
1.1.8 • Public • Published

Litly - Documentation Generator for Parse Platform Server.

Litly is a library designed to help you quickly document your backend using Parse. Its use is simple and fast, in a few minutes it is possible to document your cloud functions and cloud jobs.


Installing the NPM Module.

 $ npm install litly


In the index.js of your project, import or require the Litly module:

const Litly = require("litly");
import Litly from "Litly";

So just start Litly using your express instance, like below.

const app = express(); // Your express instance.
Litly.init(app, "Your project/app name");

After that, you can access Litly's address /litly-doc. Example: http://localhost:1337/litly-doc

Litly Annotation Tags

These are the annotations currently available for use with Litly.

Tag Description
@cloud_function Sets that this is a Cloud Function
@cloud_job Sets that this is a Cloud Job
@litly_start Sets the start of a Litly document
@litly_end Sets the end of a Litly document
@name Sets the name of the document
@group Sets the group of the document
@description Sets the description of the document
@param Sets the param of the document
@response Sets the response of the document
@use_next_line Sets if Litly should consider the next line
@parse_class Sets if a param is a Parse Class Object
@run_every Sets the interval that a Cloud Job is running

Examples of use

Documenting a Cloud Function without params

 * @litly_start
 * @cloud_function
 * @name
 * someCloudFunction
 * @description
 * @use_next_line Returns a list of integers.
 * Using two lines description with @use_next_line
 * @response
 * Array<Int>
 * @litly_end
Parse.Cloud.define("someCloudFunction", async () => {
  return [1, 2, 3];

Documenting a Cloud Function with params

 * @litly_start
 * @cloud_function
 * @name
 * someCloudFunction
 * @description
 * Returns a list of integers.
 * @param
 * userId: string - User ID from the current User.
 * @param
 * Cat: @parse_class Cat
 * @response
 * {
 *   "user": "user"
 * }
 * @litly_end
Parse.Cloud.define("someCloudFunction", async () => {
  return { user };

Documenting Cloud Functions with grouping (1.1.7 >=)

 * @litly_start
 * @cloud_function
 * @group
 * MyGroup
 * @name
 * someCloudFunction
 * @description
 * Returns a list of integers.
 * @param
 * userId: string - User ID from the current User.
 * @param
 * Cat: @parse_class Cat
 * @response
 * {
 *   "user": "user"
 * }
 * @litly_end
Parse.Cloud.define("someCloudFunction1", async () => {
  return { user };

 * @litly_start
 * @cloud_function
 * @group
 * MyGroup
 * @name
 * someCloudFunction
 * @description
 * Returns a list of integers.
 * @param
 * userId: string - User ID from the current User.
 * @param
 * Cat: @parse_class Cat
 * @response
 * {
 *   "user": "user"
 * }
 * @litly_end
Parse.Cloud.define("someCloudFunction2", async () => {
  return { user };

Documenting a Cloud Job

 * @litly_start
 * @cloud_job
 * @name
 * someCloudJob
 * @description
 * Job description...
 * @run_every
 * 1 minute
 * @litly_end
Parse.Cloud.job("someCloudJob", async () => {
  // ...

The interface

Acessing /litly-doc you can see your documented Cloud Functions and Cloud Jobs, like as in the image below.

enter image description here


Current Tags

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Tag
  • 1.1.8
    • latest

Version History

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  • maikkkko1