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More information about Kimono can be found on the API docs.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install kimono

var Kimono = require('kimono');
var kimono = new Kimono('api key'); // Use your API key



Constructor of a new Kimono object.

  • apikey: your private API key

Kimono.retrieve(id [, params] [, ondemand], callback)

Returns an API object matching a specific API id.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • params: additional URL parameters to pass with the request
    • kimlimit: limits the number of result rows returned by the API call
    • kimoffset: offset results returned to begin from a row other than the first
    • kimbypage: collate the results by page instead of by collection
    • kimwithurl: includes the original URL each row of data was extracted from
    • kimindex: includes an extra unique, incrementing index property for every item in every collection
    • kimhash: includes an extra unique hash property on every row in the collection
    • kimseries: presents the data as a time series across historical results, rather than as a single snapshot in time
    • kimstats: includes API crawl statistics in your data
  • ondemand: set to true if the API should be requested on demand
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured


Returns a list of all APIs for the specified user.

  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured

Kimono.set(id, property, value, callback)

Sets a property on the API to a new value.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • property: the API property to update
  • value: the new value of the API property
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured

Kimono.setTargetUrl(id, value, callback)

Alias for Kimono.set(id, 'targeturl', value, callback)

Set the target url for the API.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • value: any url
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured

Kimono.setFrequency(id, value, callback)

Alias for Kimono.set(id, 'frequency', value, callback)

Set the update frequency for the API. Once specified, kimono will attempt to fetch data from the target URL at this interval.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • value: fifteenminutely, halfhourly, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured

Kimono.setCrawlLimit(id, value, callback)

Alias for Kimono.set(id, 'crawllimit', value, callback)

Set the maximum number of pages to visit during a pagination crawl.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • value: the maximum number of pages to visit
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured

Kimono.setCrawlUrls(id, value, callback)

Alias for Kimono.set(id, 'urls', value, callback)

Set the list of urls to visit during a targeted crawl.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • value: an array containing all urls to be crawled
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured

Kimono.startCrawl(id, callback)

Start the crawl process.

  • id: unique 8 character identifier for the API
  • callback(err, res): if err is null then the API response is returned in res, otherwise an error occured


var Kimono = require('kimono');
var apikey = 'abc123';
var kimono = new Kimono(apikey);
kimono.retrieve('def456', {
  kimlimit: 50
}, function (err, res) {});


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) 2015 David Caseria
Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • davidcaseria