
0.10.2 • Public • Published


A development server based on Koa HTTP framework.

The server was initialy implemented as part of the Qute development tools, but can be used inside any JavaScript build tools like rollup.js or Webpack.



  • Built-in live reload using livereload.
  • Displaying build errors in the browser when build fails.
  • Customizable build error page.
  • Customizable middleware stack - you can use any existing Koa plugins to configure your middleware stack. Or you can write your own middleware if needed.


npm install -D koa-devserver
import DevServer from 'koa-devserver';

const server = new DevServer(opts);

['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'].forEach((signal) => {
	process.on(signal, () => {

See the rollup-plugin-koa-devserver for usage inside a rollup build.

DevServer options

Here is a list of all available options:

	name: 'Koa DevServer',
	root: '.', // the web root
	host: '', // the host to listen to
	port: 8080, // the port to listen to
	open: '/path_to_open_in_browser/when/server/starts.html',
	index: 'index.html', // use an index file when GET directory -> passed to koa-send
	verbose: false, // if true print HTTP requests
	koa: function, // if set will be used to create a custom koa app (you need to setup yourself all the required middlewares). The function signature is koa(livereloadMiddleware, opts) where livereloadMiddleware can be null if liverealof is not enabled.
	https: { // defaults to undefined

	livereload: { // can be a string an array or an object. defaults to undefined.
		// any livereload option
		// plus:
		watch: "path/to/watch", // or an array of paths, regexs or globs
		port: 35729, // use a custom livereload port
		src: '', // use a custom livereload script src
		errorPage: '/fs/path/to/error_page_template.html' // use a custom error page template
	use: [ koaMiddleware ] // can inject one or more koa middleware in the request execution stack
  • name - string - the name printed in the server banner when server is started. You can change it to any name you want. The default value is Koa DevServer.

  • root - string or array - specify the web content root (i.e. the directory where the requests are resolved to file system paths). To specify more than one directories, use an array. The request paths will be resolved in each of the specified directory until a file is found. If not match is found a 404 http status is returned. This option defaults to the current working directory (i.e. '.').

  • host - string - the host name to listen to. Defaults to

  • port - integer - the port to listent to. Defaults to 8080.

  • open - string - The url path to open when server starts (i.e. when open method is called). Defaults to undefined.

  • index - string - the index file name to use when serving directories. It is passed to koa-send. Defaults to index.html.

  • verbose - boolean - if true prints each HTTP request. Defaults to false.

  • https - object - specify that https should be used. See node https module for the available options. Defaults to undefined.

  • use - koa middleware or array of koa middlewares. Can be used to inject any required middleware in the HTTP stack. Each specified middleware will be added by calling koa.use(middleware)

  • livereload - object or string - the livereload configuration. Buy default live reload is off. To enable live reload you must specify one or more paths to watch.
    If you don't need extra live reload configuration you can just use a string or an array as the livereload value: this will be path to watch.
    If you need to specify additonal options then you need to use as the value an object with at least the watch property which should point to the path or array of paths to watch.
    Note that the paths to watch are in the format supported by liverload watch method (i.e. directory paths or glob patterns as supported by chokidar).
    Here is the list of supported properties:

    • watch - string or array - as explained above: the path or paths to watch. This will usually point to the build artifacts.
    • port - integer - the port to use. Defaults to 35729.
    • src - string - a custom livereload.js script src.
    • errorPage - string - an optional path to a error template file.
    • any other configuration property supported by the livereload library.


Using a default configuration with the koa cors middleware and using a liverelaod on the build/devdirectory:

new DevServer({
	use: require('@koa/cors')(),
	livereload: 'build/dev'




Bogdan Stefanescu - Intial Work - Quandora


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