
1.0.1 • Public • Published


The simple file caching module for Node.js.
Keepr is handy in those I/O intensive applications where files are read and processed frequently. It caches file content up to a given maximum byte size, while keeping the most frequently used files in memory and purging the least frequently used.


  • Caches file content in memory for quick retrieval.
    • Reduces expensive file system I/O calls.
    • Keeps frequently used content readily available.
    • You can set the maximum cache size.
  • Keeps the newest, most frequently used files first.
    • Uses a LFU/Oldest First composite algorithm.
    • Retrieve cached contents in any supported encoding or get a safe copy of the buffer contents.
  • Safely store file contents in memory
    • Keepr helps prevent heap allocation errors by capping stored file contents to a preset size.
    • If a file is modified or deleted it is uncached automagically.
  • 99% Test Coverage


$ npm install keepr --save

Getting Started

var keepr = require('keepr');
// 1st call: file is read and cached.
keepr.get('./some/file.js', function (err, contents) { ... });
// All subsequent calls will return the cached contents.
keepr.get('./some/file.js', function (err, contents) { ... });
// Or wrap the fs.module...
// Now fs will use Keepr's cache!
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('./some/file.js', function (err, contents) { ... });

Keepr#get performs async file reads...
Keepr#getSync can be used to perform synchronous file reads (if you feel it's absolutely necessary).

You can also use the aliases: Keepr#read and Keepr#readSync.

fs.readFileSync is also wrapped when you call keepr.wrapFS.

Keepr exports a singleton...

You can require it from any file and the same instance will be returned.
However, if desired, multiple instances of Keepr can be created using the require('keepr').Keepr class.


  1. Install
  2. Getting Started
  3. Options
  4. Purging Cache
  5. Wrapping The FS Module
  6. Other Methods
  7. Performance


For most, the default options will suffice, however, you can tweak Keepr with the following options:

var keepr = require('keepr');
// Default settings shown...
    // The finite maximum size the cache can grow to.
    // If set to < 0, the cache can grow infinitely.
    size: require('v8').getHeapStatistics().total_available_size * 0.75,
    // If true, cache will be invalidated if the file is modified.
    watch: true,
    // Alters the caching algorithm.
    historyFactor: 2,
    // Prints debug messages to the stdout.
    debug: false

Keepr#setOptions({Object} options) → {Keepr}

Sets one or more of the following options...

Property Default Description
{Number|String} size 75% of the available heap space Sets the maxCacheLimit; the maximum size the cache is allowed to grow to. If maxCacheLimit <= 0, the cache can grow infinitely.
{Boolean} watch true If true, cache will be invalidated when a file is modified (uses

Note: If false, cache calls to changed files will return obsolete contents! However, if you're sure the files won't change, this could provide a performance boost.
{String} historyFactor 2 An number between 1.5 and 8.

Changes the portion of the cache that is considered for release when the cache is full (2 = half the cache size, 4 = a quarter, etc.). A higher setting will focus more on cache age, a lower setting will focus more on frequency.
{Boolean} debug false If true, Keepr will print debug information to the stdout.

Keepr#getOptions() → {Object}

Returns the current options as an object.

Size Strings

A size string can be used instead of a byte size when setting the maxCacheLimit
A size string must match the following regular expression: /^ *(\d+(?:\.\d+)?) *(b|kb|mb|gb) *$/i. The following strings are valid "size strings" where xxx is a number:

String Magnitude
'xxxb' Bytes
'xxxkb' Kilobytes
'xxxmb' Megabytes
'xxxgb' Gigabytes


var keepr = require('keepr');
keepr.setOptions({ size: '5000b' });
keepr.setOptions({ size: '5000kb' });
keepr.setOptions({ size: '200mb' });
keepr.setOptions({ size: '1.5gb' });

Purging Cache

To manually purge the cache call Keepr#purge. However, in most cases, manually purging the cache is unnecessary and should be avoided in favor of performance.

Keepr#purge({...String=} filename) → {Keepr}

// Frees all cache for garbage collection...
// You can purge a specific file by passing in a filename.
// ...or multiple files...
keepr.purge('./my/file.js', './my/file2.js');

Wrapping The FS Module

Keepr provides a method to wrap the native Node FS module. This ensures that all calls made to fs.readFile and fs.readFileSync will be cached. Thus, other modules that read from the file system will utilize the Keepr caching system as well.

Keepr#wrapFS() → {Keepr}

var keepr = require('keepr');
    fs    = require('fs');
// Wrap fs.readFile and fs.readFileSync
// First call, contents read and cached.
fs.readFile('./my/file.js', function (err, contents) { ... });
// Next call, cached contents returned.
fs.readFile('./my/file.js', function (err, contents) { ... });
// If for any reason you need to un-wrap the file system methods...

If you need to use the vanilla FS methods for a "don't cache" situation after wrapping the fs module, you can use Keepr#noCache or Keepr#noCacheSync

Note, Keepr#wrapFS and Keepr#unwrapFS are available only to the singleton instance returned when required. Newly created instances will not have these methods.

Other Methods


Always returns the vanilla version of fs.readFile.


Always returns the vanilla version of fs.readFileSync.

Keepr#dump() → {Object}

Exports a skeleton copy of the the cache content as an object (without the data)

var data = keepr.dump();
// Returns something like:
    '/my/file.json:buffer': {
        size: 714,
        source: '/my/file.json',
        called: 0,
        encoding: 'buffer',
        hash: '/my/file.json:buffer'
    '/my/other/file.xml:utf-8': {
        size: 10456,
        source: '/my/other/file.xml',
        called: 1,
        encoding: 'utf-8',
        hash: '/my/other/file:utf-8'

Keepr#isCached({String} filename) → {Boolean}

Returns true if the provided filename exists in the cache, false otherwise.

var isCached = keepr.isCached('./my/file.js'); // -> true or false

Keepr#utiltized() → {Number}

The percentage of the cache that is currently utilized.

var utilized = keepr.utiltized(); // 0 >= x <= 1

Keepr#currentSize() → {Number}

The sum of all cached data in bytes.

var cacheSize = keepr.currentSize(); // 0 >= x <= keepr.getOptions().size;

Keepr#sizeOf({String|Buffer} item) → {Number}

Returns the size of the given argument in bytes.
If the argument isn't a Buffer or string, it will be cast to a string. This is essentially an alias for: Buffer.byteLength.

var sizeOfString = keepr.sizeOf('a string'); // -> 8


Basically, the test was to read files of various sizes 1, 2, 5, and 20 times in succession, both asynchronously and synchronously.
All tests were performed on a MacBook Pro, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, Apple SSD.

The result of each file [size] is listed below.


On average, the first file read takes about 30% longer using Keepr compared to the vanilla fs module. However, subsequent reads were much faster using Keepr ranging from 4 to 17,000+ times faster over vanilla fs.

The larger the files, the better Keepr performs.
Async, multiple reads of small files (less than 100kb) are about 5x times faster using Keepr. Larger files can be up to 99.9% faster.

Keepr works better asynchronously.
Keepr outperformed vanilla fs for all file sizes when reading async. For synchronous file reads, fs was faster for files smaller than 50kb. With files larger than 50kb sync, Keepr outperformed... and especially for files larger than 1mb.

The performance test files can be found in the performance directory of this repo.

The Bottom Line

So long as you have heap to spare and files to read, Keepr's a good choice.


The files were read asynchronously using Keepr's fs.readFile wrapper.

0.1KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 6.73 MS 8.69 MS -22.63% 0.77 5MB 6MB
2 1 Hex 1.06 MS 3.44 MS -69.11% 0.31 5MB 6MB
3 1 Base64 1.14 MS 3.22 MS -64.63% 0.35 5MB 6MB
4 1 UTF-8 1.61 MS 3.35 MS -52.06% 0.48 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 2.36 MS 0.54 MS 76.95% 4.34 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 1.83 MS 0.24 MS 86.84% 7.6 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 1.73 MS 0.24 MS 86.29% 7.3 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 1.64 MS 0.66 MS 60.05% 2.5 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 3.8 MS 0.95 MS 75.13% 4.02 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 3.42 MS 0.89 MS 73.96% 3.84 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 3.17 MS 0.43 MS 86.44% 7.38 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 2.5 MS 0.71 MS 71.77% 3.54 5MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 6.89 MS 2.42 MS 64.90% 2.85 6MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 6.03 MS 3.7 MS 38.62% 1.63 6MB 5MB
15 20 Hex 5.37 MS 1.02 MS 80.98% 5.26 6MB 6MB
16 20 Base64 4.52 MS 0.65 MS 85.61% 6.95 6MB 6MB

1.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 7.11 MS 8.76 MS -18.84% 0.81 5MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 2.24 MS 3.45 MS -35.04% 0.65 5MB 6MB
3 1 Hex 2.1 MS 3.24 MS -35.07% 0.65 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 2.04 MS 3.39 MS -39.73% 0.6 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 2.86 MS 0.38 MS 86.65% 7.49 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 3.2 MS 0.14 MS 95.73% 23.44 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 3.13 MS 0.14 MS 95.60% 22.71 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 3.05 MS 0.4 MS 86.77% 7.56 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 2.48 MS 0.67 MS 72.90% 3.69 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 2.23 MS 0.67 MS 69.94% 3.33 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 2.09 MS 0.54 MS 73.98% 3.84 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 1.67 MS 0.82 MS 51.01% 2.04 5MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 5.1 MS 1.58 MS 69.00% 3.23 6MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 4.37 MS 1.21 MS 72.32% 3.61 6MB 5MB
15 20 Hex 4.06 MS 0.59 MS 85.58% 6.94 6MB 6MB
16 20 Base64 3.76 MS 0.58 MS 84.56% 6.48 6MB 6MB

5.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 7.48 MS 10.26 MS -27.04% 0.73 5MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 2.02 MS 3.73 MS -45.77% 0.54 5MB 6MB
3 1 Hex 1.67 MS 3.5 MS -52.47% 0.48 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 1.64 MS 3.65 MS -54.94% 0.45 5MB 6MB
5 2 UTF-8 1.39 MS 0.53 MS 61.91% 2.63 5MB 6MB
6 2 Buffer 2.4 MS 0.23 MS 90.34% 10.35 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 2 MS 0.22 MS 89.11% 9.18 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 1.96 MS 0.61 MS 68.69% 3.19 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 4.4 MS 0.96 MS 78.12% 4.57 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 4 MS 0.9 MS 77.46% 4.44 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 3.8 MS 0.89 MS 76.46% 4.25 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 3.05 MS 1.01 MS 66.90% 3.02 6MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 5.05 MS 4.09 MS 19.11% 1.24 6MB 5MB
14 20 UTF-8 4.44 MS 1.23 MS 72.29% 3.61 6MB 5MB
15 20 Hex 4.12 MS 0.64 MS 84.54% 6.47 6MB 6MB
16 20 Base64 4.91 MS 0.63 MS 87.20% 7.81 5MB 6MB

50.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 6.87 MS 11.79 MS -41.76% 0.58 5MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 1.58 MS 4.03 MS -60.72% 0.39 5MB 6MB
3 1 Hex 1.55 MS 3.92 MS -60.48% 0.4 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 1.61 MS 4.14 MS -61.13% 0.39 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 1.54 MS 0.53 MS 65.55% 2.9 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 1.28 MS 0.23 MS 82.38% 5.68 6MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 2.29 MS 0.44 MS 80.58% 5.15 6MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 2.34 MS 0.65 MS 72.30% 3.61 6MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 4.45 MS 0.83 MS 81.30% 5.35 6MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 5.19 MS 0.63 MS 87.88% 8.25 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 5.63 MS 0.26 MS 95.46% 22.01 6MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 5.37 MS 1.87 MS 65.14% 2.87 6MB 5MB
13 20 Buffer 6.29 MS 2.18 MS 65.26% 2.88 6MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 6.39 MS 1.83 MS 71.41% 3.5 6MB 6MB
15 20 Hex 7.14 MS 0.92 MS 87.05% 7.72 5MB 6MB
16 20 Base64 7.77 MS 0.83 MS 89.37% 9.41 7MB 6MB

100.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 8.36 MS 9.02 MS -7.31% 0.93 5MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 2.07 MS 4.09 MS -49.47% 0.51 5MB 6MB
3 1 Base64 2 MS 4.21 MS -52.56% 0.47 5MB 6MB
4 1 Hex 2.41 MS 4.6 MS -47.65% 0.52 6MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 2.7 MS 0.38 MS 86.04% 7.16 6MB 6MB
6 2 Hex 3.38 MS 0.14 MS 95.91% 24.42 5MB 6MB
7 2 UTF-8 3.59 MS 0.13 MS 96.38% 27.61 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 3.69 MS 0.41 MS 88.97% 9.06 6MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 2.47 MS 0.88 MS 64.19% 2.79 6MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 2.7 MS 0.83 MS 69.40% 3.27 6MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 3.49 MS 0.71 MS 79.58% 4.9 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 3.7 MS 1.05 MS 71.52% 3.51 6MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 7.07 MS 1.67 MS 76.34% 4.23 6MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 7.23 MS 1.36 MS 81.20% 5.32 6MB 6MB
15 20 Hex 9.6 MS 0.74 MS 92.27% 12.93 7MB 7MB
16 20 Base64 11.15 MS 0.7 MS 93.73% 15.95 5MB 7MB

500.4KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 7.14 MS 8.83 MS -19.15% 0.81 5MB 6MB
2 1 Hex 4.03 MS 4.26 MS -5.48% 0.95 7MB 6MB
3 1 UTF-8 4.9 MS 6.47 MS -24.25% 0.76 5MB 7MB
4 1 Base64 5.19 MS 8.39 MS -38.21% 0.62 7MB 8MB
5 2 Buffer 4.34 MS 0.38 MS 91.30% 11.5 7MB 8MB
6 2 UTF-8 4.07 MS 0.12 MS 96.93% 32.62 6MB 8MB
7 2 Hex 5.71 MS 0.12 MS 97.96% 49.1 6MB 8MB
8 2 Base64 6.92 MS 0.4 MS 94.26% 17.41 6MB 8MB
9 5 Buffer 3.38 MS 0.89 MS 73.73% 3.81 6MB 8MB
10 5 UTF-8 3.86 MS 0.84 MS 78.21% 4.59 6MB 8MB
11 5 Hex 10.4 MS 0.86 MS 91.69% 12.03 5MB 8MB
12 5 Base64 12.6 MS 1.05 MS 91.64% 11.95 6MB 8MB
13 20 Buffer 12.01 MS 2.37 MS 80.25% 5.06 6MB 8MB
14 20 UTF-8 17.39 MS 1.92 MS 88.98% 9.08 6MB 8MB
15 20 Hex 28.38 MS 0.78 MS 97.27% 36.57 5MB 9MB
16 20 Base64 38.67 MS 0.78 MS 97.99% 49.67 5MB 9MB

1.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 7.6 MS 9.76 MS -22.13% 0.78 5MB 6MB
2 1 Hex 4.24 MS 6.41 MS -33.89% 0.66 5MB 7MB
3 1 Base64 5.8 MS 8.63 MS -32.79% 0.67 5MB 7MB
4 1 UTF-8 7.6 MS 10.57 MS -28.11% 0.72 7MB 7MB
5 2 Buffer 2.93 MS 0.97 MS 66.95% 3.03 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 5.59 MS 0.12 MS 97.82% 45.91 7MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 8.97 MS 0.12 MS 98.70% 77.08 7MB 7MB
8 2 Base64 10.14 MS 0.41 MS 95.96% 24.74 7MB 7MB
9 5 Buffer 3.92 MS 1.06 MS 73.02% 3.71 5MB 7MB
10 5 UTF-8 4.75 MS 0.81 MS 82.83% 5.83 7MB 7MB
11 5 Hex 14.15 MS 0.62 MS 95.61% 22.79 7MB 7MB
12 5 Base64 22.24 MS 0.96 MS 95.67% 23.08 7MB 7MB
13 20 Buffer 16.34 MS 1.44 MS 91.18% 11.34 5MB 7MB
14 20 UTF-8 20.84 MS 1.35 MS 93.53% 15.46 5MB 7MB
15 20 Hex 55.37 MS 0.77 MS 98.60% 71.45 5MB 7MB
16 20 Base64 82.27 MS 1.53 MS 98.14% 53.8 5MB 7MB

5.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 10.69 MS 15.21 MS -29.71% 0.7 5MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 8.25 MS 13.09 MS -37.01% 0.63 10MB 11MB
3 1 Base64 15.95 MS 27 MS -40.93% 0.59 10MB 11MB
4 1 Hex 27.07 MS 37.05 MS -26.94% 0.73 10MB 11MB
5 2 UTF-8 13.36 MS 0.55 MS 95.88% 24.27 20MB 11MB
6 2 Buffer 13.81 MS 0.22 MS 98.43% 63.49 20MB 11MB
7 2 Hex 31.47 MS 0.22 MS 99.30% 143.01 20MB 11MB
8 2 Base64 46.23 MS 0.67 MS 98.56% 69.3 20MB 11MB
9 5 Buffer 18.84 MS 1.09 MS 94.20% 17.25 20MB 11MB
10 5 UTF-8 40.08 MS 0.89 MS 97.78% 45.06 24MB 11MB
11 5 Hex 81.21 MS 0.67 MS 99.18% 121.93 24MB 11MB
12 5 Base64 109.98 MS 0.94 MS 99.14% 116.72 24MB 11MB
13 20 Buffer 78.16 MS 2.5 MS 96.81% 31.31 5MB 12MB
14 20 UTF-8 155.22 MS 2.79 MS 98.20% 55.54 44MB 11MB
15 20 Hex 345.08 MS 0.65 MS 99.81% 532.05 44MB 11MB
16 20 Base64 518.09 MS 0.64 MS 99.88% 813.61 4MB 11MB

50.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 36.34 MS 61.05 MS -40.48% 0.6 5MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 59.42 MS 95.03 MS -37.48% 0.63 55MB 56MB
3 1 Hex 159.32 MS 216.76 MS -26.50% 0.74 55MB 56MB
4 1 Base64 225.53 MS 304.31 MS -25.89% 0.74 55MB 56MB
5 2 Buffer 66.71 MS 0.56 MS 99.15% 118.09 4MB 56MB
6 2 UTF-8 124.67 MS 0.24 MS 99.81% 525.9 105MB 56MB
7 2 Hex 316.12 MS 0.66 MS 99.79% 481.58 105MB 56MB
8 2 Base64 496.47 MS 0.67 MS 99.86% 737.41 4MB 56MB
9 5 Buffer 157.23 MS 1.49 MS 99.05% 105.6 4MB 56MB
10 5 UTF-8 332.3 MS 1.75 MS 99.47% 190.36 104MB 56MB
11 5 Hex 989.95 MS 1.1 MS 99.89% 897.38 4MB 56MB
12 5 Base64 1,256.03 MS 1.8 MS 99.86% 698.35 4MB 56MB
13 20 Buffer 895.78 MS 7.27 MS 99.19% 123.28 4MB 55MB
14 20 UTF-8 1,819.7 MS 1.25 MS 99.93% 1,458.24 154MB 55MB
15 20 Hex 3,802.18 MS 0.62 MS 99.98% 6,091.13 4MB 55MB
16 20 Base64 5,165.94 MS 0.72 MS 99.99% 7,127.95 4MB 56MB

100.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 74.05 MS 115.99 MS -36.16% 0.64 4MB 6MB
2 1 UTF-8 132.14 MS 202.13 MS -34.62% 0.65 104MB 106MB
3 1 Base64 286.77 MS 474.95 MS -39.62% 0.6 105MB 106MB
4 1 Hex 479.06 MS 665.56 MS -28.02% 0.72 105MB 106MB
5 2 Buffer 141.6 MS 0.43 MS 99.70% 328.23 4MB 106MB
6 2 UTF-8 260.97 MS 0.16 MS 99.94% 1,673.47 205MB 106MB
7 2 Base64 784.35 MS 0.14 MS 99.98% 5,566.85 4MB 106MB
8 2 Hex 1,040.47 MS 0.41 MS 99.96% 2,553.88 4MB 106MB
9 5 Buffer 318.48 MS 1.34 MS 99.58% 238.05 4MB 106MB
10 5 UTF-8 689.47 MS 1.66 MS 99.76% 415.67 204MB 106MB
11 5 Hex 1,760.91 MS 0.52 MS 99.97% 3,380.6 4MB 106MB
12 5 Base64 2,487.3 MS 2.82 MS 99.89% 881.2 4MB 105MB
13 20 Buffer 3,908.69 MS 2.48 MS 99.94% 1,576.16 4MB 105MB
14 20 UTF-8 6,582.4 MS 1.73 MS 99.97% 3,801.71 304MB 105MB
15 20 Hex 12,025.29 MS 1.14 MS 99.99% 10,540.3 4MB 106MB
16 20 Base64 15,092.66 MS 0.87 MS 99.99% 17,271.63 4MB 106MB


The files were read synchronously using Keepr's fs.readFileSync wrapper.
You probably shouldn't use Keepr if you're dealing with a lot of files less than 50kb and reading them synchronously.

0.1KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.16 MS 1.38 MS -88.16% 0.12 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 0.08 MS 0.27 MS -69.76% 0.3 5MB 5MB
3 1 Hex 0.08 MS 0.12 MS -32.09% 0.68 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 0.06 MS 1.48 MS -95.84% 0.04 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 0.09 MS 0.17 MS -45.99% 0.54 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 0.1 MS 0.12 MS -12.69% 0.87 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 0.1 MS 0.12 MS -16.76% 0.83 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 0.45 MS 0.28 MS 36.67% 1.58 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 0.13 MS 0.34 MS -61.80% 0.38 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 0.14 MS 0.41 MS -67.26% 0.33 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 0.87 MS 0.33 MS 61.88% 2.62 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 0.14 MS 0.28 MS -50.12% 0.5 5MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 0.42 MS 1.28 MS -67.18% 0.33 5MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 0.57 MS 1.88 MS -69.62% 0.3 5MB 5MB
15 20 Hex 0.45 MS 0.48 MS -4.68% 0.95 5MB 5MB
16 20 Base64 0.53 MS 0.51 MS 4.33% 1.05 5MB 6MB

1.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.16 MS 1.36 MS -88.33% 0.12 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 0.08 MS 0.25 MS -67.69% 0.32 5MB 5MB
3 1 Hex 0.08 MS 0.13 MS -35.55% 0.64 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 0.09 MS 0.77 MS -88.86% 0.11 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 0.11 MS 0.17 MS -38.74% 0.61 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 0.1 MS 0.27 MS -61.15% 0.39 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 0.11 MS 0.27 MS -59.95% 0.4 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 0.45 MS 0.32 MS 29.98% 1.43 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 0.15 MS 0.42 MS -64.53% 0.35 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 0.15 MS 0.31 MS -53.18% 0.47 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 0.99 MS 0.24 MS 75.42% 4.07 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 0.32 MS 0.35 MS -8.38% 0.92 5MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 0.52 MS 1.32 MS -60.58% 0.39 5MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 0.96 MS 1.93 MS -50.17% 0.5 5MB 5MB
15 20 Hex 0.47 MS 0.48 MS -1.80% 0.98 5MB 5MB
16 20 Base64 0.55 MS 1.34 MS -58.58% 0.41 5MB 6MB

5.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.16 MS 1.36 MS -88.20% 0.12 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 0.07 MS 0.28 MS -74.08% 0.26 5MB 5MB
3 1 Hex 0.09 MS 0.14 MS -33.01% 0.67 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 0.11 MS 0.76 MS -85.80% 0.14 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 0.1 MS 0.17 MS -44.49% 0.56 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 0.11 MS 0.12 MS -4.28% 0.96 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 0.14 MS 0.12 MS 14.03% 1.16 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 0.47 MS 0.29 MS 39.00% 1.64 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 0.14 MS 0.5 MS -72.59% 0.27 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 0.15 MS 0.53 MS -71.07% 0.29 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 0.8 MS 0.46 MS 42.51% 1.74 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 0.24 MS 0.35 MS -32.35% 0.68 5MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 0.61 MS 1.27 MS -52.31% 0.48 5MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 0.9 MS 1.72 MS -47.72% 0.52 6MB 5MB
15 20 Hex 0.73 MS 0.47 MS 36.40% 1.57 6MB 5MB
16 20 Base64 2 MS 0.5 MS 75.25% 4.04 5MB 6MB

50.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.17 MS 1.41 MS -87.96% 0.12 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 0.11 MS 0.3 MS -63.47% 0.37 5MB 6MB
3 1 Hex 0.29 MS 0.3 MS -2.00% 0.98 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 0.21 MS 0.81 MS -73.78% 0.26 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 0.12 MS 0.19 MS -35.38% 0.65 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 0.2 MS 0.1 MS 51.62% 2.07 5MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 0.38 MS 0.12 MS 69.28% 3.26 6MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 0.67 MS 0.29 MS 57.60% 2.36 6MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 0.24 MS 0.35 MS -31.83% 0.68 6MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 1.97 MS 0.42 MS 78.93% 4.75 5MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 0.78 MS 0.31 MS 59.69% 2.48 5MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 0.62 MS 0.28 MS 55.01% 2.22 6MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 0.79 MS 2.24 MS -64.71% 0.35 6MB 5MB
14 20 UTF-8 1.61 MS 0.93 MS 42.33% 1.73 5MB 6MB
15 20 Hex 1.83 MS 0.57 MS 68.69% 3.19 5MB 6MB
16 20 Base64 1.54 MS 0.9 MS 41.65% 1.71 7MB 6MB

100.0KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.17 MS 1.46 MS -88.19% 0.12 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 0.15 MS 0.48 MS -69.22% 0.31 5MB 6MB
3 1 Hex 0.34 MS 0.37 MS -7.84% 0.92 5MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 0.34 MS 0.91 MS -63.05% 0.37 5MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 0.28 MS 0.14 MS 49.01% 1.96 5MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 0.53 MS 0.08 MS 85.26% 6.79 6MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 2.4 MS 0.07 MS 97.01% 33.49 5MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 0.99 MS 0.24 MS 75.73% 4.12 5MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 0.86 MS 0.38 MS 55.93% 2.27 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 0.63 MS 1.41 MS -55.56% 0.44 6MB 6MB
11 5 Hex 1.61 MS 0.45 MS 71.88% 3.56 6MB 6MB
12 5 Base64 0.99 MS 0.28 MS 71.66% 3.53 6MB 6MB
13 20 Buffer 1.29 MS 1.16 MS 10.44% 1.12 6MB 6MB
14 20 UTF-8 1.47 MS 1.01 MS 31.54% 1.46 7MB 6MB
15 20 Hex 4.34 MS 0.59 MS 86.37% 7.33 7MB 7MB
16 20 Base64 3.58 MS 0.57 MS 84.19% 6.33 6MB 7MB

500.4KB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.25 MS 1.53 MS -83.63% 0.16 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 0.39 MS 0.74 MS -47.79% 0.52 6MB 6MB
3 1 Hex 3.6 MS 3.33 MS 7.35% 1.08 7MB 7MB
4 1 Base64 1.2 MS 2.12 MS -43.50% 0.56 6MB 8MB
5 2 Buffer 0.24 MS 0.15 MS 38.32% 1.62 6MB 8MB
6 2 UTF-8 0.56 MS 0.12 MS 79.01% 4.76 6MB 8MB
7 2 Hex 1.92 MS 0.11 MS 94.52% 18.26 8MB 8MB
8 2 Base64 2.62 MS 0.28 MS 89.49% 9.51 6MB 8MB
9 5 Buffer 0.39 MS 0.45 MS -12.29% 0.88 6MB 8MB
10 5 UTF-8 2.15 MS 0.43 MS 79.84% 4.96 6MB 8MB
11 5 Hex 5.71 MS 0.3 MS 94.78% 19.17 8MB 8MB
12 5 Base64 2.94 MS 0.28 MS 90.52% 10.55 6MB 8MB
13 20 Buffer 2.85 MS 1.22 MS 57.19% 2.34 6MB 8MB
14 20 UTF-8 8.42 MS 1 MS 88.13% 8.43 6MB 8MB
15 20 Hex 17.92 MS 0.59 MS 96.69% 30.23 13MB 9MB
16 20 Base64 13.93 MS 0.6 MS 95.69% 23.19 11MB 9MB

1.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 0.72 MS 2.44 MS -70.35% 0.3 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 1.59 MS 2.05 MS -22.20% 0.78 7MB 7MB
3 1 Hex 2.43 MS 3.13 MS -22.55% 0.77 7MB 6MB
4 1 Base64 2.37 MS 2.21 MS 7.01% 1.08 7MB 6MB
5 2 Buffer 1.19 MS 0.17 MS 86.04% 7.16 7MB 6MB
6 2 UTF-8 1.69 MS 0.12 MS 93.19% 14.68 7MB 6MB
7 2 Hex 3.4 MS 0.11 MS 96.83% 31.59 7MB 6MB
8 2 Base64 3.43 MS 0.27 MS 92.03% 12.54 7MB 6MB
9 5 Buffer 3.07 MS 0.38 MS 87.51% 8 5MB 6MB
10 5 UTF-8 2.25 MS 0.41 MS 81.55% 5.42 8MB 7MB
11 5 Hex 9.68 MS 0.37 MS 96.13% 25.83 8MB 7MB
12 5 Base64 6.6 MS 0.25 MS 96.15% 25.95 8MB 7MB
13 20 Buffer 8 MS 1.25 MS 84.43% 6.42 8MB 7MB
14 20 UTF-8 13.53 MS 1.11 MS 91.83% 12.23 10MB 7MB
15 20 Hex 43.99 MS 0.61 MS 98.61% 71.73 10MB 7MB
16 20 Base64 36.56 MS 1.18 MS 96.77% 30.92 10MB 6MB

5.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 2.93 MS 6.61 MS -55.73% 0.44 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 6.92 MS 4.44 MS 35.86% 1.56 10MB 10MB
3 1 Hex 13.71 MS 13.92 MS -1.49% 0.99 10MB 11MB
4 1 Base64 10.69 MS 10.68 MS 0.10% 1 10MB 11MB
5 2 Buffer 4.67 MS 0.15 MS 96.74% 30.69 10MB 11MB
6 2 UTF-8 11.9 MS 0.12 MS 98.98% 98.46 20MB 11MB
7 2 Hex 24.34 MS 0.11 MS 99.54% 218.34 20MB 11MB
8 2 Base64 19.34 MS 0.31 MS 98.41% 62.81 20MB 11MB
9 5 Buffer 10.72 MS 0.4 MS 96.26% 26.76 20MB 11MB
10 5 UTF-8 25.01 MS 0.53 MS 97.89% 47.35 45MB 11MB
11 5 Hex 60.79 MS 0.36 MS 99.41% 168.92 45MB 11MB
12 5 Base64 56.48 MS 0.32 MS 99.43% 174.17 4MB 11MB
13 20 Buffer 45.7 MS 1.32 MS 97.11% 34.64 4MB 11MB
14 20 UTF-8 128.92 MS 1.07 MS 99.17% 120.36 54MB 10MB
15 20 Hex 222.01 MS 0.5 MS 99.77% 441.85 4MB 11MB
16 20 Base64 228.72 MS 1.16 MS 99.49% 197.29 4MB 11MB

50.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 24.99 MS 53.3 MS -53.12% 0.47 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 59 MS 39.28 MS 33.42% 1.5 55MB 56MB
3 1 Hex 123.21 MS 122.9 MS 0.25% 1 55MB 56MB
4 1 Base64 94.75 MS 95.44 MS -0.72% 0.99 55MB 56MB
5 2 Buffer 51.92 MS 0.2 MS 99.62% 262.75 55MB 56MB
6 2 UTF-8 119.61 MS 0.1 MS 99.92% 1,179.8 104MB 56MB
7 2 Hex 232.46 MS 0.2 MS 99.91% 1,149.72 104MB 56MB
8 2 Base64 232.81 MS 0.31 MS 99.87% 762.78 4MB 56MB
9 5 Buffer 126.82 MS 0.83 MS 99.35% 153.29 4MB 56MB
10 5 UTF-8 227.61 MS 1.06 MS 99.53% 214.55 204MB 56MB
11 5 Hex 513.22 MS 0.81 MS 99.84% 633.05 4MB 56MB
12 5 Base64 423.3 MS 1.03 MS 99.76% 412.53 4MB 56MB
13 20 Buffer 407.35 MS 2.37 MS 99.42% 172.18 4MB 56MB
14 20 UTF-8 922.59 MS 2.41 MS 99.74% 382.66 404MB 55MB
15 20 Hex 1,997.72 MS 0.5 MS 99.98% 4,017 4MB 55MB
16 20 Base64 1,619.55 MS 1.04 MS 99.94% 1,564.43 4MB 56MB

100.0MB File

5/16/2016 • Darwin • 17.18GB Memory • 8 CPUS

Pass Reads Encoding FS Time Keepr Time % Faster X Faster FS Heap Keepr Heap
1 1 Buffer 56.12 MS 124.24 MS -54.82% 0.45 5MB 5MB
2 1 UTF-8 125.66 MS 110.62 MS 11.97% 1.14 105MB 105MB
3 1 Hex 249.48 MS 298.64 MS -16.46% 0.84 105MB 106MB
4 1 Base64 208 MS 214.25 MS -2.92% 0.97 105MB 106MB
5 2 Buffer 112.44 MS 0.18 MS 99.84% 631.46 105MB 106MB
6 2 UTF-8 278.67 MS 0.36 MS 99.87% 777.87 204MB 106MB
7 2 Hex 529.87 MS 0.09 MS 99.98% 6,164.46 204MB 106MB
8 2 Base64 484.26 MS 0.74 MS 99.85% 650.12 4MB 106MB
9 5 Buffer 221.47 MS 0.44 MS 99.80% 497.82 4MB 106MB
10 5 UTF-8 484.5 MS 1.26 MS 99.74% 384.7 504MB 106MB
11 5 Hex 1,345.82 MS 1.38 MS 99.90% 974.73 4MB 106MB
12 5 Base64 835.84 MS 0.8 MS 99.90% 1,043.37 4MB 106MB
13 20 Buffer 866.66 MS 4.63 MS 99.47% 187.11 4MB 105MB
14 20 UTF-8 2,536.83 MS 0.99 MS 99.96% 2,562.01 504MB 105MB
15 20 Hex 5,339.05 MS 0.54 MS 99.99% 9,900.21 4MB 105MB
16 20 Base64 3,578.12 MS 0.47 MS 99.99% 7,620.51 4MB 106MB


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