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Key Words In Context and Concordances

Keywords In Context (KWIC) is a technique to produce indexes based on rotary permutations of the index linguistic material. According to Wikipedia:

KWIC is an acronym for Key Word In Context, the most common format for concordance lines. The term KWIC was first coined by Hans Peter Luhn.[1] The system was based on a concept called keyword in titles which was first proposed for Manchester libraries in 1864 by Andrea Crestadoro.[2]

The best way to understand what the KWIC technique is all about is to skim through the pages of a classical KWIC index, of which Computer Literature Bibliography: 1946 to 1963 is one example. Here's page 129 from that 1965 book:

Computer Literature Bibliography: 1946 to 1963, page 129

This title word index goes on for over 300 pages. In the center of each page is the current keyword, from A.C.E. and ABACUS over COMPUTER to ZURICH, followed by numbers representing years and machine models. Each line represents the title of a book or article, and each keyword is surrounded by those words as appear in the referenced title, in the order they appear there. At the end of each line, we find an abbreviation that identifies the publication and the page number where each title is to be found.

(by contrast, other indexing methods are known to shuffle words around, as in Man and the Sea, The Old, in order to make the relevant item appear in the right place in the catalog. For the sake of space efficiency, long titles are wrapped around here, too; however, this does not affect the sorting order).

The benefits of the KWIC approach to indexing are immediately obvious: instead of having to guess where the librarian chose to place the index card for that edition of The Old Man and the Sea you're looking for (Sea? Old? Man?), you can look it up under each 'content' word. Also, you'll likely have an easier time to find works about related subjects where those share title words with your particular search.

What's more, you get a collocational analysis of sorts for free, that is, given a comprehensive KWIC index covering titles (and maybe full texts) of a given field, you can gain an idea of what words go with which ones. The index as shown above is admittedly much better at showing occurrences of type I+S (where I is what you searched for, call it the infix, and S is what follows, call it the suffix) than for those of type P+I (where P is what precedes the infix, call it the prefix); this becomes clear when you compare the entries near COMPUTER LANGUAGE from the picture above with the entries of pages 225f. of the same work: To the naked eye, the prefixes you might be interested in (say, COMPUTER, PROGRAMMING or ALGORITHMIC on the above page) are rather haphazardly strewn across the place, although some clusters do seem to occur (this, by the way, is a weakness of this particular index that we will address and try to remedy a little further down).

The main downside of KWIC indexes is also apparent from the Bibliography: Whereas the register (where all the abbreviations of cited publications are listed) takes up roughly 70 and the author index roughly 80 pages, the KWIC index as such weighs in with 307 pages, meaning each title appears around 4.5 times on average. This can hardly be otherwise given that the very objective of the KWIC index is exactly to file each title under each relevant term; however, it also helps to explain why printed KWIC indexes had, for the most part, to wait for computers to arrive and went out of fashion as soon as computers became capable of delivering documents online as well. Similarly, concordances were only done for subjects and keywords deemed worthy the tremendous effort in terms of time and paper.

Objective of the kwic module

kwic is a NodeJS module; as such, you can install it with npm install kwic. When you then do node lib/demo.js, you will be greeted with the following output:

                    |a         a                #  1
                   b|a         ba               #  2
                  cb|a         cba              #  3
                   c|a         ca               #  4
                  bc|a         bca              #  5
                    |ab        ab               #  6
                   c|ab        cab              #  7
                    |abc       abc              #  8
                   c|abdriver  cabdriver        #  9
                   c|abs       cabs             # 10
                    |ac        ac               # 11
                   b|ac        bac              # 12
                    |acb       acb              # 13
                   c|ad        cad              # 14
                    |b         b                # 15
                   a|b         ab               # 16
                  ca|b         cab              # 17
                   c|b         cb               # 18
                  ac|b         acb              # 19
                    |ba        ba               # 20
                   c|ba        cba              # 21
                    |bac       bac              # 22
                    |bc        bc               # 23
                   a|bc        abc              # 24
                    |bca       bca              # 25
                  ca|bdriver   cabdriver        # 26
                  ca|bs        cabs             # 27
                    |c         c                # 28
                   a|c         ac               # 29
                  ba|c         bac              # 30
                   b|c         bc               # 31
                  ab|c         abc              # 32
                    |ca        ca               # 33
                   b|ca        bca              # 34
                    |cab       cab              # 35
                    |cabdriver cabdriver        # 36
                    |cabs      cabs             # 37
                    |cad       cad              # 38
                    |cb        cb               # 39
                   a|cb        acb              # 40
                    |cba       cba              # 41
                  ca|d         cad              # 42
                 cab|driver    cabdriver        # 43
             cabdriv|er        cabdriver        # 44
               cabdr|iver      cabdriver        # 45
            cabdrive|r         cabdriver        # 46
                cabd|river     cabdriver        # 47
                 cab|s         cabs             # 48
              cabdri|ver       cabdriver        # 49

The above is a KWIC-style permuted index of these (artificial and real) 'words', chosen to highlight some charcteristics of the implemented algorithm:

a           ba          cab
ab          bac         cabdriver
abc         bc          cabs
ac          bca         cad
acb         c           cb
b           ca          cba

First of all, the demo shows how to index words by their constituent letters (and not phrases by their constituent words, as the classical exemplar does); this is related to the particular intended use case, but configurable.

Next, there's a vertical line in the output shown: this line indicates the separation between what was called above the prefix and the infix, with the suffix starting at the next position after the infix. Now when you read from top to bottom along said line, you will observe that

(1)—all the infixes are listed in alphabetical order (actually, in a simplified version of that, Unicode lexicographical order);

(2)—all the suffixes, likewise, are in alphabetical order, so that

(3)—all the co-occurrances of a given infix with all subsequent suffixes (trailing letters in this case) are always neatly clustered. For example, all occurrances of |ca... (infix a plus all the suffixes starting with an a) are found on lines #33 thru #38 in the above output and nowhere else. The inverse also holds: wherever the sequence c, 'a' occurs in the listing, it is always a duplicate of one entry in said range, indexed by another letter.

(4)—Wherever a new group of a given infix (index letter) starts, the sole letter always comes first, followed by all those entries that end in that letter; this is a corollary of the previous points (and happens to be in agreement with how the Bibliography treats this case).

(5)—After the words that end with the index letter come the ones that start with that letter, short ones with letters early in the alphabet (a, b, ...) occurring first.

(6)—These in turn—and now it gets interesting—are interspersed by those words that contain the infix and are preceded by one or more letters, and here the rule is again that short words and early letters sort first, but in the prefix, power of ordering counts backwards from the infix at the right down to the start of the prefix on the left. The effect is that for any given run of a common infix and suffix, same letters to the left of the vertical line have a tendency to form secondary clusters.

Prefixes cannot possibly all cluster together as long as we stick to granting the suffix priority in sorting; after all, a list of items still has only a single dimension and, hence, neighborhood has only two positions. This is why you see c|b and ac|b right next to each other, but c|ba, which also has the sequence c|b, is separated by |ba (and had we included, say, bank and bar, those would likewise intervene).


Three Steps

You can use KWIC doing three small steps or doing a single step; the first way is probably better when making yourself comfortable with KWIC, to find out where things went wrong or to modify intermediate data. The single-step API is more convenient for production and discards unneeded intermediate data. in both cases, the objective is to input some entries and get out a number of datastructures—called the 'permutations'—that can be readily used in conjunction with the Hollerith CoDec and a LevelDB instance to produce a properly sorted KWIC index.

Let's start with the 'slow' API. The first thing you do is to compile a list of entries (e.g. words) and prepare an empty list (call it collection) to hold the permuted keys. Assuming you start with a (somewhat normalized) text and use the unique_words_from_text function as found in src/, the steps from raw data to output look like this:

entries     = unique_words_from_text text                       # 1 
collection  = []                                                # 2 
for entry in entries                                            # 3 
  factors       = KWIC.get_factors      entry                   # 4 
  weights       = KWIC.get_weights      factors                 # 5 
  permutations  = KWIC.get_permutations factorsweights        # 6 
  collection.push [ permutationsentry]                      # 7 
  # does nothing, just in case you want to know                 # 8 
  for permutation in permutations                               # 9 
    [ r_weightsinfixsuffixprefix] = permutation         # 10 collection                                          # 11 

In the first step, each entry that you iterate over gets split into a list of 'factors'. Each factor represents what is essentially treated as a unit by the algorithm; that could be Unicode characters (codepoints), or stretches of letters representing syllables, morphemes, or orthographic words; this will depend on your use case.

For ease of presentation, the default of KWIC.get_factors is to split each given string into characters. If you want something different, you may specify a factorizer as second argument which should be a function (or the name of a registered factorizer method) that accepts an entry string and returns a list of strings derived from that input. For commonly occurring cases, a number of named factorizers is included as KWIC.factorizers.

In the second step, each list of factors gets turned into a list of weights. Weights are what will be used for sorting; typically, these are non-negative integer numbers, but you could use anything that can be sorted, such as rational numbers, negative numbers, lists of numbers or, in fact, strings. As with get_factors, get_weights accepts a second argument, called alphabet in this case, which may be the name of one of the standard alphabets registered in KWIC.alphabets, a function that returns a weight when called with a factor, or a list that enumerates all possible factors (and whose indices will become weights). The general rule is that wherever a given weight is smaller that another one, the first will sort before the second, and vice versa.

The essential part happens with the third call, permutations = KWIC.get_permutations factors, weights. You can treat the return value as a black box; the idea is to push a list with the permutations as the the first and whatever identifies your entry as the second element to your collection in order to prepare for sorting and output. When you're done with collecting the entries, you can pass the collection to, which will then sort and print the result. If you need any kind of further data to point from each index row back into, say, page and line numbers where those entries originated, you'll have to organize that part yourself (you could make each `entry´ an object with the pertinent data attached to it and use a custom factorization method).

In case you're interested, the permutations list will contain as many sub-lists as there were factors, one for each occurrence of the entry in the index. Each sub-list starts with an item internally called the r-weights, that is, a rotated list of weights. Let's look at the permutations for the entry cabs:

factors = [ 'c''a''b'`s`]                           # 4 
weights = [  99,  97,  98115]                           # 5 
permutations = [                                            # 6 
  [ [  99,    97,    98,   115,  null]'c'[ 'a''b''s'][                ]]
  [ [  97,    98,   115,  null,    99]'a'[ 'b''s',      ][ 'c',           ]]
  [ [  98,   115,  null,    97,    99]'b'[ 's',           ][ 'c''a',      ]]
  [ [ 115,  null,    98,    97,    99]'s'[                ][ 'c''a''b']]

Lines marked #4 show the factors of the word cabs, which are simply its letters or characters. The #5 points to the weights list, which, again is just each character's Unicode codepoint expressed as a decimal number (in this simple example, we could obviously just sort using Unicode strings, but on the other hand, that simplicity immediately breaks down as soon when a more locale-specific sorting is needed, such as treating German ä either as 'a kind of a' or as 'a kind of ae').

Now the first item in each of the three sub-lists of the permutations (lines marked #6) contains the 'rotated weights' mentioned above. In fact, those weights are not only rotated, they

  • are extended with an 'null' value (which, being (almost) the smallest possible value when Hollerith CoDec-encoded, will sort before anything else);

  • contain the weights for the suffixes in reversed order; replacing the numbers with letters (using _ to replace null), the r-weight entries are cabs_, abs_c, bs_ac, and s_bac, respectively.

The second point is what causes a slightly more meaningful ordering of the entries with a slightly better and more interesting aub-clustering when sorted.

The remaining three entries in each permutation sub-list contain, in terms of factors, the infix I, the suffix S and the (non-reversed) prefix P that the r-weights represent in terms of weights. These data are made part of the information that goes into the LevelDB key for the simple reason that a reconstruction of these pieces from the rotated weights would be awkward, and retrieval from separate keys or external data sources cumbersome.

In case you should be wondering: yes, this extra data, being put into a DB key, does potentially affect the overall sorting of entries, but the Hollerith CoDec being constructed the way it is, the factors can only ever have a bearing on the sorting if two identical r-weight lists (same lengths, same contents) happen to occur with differing factors. In that case, Unicode lexicographic ordering comes into effect. With a properly implemented scheme of factorizations and weightings, that should never happen.

Single Step

The exact same result as above may be obtained by a slightly simpler procedure that hides the intermediate results:

entries     = unique_words_from_text text
collection  = []
for entry in entries
  collection.push [ ( KWIC.permute entry )entry] collection

Here, we call KWIC.permute on each entry. This method will most of the time be called with an additional settings object such as:

my_factorizer = ( entry  ) -> return words of entry
my_weighter   = ( factor ) -> return fancy localized weight for factor
for entry in entries
  permutations = KWIC.permute entryfactorizer: my_factorizeralphabet: my_weighter
  collection.push [ permutationsentry]

Relationship to Hollerith, the Binary Phrase DB

The keys generated by KWIC.permute may be used as keys in a Hollerith Phrase DB, as they are Hollerith CoDec-compliant. In fact, the KWIC demo converts encodes all generated keys to NodeJS buffers which are then sorted using; thus, consistency with LevelDB's lexicographical sorting is ensured even without using a DB instance for the purpose.

Related Software

There is a rather obscure UNIX utility by the name of ptx and an even more obscure GNU version of the same, gptx.


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