Convert string index to line-column position
This package is pure ESM. If you're not ready yet, install an older version of this program, 1.2.0 (npm i line-column-mini@1.2.0
npm i line-column-mini
Quick Take
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { lineCol, getLineStartIndexes } from "line-column-mini";
// index 14 is letter "k" on the fourth line:
assert.deepEqual(lineCol("abc\ndef\r\nghi\njkl", 14), {
line: 4,
col: 2,
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// if you know you might query multiple times, use caching
const lineIndexes = getLineStartIndexes("abc\ndef\r\nghi\njkl");
assert.deepEqual(lineCol(lineIndexes, 14), {
line: 4,
col: 2,
// other queries will be by magnitude faster:
assert.deepEqual(lineCol(lineIndexes, 15), {
line: 4,
col: 3,
// by the way...
assert.deepEqual(lineCol(lineIndexes, 99), null);
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MIT License.
Copyright © 2010-2024 Roy Revelt and other contributors.