A Leaflet plugin that allows easy integration with the Google StreetView Service API
For a working example see one of the following demos:
Initially based on the work of Daniel Pegues
How to use
- include CSS & JavaScript...<!-- Google Maps API --><!-- interact.js --><!-- Leaflet (JS/CSS) --><!-- Leaflet-GoogleMutant --><!-- Leaflet-Pegman -->...
- choose a div container used for the slippy map......
- create your first simple “leaflet-pegman slippy map
NB to be able to use the “pegman” (a.k.a. “Street View Control”) you MUST use a valid Google Maps API Key.
Compatibile with: leaflet@1.6.0, gmaps@3.34, leaflet-googlemutant@0.10.0, interactJS@1.2.9