
1.0.21 • Public • Published


  • react-modal-plugin just provide one div, this div is modal.
  • In this div(modal) html is modal's child.
  • react-modal-plugin provide some child(alert,comfirm,dialog).
  • You can custom child , class name , style for modal.

Example and demo

  • Place download react-modal-plugin open demo/index.html . Example and demo are one on one.



Alert is modal's child. Example see example/alert.js. Demo open demo/alert.js in browser.

import Modal,{Alert} from 'react-modal-plugin'
<Modal show={true}>
  onConfirm={()=>{alert('You click confirm button!')}}

Alert props:

  • title value is text,it's alert title,if title value is undefined it's don't show in alert.
  • message value is text,it's alert message,if message value is undefined it's don't show in alert.
  • confirmButton value is text,it's default value is confirm.
  • clssName value is class name,you can custom alert style use className.
  • onConfirm value is function,wen confirm button is click modal will call onConfirm function, so you can add you code in onConfirm, don't forget set modal props show value is false.


Confirm is modal's child. Example see example/confirm.js. Demo open demo/confirm.js in browser.

import Modal,{Confirm} from 'react-modal-plugin'
<Modal show={true}>
  onConfirm={()=>{alert('You click confirm button.')}}
  onCancel={()=>{alert('You click cancel button.')}}

Confirm props:

  • title value is text,it's confirm title,if title value is undefined it's don't show in confirm.
  • message value is text,it's confirm message,if message value is undefined it's don't show in confirm.
  • confirmButton value is text,it's default value is confirm.
  • cancelButton value is text,it's default value is cancel.
  • clssName value is class name,you can custom confirm style use className.
  • onConfirm value is function,wen confirm button is click modal will call onConfirm function, so you can add you code in onConfirm, don't forget set modal props show value is false.
  • onCancel value is function,wen cancel button is click modal will call onCancel function, you can set modal show value is false in this function.


Dialog is modal's child. Example see example/dialog.js. Demo open demo/dialog.js in browser.

import Modal,{Dialog} from 'react-modal-plugin'
<Modal show={true}>
        top: '50%',
        backgroundColor: 'red',
      Your Html is here.

Dialog child:

  • Dialog must hava a child show some ting. Dialog props
  • size value is small medium large full ,default value is medium.
  • Small dialog width is 400px height is 300px.
  • Default dialog size is medium width is 600px height is 450px.
  • Large dialog width is 800px height is 600px.
  • Full screen dialog set position top right bottom left 20px.
  • width value is px % auto you can set dialog width.
  • height value is px % auto you can set dialog height.
  • style value is style object. you can set other style.
  • className can set style and css3 animate.

Custom modal's child

react-modal-plugin just have a div(modal), div's child is the most important. Example see example/customModal.js. Demo open demo/customModal.js in browser.

import Modal from 'react-modal-plugin'
import Right from '../components/**/right'
<Modal show={true}>

Modal props

  hiddenStyle={visibility: 'hidden'}
  replaceHiddenStyle={visibility: 'hidden',}
    target: elementObject,
    isCall: true,
  onAfterClose:()=>{alert('modal already close')}
  • show: you can change this.state.show control modal open/close.
  • className: use class name can set custom style and set css3 animate.
  • closeDelay: if you close modal want animate, so you must delay close modal until animate finished.
  • style: wen modal open it hava default style if you set style default style don't work,just use your's.
  • hiddenStyle: wen modal close it hava default hiddenStyle if you set hiddenStyle default hiddenStyle don't work,just use your's.
  • replaceStyle and replaceHiddenStyle: modal style and hiddenStyle normal work,however, some attributes will be replaced.We provide modal mask is black you can use replaceStyle chang it to white.
  • emit outsideClick and replaceStyle together can set small modal , it's not full screen , For example you click a arrow show a select modal, the modal is small and near the arrow. Wen you click select modal outside link the modal close and browser open the link.
  • emit.target is a element, your emit modal will near emit.target.
  • emit.align values have l2l(left) l2c l2r c2l c2c(center) c2r r2l r2c r2r(right). this values meaning modal to target,for example l2l modal left to target left c2r modal center to target right
  • emit.vartical values have t2t(top) t2m t2b m2t m2m(middle) m2b b2t b2m b2b(bottom). this values meaning modal to target, for example t2t modal top to target top m2b modal middle to target bottom
  • emit.offset if you want emit modal and target have space you can set offset.x and offset.y their value is number.
  • outsideClick: emit modal is small so you click outside of emit modal will close emit modal, you can set this.setState({show:false}) in outsideClick.callback, why outsideClick.isCall, if in emit modal has a full screen modal opend you muse set outsideClick.isCall value false,untill full screen modal closed set outsideClick.isCall value true. See demo/complex.html wen click choose wrong button.
  • onMask: mask is modal black area, if you want click mask close modal, place set onMask.
  • onAfterClose: this is modal close callback function, it's after closeDelay if you set closeDelay.


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