
1.4.0 • Public • Published


A knockoutjs extension to crud items in Observables and Observable Arrays

Inspired by "A Simple Editor Pattern for Knockout.js" by Ryan Niemeyer ( Thank you Ryan! It was one paragraph in this blog that go me thinking: "If you were going to reuse this technique [the editor pattern] often, then you could even create an extension to an observableArray that adds the appropriate observables and functions off of the observableArray itself like in this sample."


  • For editing an array of objects within an ObservableArray and those object properties, as observables, at the same time
  • Broadcasting of updates via arrayChange
  • Programmable form field focus
  • Plays nicely alongside other plugins like Knockout Validation

How it works

Demo - a Todo App, of course!


Coding Requirements

  • A constructor function for each Observable Array
  • An update function within the constructor function For example:
var SpaceExploration = function(data) {
    this_id = ko.observable(); = ko.observable();
    this.price = ko.observable();
ko.utils.extend(SpaceExploration.prototype, {  // Note: can also extend the prototype
    update: function(data) {
        this._id( || ""); || "New item");
        this.price(data.price || 0);

This separates creation from initialisation. Fresh data can be applied at any time.


bower install --save


npm install knockoutcrud --save

Include knockoutcrud.js after loading knockout.

import ko from 'knockout';
import 'knockoutcrud';


To load the methods and properties against an Observable Array initiate by:

this.spaceExploration = ko.observableArray().crud({
    constructor: SpaceExploration,
    uniqueIdentifier: "_id"

The unique identifier is needed if utilising the upsert and justUpdatedfunctions.


Method added to Observables

  • focusable: use to select a form field that you need focused after pageload or an event.
this.inputField = ko.observable().focusable(/* optional: true */);  // in constructor
// then later

And, in html:

<input data-bind="textInput: inputField, hasFocus: inputField.focused" />

Editing a whole Observable Array

Methods added to Observable Arrays

  • insert: to add new records to a collection. This method needs an array or single object of items to push.
  • upsert: to add or update records in a collection. This method needs an array/object of items to push/update (must contain the unique identifier to be able to find objects to update).
  • deleteItem: remove an instance from an edited collection
  • cancelEdit: roll back the collection to what it was originally

Properties added to Observable Arrays

  • beforeEdit: hold a copy of the original collection for running through upon cancel
  • justRemoved: parked removed instances held temporary incase of cancellation of a collection edit
  • justAdded: parked added instances held temporary incase of cancellation of a collection edit The reason for justRemoved and justAdded properties is to speed up the cancel step. This is quicker than finding the difference betweeen the start and end points before cancelling.
  • justUpdated: get what has changed. Finds the deep difference between the current Observable Array and beforeEdit. This function returns a 'previous' and 'value' properties for comparison.

Editing an object within an Observable Array

Methods added to Observable Arrays

  • selectItem: populates selectedItem(see below) and provides a clean copy of the item for editing to itemForEditing property
  • acceptItem: accept the changes and update the original object (publishes the change to 'arrayChange')
  • revertItem: cancel changes to the object
  • removeItem: remove the item currently being edited

Properties added to Observable Arrays

  • selectedItem: holds the original object (an Observable). In effect, a copy of 'this'. Don't set its value directly, use selectItem. Can use like this.yourObservableArray.selectedItem().update(updatedData);
  • itemForEditing: the edited copy. Don't set its value directly, use selectItem.
  • itemForAdding: For when a diffent form is needed for adding

Adding an object to an Observable Array

Adding is different from editing so provide itemForAdding for holding a protected observable whilst entering. The cancelAdd method is used for throwing this away.

Methods added to Observable Arrays

  • cancelAdd: clears itemForAdding

Properties added to Observable Arrays

  • itemForAdding: An observable for holding an addition to an observable array

Pro Tip: Updating the Server after CRUD Operations

  • Upon saving the CRUD operations, call justRemoved, justAdded and justUpdated on the Observable Array to provide a full set of data needed to forward to the server.
  • Update the server as things change:
spaceExploration.subscribe(function(newValue) {
    console.log(newValue);  // returns an array of objects with properties: index, previous (for updates) and value (current value of item)
}, null, "arrayChange");



  • Also see editable feature in This is a great plugin for Knockout with similar outcomes.


None sorry.

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  • antonythorpe