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1.1.0 • Public • Published

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A easy debug middleware for express and koa.

Note: local-mock-middleware is only the server (nodejs) part of local-mock-core, complete local-mock debugging solution needs to install local-mock-easy on the client (H5) at the same time, follow steps:

  1. Install local-mock-middleware on the nodejs server.
  2. Install local-mock-easy on the client.



npm i local-mock-middleware
yarn add local-mock-middleware

Add middleware

Middleware for express

// Use express as an example
const express = require('express')
const createLockMock = require('local-mock-middleware')

const app = express()

// 1. create localMock instance
const localMock = createLockMock({
  isLocalMockProxyOpen: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev', // ensure not to be used in production!!!
  htmlPort: 3000,

// 2. oepn local-mock html proxy

app.listen(3000, function () {
  console.log('express start sucessfully  port 3000...')

Middleware for koa

const Koa = require('koa')
const createLockMock = require('local-mock-middleware')

const app = new Koa()

// 1. create localMock instance
const localMock = createLockMock({
  isLocalMockProxyOpen: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev', // ensure not to be used in production!!!
  htmlPort: 3001,

// 2. oepn local-mock html proxy

// response
app.use((ctx) => {
  ctx.body = 'Hello Koa'

app.listen(3001, function () {
  console.log('koa start sucessfully  port 3001...')

More use

Config localMockParamsName, to modify the parameter name to be intercepted. eg: http://example.com?myLocalMock={entry}
Config htmlHost, to define custom html proxy host
Config htmlPort, to define custom html proxy port
Config htmlServerPath, to define custom html proxy path

const options = {
  localMockParamsName: 'myLocalMock',
  isLocalMockProxyOpen: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev', // ensure not to be used in production!!!
  htmlHost: '',
  htmlPort: 3000,
  htmlServerPath: '/local-mock-html',
  injectHtml: (target) => {
    return `<script type="text/javascript">

const localMock = createLockMock(options)

const client = app.listen(3000, function () {
  // Optional Properties use to set htmlPort to client.address().port
  console.log('express start sucessfully  ...')

Function API

function desc type
createLockMock localMock instance (options) => ins
ins.createExpressLocalHtmlProxy express middleware, to handle html proxy (app) => void
ins.updateExpressPort express auto update port htmlPort (client) => void
ins.createKoaLocalHtmlProxy koa middleware, to handle html proxy (app) => void
ins.updateKoaPort koa auto update port htmlPort (client) => void

Options API

params desc type default
isLocalMockProxyOpen open state (false means a empty middleware) boolean false
localMockParamsName parameter name to be intercepted
string localMock
htmlHost custom html proxy host string ""
htmlPort custom html proxy port number 8899
htmlServerPath custom html proxy path number /local-mock-html
injectHtml A function that injects html string (target) => string ""


When can I open the middleware?

Important things need to be repeated for three times.

  • ensure not to be used in production!!!
  • ensure not to be used in production!!!
  • ensure not to be used in production!!!

What does local-mock-middleware do ?

if req.query contains key localMock or options.localMockParamsName local-mock-middleware will generate and return a html includes mock function, the mock function will regard req.query[key] as a page entry and then fetch it, then use document.write() to rewrite current page.

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  • jiqianqin
  • redstar08