
1.0.1 • Public • Published


LanNS is a web service that eases redirecting the public URL to the private IP address on a local area network.


npm install lan-ns


Starting LanNS Service


lanns.start( onError, onSuccess, options );
    onError       function(error)
    onSuccess     function()
    options       object


port                number, mandatory, default: 3002
sslPort             number, default: 0
httpsOptions        object, 
                            pfx: string,           // default: "%LANNS_PFX%"
                            passphrase: string     // default "%LANNS_PHRASE%"
                            key: string,
                            cert: string
siteRoot            string, default: "<node_modules>/lan-ns/site"
dataFolder          string, default: "/LanNS-data"
defaultDocument     string, default: "index.htm"
init                boolean, if set, start method will just write the skeleton of options file 
                        unless it already exist, and does not start the service
logFolder           string, if assigned the output of the console.log() calls are redirected 
                        into log files on the folder indicated by logFolder
pulseFolder         string, default: __dirname
optionsFile         string, a JSON file where options are read from; options in this file are 
                        overwritten by the options passed as start method options parameter

Any of the option values can be set as environment variable name surrounded by % character. Variable name are automatically replaced by the corresponding environment variable value.

The value of the httpsOptions.passphrase property may include - instead of a password - the name of the file that contains the actual password.


    (error)=>{ console.log(error);},
    ()=>{ console.log("LanNS started");},
        logFolder: __dirname + "/log",
        pulseFolder: __dirname,
        optionsFile: __dirname + "/options.json"

Local Service notifications

Web service on your local network is supposed to notify LanNS service in a proper interval that it is up and running and available for the client on the same local network. Notification is made with LanNS pulse request. It can be done either with the lan-ns-ticker or with following code which uses request module.

With lan-ns-ticker

Module lan-ns-ticker can be used to simplify the service running on local network notifying it's state to the Lan-NS service. The module sends a pulse request to the LanNS service at desired intervals.

const Ticker = require("lan-ns-ticker");
new Ticker({
    url: "",
    appName: "Musa",
    appDescription: "Musa Music Player",
    appPort: 3001,
    appProtocol: "http",
    appUrlPath: "",
    refreshIntervalInSeconds: 60,
    expireTimeInSeconds: 180
}).start(( error ) => { console.log( error ); });

With request

Following code example demonstrates how to send pulse request to LanNS service. It requires installation of request module.

pulse( (error) => { console.log(error);}, () => ( console.log("One hit!");), {
    url: "",
    appName: "Musa",
    appDescription: "Musa Music Player",
    appPort: 3001,
    appProtocol: "http",
    appUrlPath: "",
    refreshIntervalInSeconds: 60,
    expireTimeInSeconds: 180
function pulse( onError, onSuccess, params ) {
    const request = require("request");
    const os = require("os");
    let body = {
        name: "pulse",
        parameters: {
            appname: params.appName,
            description: params.appDescription,
            expiretimeinseconds: params.expireTimeInSeconds,
            hostname: os.hostname(),
            port: params.appPort,
            urlpath: params.appUrlPath,
            protocol: params.appProtocol,
            port: params.appPort,
            privateip: getPrivateIp() 
    try {
        body = JSON.stringify(body); 
                url: params.url + "/api",
                body: body,
                headers: {
                    "User-Agent": "LanNS Client",
                     "Content-Type": "text/plain",
                    "Content-Length": body.length
                timeout: 20000,
                jar: true,
                followAllRedirects: true,
                followOriginalHttpMethod: true
            ( error, response, body ) => {
                if (!error) {
                    try {
                        const json = JSON.parse(body);
                        if (json.succeed === false) {
                        else {
                    catch (error) {
                else {
                    onError( "Problem with pulse: " + error.message );
    catch (error) {
    function getPrivateIp() {
        for (let addresses of Object.values( os.networkInterfaces())) {
            for (let add of addresses) {
                if(add.address.startsWith("192.168.")) {
                    return add.address;

LanNS Site

LanNS default site uses LanNS API, especially getAppNames and retrieve requests for showing all services running on the same local network where the site is visited from. By default services are grouped by application names and the links to services are displayed as worksation hostname.


LanNS site url accepts two query string parameters:

appfilter       app name or comma separated list of app names
autoredirect    valid only if appfilter contains only one application, values are
                    first: the client is redirected automatically to the first service 
                           that is currently running
                    loner: the client is automatically redirected to the only service 
                           currently in operation

Site Considerations

LanNS site url can be simplified by creating a simple web site with index.htm containing following html code. According the example the url address easier to write like is redirected to

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
        window.location.href = "";

An alternate way to simplify LanNS site url is to write the following index.htm for the site.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>


Api Http Request

Request Method: POST
Content-Type: text/plain
Request Payload: '{ "name": <requestMessageName>, "parameters":{ <parameters..> }}'

Response Format

All outputs follow the same general JSON structure.
    In case of success:
            "succeed": true,
            "content": <string|number|boolean|object>,
            "requestName": <string>,
            "elapsed": <number>
    In case of error:
            "succeed": false,
            "requestName": <string>,
            "error": { "code": <string>, "message": <string> },
            "elapsed": <number>

Request Messages


Retrieves the application names of the services that are notified to be running with the pulse request from the same public IP address. The LanNS site used to redirection uses this request.

Response content
   Array of Application names as strings


Get the LanNS service's configuration information. The LanNS site used to redirection uses this request to determine if the site supports the https protocol. If it supports, the site uses the https protocol for further requests.

Response content
    { apiUrl: <string> } when LanNS service  SSL port is present 


Local services are supposed to use this request to declare that they are up and running.

    appname: string
    description: string,          // default: ""
    expiretimeinseconds: number,  // default: 300
    hostname: string,
    port: number,
    privateip: string,
    protocol: string,             // default: "http"
    urlpath: string               // default: ""
Response content
    empty string


Retrieves the information of the local services reported by the pulse requests. The LanNS site uses this request to obtain the information needed for redirection.

    appname   string
Response content
            appname: string,
            description: string,
            hostname: string,
            port: number,
            privateip: string,
            protocol: string,
            urlpath: string
            appname: string,
            description: string,
            hostname: string,
            port: number,
            privateip: string,
            protocol: string,
            urlpath: string

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  • ollikekalainen