
1.0.8 • Public • Published


Leijona (LAY-uh-nuh) is a line count tool for modern applications. From the Finnish word for "lion", because "lion" sounds like "line".

Hear how to pronounce "leijona" here.



Install the package globally using npm i -g leijona, or download the zip.


If you downloaded it with npm, you should be able to simply call leijona as a command-line executable from the directory you wish to count.

If you downloaded the .zip, extract it, then run node <location of the extracted leijona/ dir> from the directory of the project you want to count.

Command line arguments

There are no command line arguments for leijona. All configuration is done through leijona.json.


There is plenty to configure to get leijona working just the way you want it to. In the project root there is a sample leijona.json file which contains all available options. You can include your own leijona.json file in the directory you are running the script from and it will override the default configuration.


"format": "html"

html will generate an .html file with a table displaying the results.

csv will generate a comma-separated list of values in a CSV file.

More to come.

Output File

"outputFile": "line-count.html"

The name of the file to output results to. You should generally give this file the extension to match what you chose for the format option, but you have the freedom to choose any filename you wish.

Count Inclusions

"count": {
	"comments": true,
	"trivial": true,
	"empty": false

Leijona categorizes code in four different ways:

  • source lines include any line of code containing at least one character that is not a symbol
  • comments include any line beginning with a series of characters matching at least one series in the commentCharacters portion of leijona.json
  • trivial lines of code encompass any line that contains symbols, but no alphanumeric characters
  • empty lines of code are lines that do not contain anything other than whitespace, line breaks, tabs, and carriage returns.

Using this entry, you can choose to individually include or exclude any line of code that leijona considers to be trivial, empty, or beginning with comments. source lines cannot be excluded. The total number of lines shown on the output is a reflection of only the lines you include.

Comment Characters

"commentCharacters": [
	"* ",

Any line beginning with a series of characters that exactly matches any of the items in this list will be counted as a comment. These are passed into a regex, but do not need to be escaped. Enter only the literal character sequences you wish to count as comments.


"exclude": {
	"paths": [
	"fileTypes": [

Leijona can blacklist files, directories, and filetypes from being counted.

Each file or directory's path relative to the directory in which leijona is run will be compared to the paths list. If it is found to match any entry in paths it will be excluded from being counted. The trailing / on directories is optional, but recommended for slightly easier readability.

Likewise, specific file types can be excluded altogether if you add them to the fileTypes list. You may include the leading . if you wish (e.g. .mp3), but mp3 will work just fine.

Since leijona.json can be overridden per project, you can have separate exclusions on a per-project basis.


Leijona is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for more information.

Feel free to fork this repo and do whatever you want with it, as long as you keep it open source. I would appreciate credit but it's not necessary.


If you have issues, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to make an issue on Github.


Can't install package globally without sudo

See this link to fix your node permissions.


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