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3.0.0 • Public • Published


Simple JavaScript library that generates animated clouds using WebGL.

Check out the demo here


Assuming that you have a canvas element on a page with an id my-canvas.

<canvas id="my-canvas"></canvas>

You can use the library in the following ways:

Using script tag

<!-- either download library files from the lib directory and link the file -->
<script src="klouds.min.js"></script>

<!-- or use a service like unpkg -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/klouds"></script>

<!-- then call the function klouds.create -->
    selector: '#my-canvas'

Using jQuery

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- klouds must be included after jquery -->
<script src="klouds.min.js"></script>

Using npm/yarn/bower etc.

npm install klouds
import * as klouds from 'klouds'

  selector: '#my-canvas'

Note: Typescript definition files are provided with the library.


Function klouds.create takes a single object argument.

name required type description default value example values
selector true string | HTMLCanvasElement A selector string to your canvas element or an actual canvas element

Note: jQuery plugin of this library does not require selector as an option.
speed false number Cloud movement speed. Positive speed go to the left, negative go to the right side. Zero value makes the clouds stand still. 1 0
layerCount false number Number of cloud paralax layers. Can go from 1 to 8. 3 1
bgColor false string | number[] Color of the sky behind the clouds [0.0, 102, 128] "cyan"
"rgb(255, 128, 0)"
[0, 128, 220]
cloudColor1 false string | number[] Color of the first cloud layer. Cloud layers between first and last layer have a interpolated color. [25, 178, 204] "cyan"
"rgb(255, 128, 0)"
[0, 128, 220]
cloudColor2 false string | number[] Color of the last cloud layer. Cloud layers between first and last layer have a interpolated color. [255, 255, 255] "cyan"
"rgb(255, 128, 0)"
[0, 128, 220]

klouds.create returns an object with method that allow you to change clouds after you've created them, see the current values or start and stop the rendering of the clouds. The methods are the following:

method description
start Start the rendering of the clouds
stop Stop the rendering of the clouds
getSpeed Returns the current cloud speed
setSpeed Changes the cloud speed
getLayerCount Returns the current number of cloud layers
setLayerCount Changes the number of cloud layers
getBgColor Returns the current cloud background sky color
setBgColor Changes the cloud background sky color
getCloudColor1 Returns the current first cloud color
setCloudColor1 Changes the first cloud color
getCloudColor2 Returns the current last cloud color
setCloudColor2 Changes the last cloud color


var clouds = klouds.create({
  selector: '#my-cloud-canvas',
  speed: 5,
  layerCount: 7,
  bgColor: 'white',
  cloudColor1: 'white',
  cloudColor2: 'red'

// later you could for example changed the speed


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