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Another flux implementation. Based on the excellent Alt



Actions trigger sets in stores and are your main means of broadcasting an intended state change to one or more stores. They are akin to triggering a global event.

Creating actions

Use the createActions() api to create a set of actions. All action method bodies have access to this.dispatch() which will send off the current action to the dispatcher.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = kwikemart.createActions({
  //the simplest action is just to dispatch out the passed in infomation

The example above is extremely common and straightforward, all it does is pass the user object on to any stores listening to the updateUser action. You can streamline this process by using the helper api generateActions(arrayOfActions) which will create an object of simple 'pass through' actions like the one above.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = kwikemart.createActions(

Since generateActions just returns an object, you can combine these actions creation methods with Object.assign or the "spread" operator if you are using babel, or some other modern javascript transpiler.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
// creates an `updateUser` and a `saveUser` action
var userActions = kwikemart.createActions({

action context

You can also reference other actions inside an action to compose and combine actions by using this.actions.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = kwikemart.createActions({
    var user = { id: guid() }
    this.dispatch(user) = name

action asynchrony

Another common pattern when persisting changes back to a server is to dispatch the current object immediately so stores can optimistically update and then fire success and failure variants of hte action when the api request finishes.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = kwikemart.createActions({
      .then(savedUser => this.actions.updateUserSuccess(savedUser))
      .catch(error =>  this.actions.updateUserFailure(error))

kwik-e-mart makes this simplier by automatically creating success and failure actions for each action you create, they are available inside an action with this.success and this.failure or from outside an action like userActions.updateUser.success (more on that in the store section)

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = kwikemart.createActions({


Stores are the locale for application state in a flux app

Creating stores

You can create stores as a plain old object or as a 'class' using es6 class syntax or any other form of prototypal inheritance patterns. With kwik-e-mart you don't instansiate stores yourself but pass them to createStore and get back an instance.

You configure stores to listen or 'bind' to specific actions. Binding a store to an action allows it to respond when that action is fired by the dispatcher.

To bind an action just pass it to the bindAction api along with the string name of method that will handle it. From an action handler you can update the stores state in much the same way you would a React Component's state. When a store's state is updated with setState it will emit a change and any listening view components can refetch store info to render with the updated data.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = require('./userActions')
class UserStore {
    this.bindAction(userActions.createUser, 'onUpdateUser')
    this.state = {
      users: []
  // -- getters
    return this.state.users
    return _.find(this.state.users, { id: id })
      users: this.state.users.concat(newUser)
var userStore = kwikemart.createStore(UserStore)
userActions.createUser('john') // Now the store will create the user
userStore.getUsers() // returns all users
userStore.getUser(1) // returns a single user

You can also bind all actions to a store by using bindActions which is a convenient alternative to using multiple bindAction calls.

var kwikemart = require('kwik-e-mart')
var userActions = require('./userActions')
class UserStore {
    // bind all userActions to a method of the same name
  //-- handlers
    // update code...
    // update code...
    // update code...
    // create code...
var userStore = kwikemart.createStore(UserStore)
userActions.createUser('john') // Now the store will create the user
userStore.getUsers() // returns all users
userStore.getUser(1) // returns a single user

For cases where you want to bind multiple different actions to a single store handler there is an inverted api for doing that: bindListeners()

  class UserStore {
        onSuccess: [ 
        onFailure: [ 
      // success code...
      // failure code...

All stores are given as dispatchToken which they can pass to store.waitFor() in order to handle inter store dependencies.


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