
1.0.9 • Public • Published


A command line interface to kromosynth.

Install as a global command

npm install -g kromosynth-cli


Piped command-line combinations for spawning, mutating, rendering, playing and saving genes and their renditions.


Output description and help text:

kromosynth --help

Genesis genes

Create a new genome and print it to standard output:

kromosynth new-genome

Create a new genome, specify not to print to standard output (otherwise the default) and write it to a file with an auto-generated name:

kromosynth new-genome --write-to-output false --write-to-file

Create a new genome, print to standard output and write it to a file with the supplied name:

kromosynth new-genome --write-to-file kromosynth_gene_initial_1.json

Gene mutations

Create a new genome, perform 35 mutations on it and print the result to standard output:

kromosynth new-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --mutation-count 35 mutate-genome

Create a new genome, perform 42 mutations on it and write to a file with the supplied name:

kromosynth new-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --mutation-count 42 --write-to-output false --write-to-file kromosynth_gene_mutation_42.json mutate-genome

Playback and rendering

Create a new genome, perform 35 mutations on it, render a two second audio from it and play on the default audio device:

kromosynth new-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --mutation-count 35 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --duration 2 --velocity 0.75 --note-delta 0 render-audio

Create a new genome, perform 250 mutations on it, mostly on its audio buffer source pattern producing network (CPPN) part, render a two second audio from the result and play on the default audio device:

kromosynth new-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --mutation-count 250 --probability-mutating-wave-network 0.9 --probability-mutating-patch 0.1 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --duration 2 --velocity 0.75 --note-delta 0 render-audio

Render and play a gene from a file, using values from the gene's metadata, if present, for duration, note delta and velocity, by passing in the flag --gene-metadata-override true.

kromosynth --read-from-file ~/iCloud/Documents/ --write-to-file render/ --play-on-default-audio-device true --gene-metadata-override true render-audio

File persistence

  • Create a new genome, perform 35 mutations on it, write the gene to a file, with an auto-generated file name in the specified genes/ folder
  • Render a two second audio from the gene and write it to a WAV file with an auto-generated file name in the specified render/ folder (without playing it on the default audio device):
kromosynth new-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file genes/ --mutation-count 35 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file render/ --play-on-default-audio-device false --duration 2 --velocity 0.75 --note-delta 0 render-audio

Read a gene from file, render a five second sound, one octave down from it's base note, with half velocity, write the result to a WAV file with auto-generated file name in the render folder and also play it on the default audio device (could also explicitly declare --play-on-default-audio-device true, or --play-on-default-audio-device false to not play the sound):

kromosynth --read-from-file genes/kromosynth_gene_01GNEV157BWBNZK89RSJF082HY.json --write-to-file render/ --play-on-default-audio-device false --duration 5 --velocity 0.5 --note-delta -12 render-audio

Read a gene from a file, mutate it a few times, save the mutated result to a gene file (in genes/ with an auto-generated file name), play back the result and save it to a WAV file with an auto-generated file name in the render/ directory:

cat genes/kromosynth_gene_01GNEV157BWBNZK89RSJF082HY.json | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file genes/ --mutation-count 8 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file render/ --duration 2 --velocity 1 --note-delta 0 --play-on-default-audio-device true render-audio

Evolution (hyper)parameters

In addition to controlling the likelihood of mutating the wave network and audio graph patch parts of a genome, with the command line flags --probability-mutating-wave-network and --probability-mutating-patch, respectively, further evolution (hyper)parameteres can be supplied from a JSON(-C) file, with the flag --evo-params-json-file, or an inline JSON string, with the --evo-params-json-string flag.

New genome with evolution parameters read from a file in conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters.jsonc:

kromosynth --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters.jsonc new-genome

New genome with evolution parameters supplied by an inline JSON string; the genome is then mutated with evolution parameters from a file in conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters.jsonc:

kromosynth \
  --evo-params-json-string '{"waveNetwork":{"neatParameters":{"pMutateAddConnection":0.13,"pMutateAddNode":0.13,"pMutateDeleteSimpleNeuron":0,"pMutateDeleteConnection":0,"pMutateConnectionWeights":0.72,"pMutateChangeActivations":0.02,"pNodeMutateActivationRate":0.2,"connectionWeightRange":3,"disallowRecurrence":true},"iecOptions":{"initialMutationCount":5,"postMutationCount":5},"activationFunctionProbabilities":{"triangle":0.25,"sawtooth":0.25,"StepFunction":0.25,"Sine":0.25,"Sine2":0.25,"cos":0,"arctan":0,"spike":0,"BipolarSigmoid":0,"PlainSigmoid":0,"Gaussian":0,"Linear":0,"NullFn":0}},"audioGraph":{"mutationParams":{"mutationDistance":0.5,"splitMutationChance":0.2,"addOscillatorChance":0.1,"addAudioBufferSourceChance":0.1,"addConnectionChance":0.2,"mutateConnectionWeightsChance":0.2,"mutateNodeParametersChance":0.2},"defaultParameters":{"connectionMutationRate":[0.05,0.8],"nodeMutationRate":[0.05,0.8],"addOscillatorFMMutationRate":0.5,"addConnectionFMMutationRate":0.1}}}' \
  new-genome | \
  kromosynth --read-from-input --mutation-count 1 --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters.jsonc mutate-genome

Biasing towards specific audio graph nodes with parameter configuration

Following are examples of biasing evolution of the audio graph part of the gene, by mutations, towards specific node types, such as:

  • wavetables:

25 mutations, writing the genes to a file within the sub-folder genes/ and rendering a five second sound at full velocity:

kromosynth new-genome --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-wavetable-bias.jsonc | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file genes/ --mutation-count 25 --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-wavetable-bias.jsonc mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --duration 5 --velocity 1 --note-delta 0 render-audio

Biasing mutations towards the pattern producing networks, with 20% chance of mutating the audio graph (patch):

kromosynth new-genome --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-wavetable-bias.jsonc | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file genes/ --mutation-count 100 --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-wavetable-bias.jsonc --probability-mutating-wave-network 0.8 --probability-mutating-patch 0.2 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --duration 5 --velocity 1 --note-delta 0 render-audio
  • additive synthesis nodes:
kromosynth new-genome --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-additive-bias.jsonc | kromosynth --read-from-input --mutation-count 155 --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-additive-bias.jsonc mutate-genome

440 mutations, mostly on the wave-pattern-producing network:

kromosynth new-genome --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-additive-bias.jsonc | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file genes/ --mutation-count 440 --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-additive-bias.jsonc --probability-mutating-wave-network 0.99 --probability-mutating-patch 0.01 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --duration 60 --velocity 1 --note-delta -24 render-audio
kromosynth new-genome --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-additive-bias.jsonc | kromosynth --read-from-input --write-to-file genes/ --mutation-count 70 --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters-additive-bias.jsonc --probability-mutating-wave-network 0.9 --probability-mutating-patch 0.1 mutate-genome | kromosynth --read-from-input --duration 35 --velocity 1 --note-delta -24 render-audio

Sound classification

Obtain class predictions for one sound genome, using the default (YAMNet) classifier:

cat genes/kromosynth_gene_01GPVVQV1Y0FQ2J6RJ4AC5DTEE.json | kromosynth --read-from-input classify-genome

Quality Diversity search


Within gRPC:

Starting a QD search controller, without pm2:

kromosynth quality-diversity-search --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters.jsonc --evolution-run-config-json-file conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc --evolution-run-id 01GRM1W26X4H704V9RSP97YN6H

Starting a controller, managed by pm2:

pm2 start kromosynth.js -- quality-diversity-search --evo-params-json-file conf/evolutionary-hyperparameters.jsonc --evolution-run-config-json-file conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc --evolution-run-id 01GRM1W26X4H704V9RSP97YN6

Service cluster for variation and evaluation

Bare metal

cd ./gRPC

Starting a service cluster, managed by pm2:

pm2 delete all && pm2 start ecosystem.config.cjs

Without pm2:

node index.js --modelUrl file:///Users/bthj/Developer/tfjs-model_yamnet_tfjs_1/model.json --processTitle kromosynth-gRPC-evaluation
  • automatically finding a free port and writing <host>:<port> information to a file, specified by the --hostInfoFilePath argument, to be read by the QD search controller (see attributes geneVariationServerPaths and geneEvaluationServerPaths in cli-app/conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc):
node index.js --hostInfoFilePath /tmp/grpc1.txt --modelUrl file:///Users/bthj/Developer/tfjs-model_yamnet_tfjs_1/model.json --processTitle kromosynth-gRPC-evaluation




podman build -t kromosynth-grpc .


podman run --expose=50051-50058 --expose=50061-50068 --publish=50051-50058:50051-50058 --publish=50061-50068:50061-50068 kromosynth-grpc

Pushing to a registry:

podman login -u <user> -p <pwd>
podman images
podman push <image id> docker://


apptainer build kromosynth-grpc.sif docker://bthj/kromosynth-grpc:1.0.0


apptainer build --fakeroot kromosynth-grpc.sif kromosynth-grpc.def

QD search data analysis

QD score

Calculate QD score for an elite map at one specific iteration:

kromosynth elite-map-qd-score --evolution-run-config-json-file conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc --evolution-run-id 01GVR6ZWKJAXF3DHP0ER8R6S2J --evolution-run-iteration 9000

Calculate QD scores across an entire QD run, optionally controlling the granularity with a step size parameter:

kromosynth evo-run-qd-scores --evolution-run-config-json-file conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc --evolution-run-id 01GVR6ZWKJAXF3DHP0ER8R6S2J --step-size 100


Play all sounds / classes / niches / cells in the elite map:

  • from the last iteration
kromosynth evo-run-play-elite-map --evolution-run-config-json-file conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc --evolution-run-id 01GVR6ZWKJAXF3DHP0ER8R6S2J
  • from a specified iteration
kromosynth evo-run-play-elite-map --evolution-run-config-json-file conf/evolution-run-config.jsonc --evolution-run-id 01GVR6ZWKJAXF3DHP0ER8R6S2J --evolution-run-iteration 9000

Evo run data history

Save a list of all git commit IDs:

git rev-list master --first-parent > commits.txt

Obtain the elite map at one specific iteration / revsiont / git commit:

git -C evoruns/01GT9HMJNTVB6ZD4K6CAN1H6ZX show 50a581e44b5f07d61ca1660b002f4c31698a4bee:elites_01GT9HMJNTVB6ZD4K6CAN1H6ZX.json


Build an Apptainer for runniing the the CLI and gRPC server through:

mkdir -p /mnt/spacious-device/apptainer-workdirs/localcache
mkdir -p /mnt/spacious-device/apptainer-workdirs/cache
mkdir -p /mnt/spacious-device/apptainer-workdirs/tmp
cd /path/to/kromosynth-cli/HPC
APPTAINER_LOCALCACHEDIR=/mnt/spacious-device/apptainer-workdirs/localcache APPTAINER_CACHEDIR=/mnt/spacious-device/apptainer-workdirs/cache APPTAINER_TMPDIR=/mnt/spacious-device/apptainer-workdirs/tmp apptainer build kromosynth-runner.sif kromosynth-runner.def

Start a cluster of gRPC services for gene variation and mutation, managed by PM2, according to a configuration in container_ecosystem.config.cjs:

cd /path/to/kromosynth-cli/gRPC
apptainer exec --nv /path/to/kromosynth-cli/HCP/kromosynth-runner.sif pm2-runtime container_ecosystem.config.cjs
  • the --nv flag facilitates access to an NVIDIA GPU.

Start an evolutionary run of quality diversity search:

cd /path/to/kromosynth-cli/cli-app
apptainer exec --nv /path/to/kromosynth-cli/cli-app/HPC/kromosynth-runner.sif node kromosynth.js evolution-runs --evolution-runs-config-json-file conf/evolution-runs.jsonc

If a command run through apptainer exec fails to find a host path - such a case has been observed when running on a cloud volume mount - then the volume can be explicitly mounted into the container with the --mount option, like:

apptainer exec --nv --mount 'type=bind,source=/mnt/evoruns01,destination=/mnt/evoruns01' kromosynth-runner.sif npm i --prefix /mnt/evoruns01/kromosynth-cli/gRPC/

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npm i kromosynth-cli

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  • bthj