Gets a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getGrantedGroups GET /folder/getGrantedGroups Retrieves the list of granted groups for the given folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getGrantedUsers GET /folder/getGrantedUsers Retrieves the list of granted users for the given folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getPath GET /folder/getPath Gets a path of folders
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getPathString GET /folder/getPathString Gets a path
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi getRootFolder GET /folder/getRootFolder Gets the root folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi grantGroup PUT /folder/grantGroup Grants group permission to the folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi grantUser PUT /folder/grantUser Grants user permission to the folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi isGranted GET /folder/isGranted Tests user permission on a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi isReadableFolder GET /folder/isReadable Tests if a folder is readable
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi isWritable GET /folder/isWritable Tests if a folder is writable
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi listChildren GET /folder/listChildren Lists the child folders
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi listWorkspaces GET /folder/listWorkspaces Retrieves the list of all workspaces
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi moveFolder PUT /folder/move Moves a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi renameFolder PUT /folder/rename Renames a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.FolderApi updateFolder POST /folder/update Updates a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.SearchApi find POST /search/find Search documents
LogicalDocRestApi.SearchApi findByFilename GET /search/findByFilename Search documents by Filename
LogicalDocRestApi.SearchApi findFolders GET /search/findFolders Search folders by name
LogicalDocRestApi.SystemApi getInfo GET /system/getInfo Get system information
LogicalDocRestApi.SystemApi getLanguages GET /system/getLanguages Get enabled languages
LogicalDocRestApi.SystemApi getStatistics GET /system/getStatistics Get system statistics
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi addDocumentTags POST /tag/addDocumentTags Appends new tags to a document
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi addFolderTags POST /tag/addFolderTags Appends new tags to a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi findDocumentsByTag GET /tag/findDocumentsByTag Finds authorized documents for the current user having a specified tag.
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi findFoldersByTag GET /tag/findFoldersByTag Finds authorized folders for the current user having a specified tag.
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi getDocumentTags GET /tag/getDocumentTags Gets all the tags of a document
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi getFolderTags GET /tag/getFolderTags Gets all the tags of a folder
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi getTagCloud GET /tag/getTagCloud Retrieves all tag clouds in the repository
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi getTags GET /tag/getTags Gets all the tags used in the sysem
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi getTagsPreset GET /tag/getTagsPreset Retrieves all the tags in the preset
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi setDocumentTags POST /tag/setDocumentTags Set the tags of a document
LogicalDocRestApi.TagApi setFolderTags POST /tag/setFolderTags Sets the tags of a folder

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (3)

Package Sidebar


npm i logical_doc_rest_api

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Apache 2.0 License

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1.46 MB

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  • mlsegura