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1.1.0 • Public • Published


This package implements on on-line k-min selection algorithm based on an underlying min-max heap. The heap code is a stripped-down version of that used in priority-deque. The package has a single non-default export { KSelect }. KSelect instances implement the generator protocol, so new values can be pushed in and the latest k-min value extracted by calling the next(value) method. KSelect instances are infinite iterables which will repeatedly yield the most up-to-date k-minimum value even if no other values have been pushed since the last peek. Processing each set of n new elements from a data stream requires O(n log_2(k)) time. As k is a constant per object instance, this is effectively constant time per stream element.


  • new KSelect<T>(k: number, compare?: (a: T, b: T) => number) Constructs a new KSelect. By default, numbers will be compared numerically, and all other objects will be compared by converting to strings and calling String.localeCompare().
  • clone(): KSelect<T> Creates a shallow copy of the KSelect which remembers the k-smallest elements seen so far by the parent instance in O(k) time.
  • clear() Resets the selector's memory.
  • readonly length: number Indicates how many total items are currently stored in the selector's memory.
  • kmin(): T | undefined Retrieves the k-smallest element seen so far, or undefined if fewer than k elements have yet been seen (i.e., if length is less than k).
  • min(): T | undefined Retrieves the absolute smallest element seen so far, or undefined if no elements have yet been seen (i.e., if length is 0).
  • get(): T[] Retrieves the full set of up-to-k elements stored in the selector's memory, with no guaranteed order.
  • sorted(): T[] Retrieves the full set of up-to-k elements stored in the selector's memory in sorted order.
  • next(value?: T): IteratorResult<T | undefined> Optionally processes a new stream value and returns an iterator result object with the k-smallest element seen so far. If fewer than k elements have been seen so far (i.e., length is less than k), the IteratorResult's value will be undefined.
  • [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T | undefined> Returns this, which acts as an infinite iterator over the k-smallest elements seen at each step. This is only suitable for use with for(... of ...) loops as long as there is an internal break condition and/or the selector's state is modified inside the loop, as the loop will otherwise run forever yielding the same value repeatedly. KSelect instances should not be used with the spread operator.

Array-Like Methods

  • push(...elements: T[]) Processes new stream elements to update the k-min selection.
  • contains(e: T): boolean Determines whether or not the memory of k-smallest elements seen so far contains a specific element, via === comparison.
  • some(fn: (e: T) => boolean): boolean Determines whether or not any of the k-smallest elements seen so far satisfies the given predicate.
  • every(fn: (e: T) => boolean): boolean Determines whether or not all of the k-smallest elements seen so far satisfy the given predicate.
  • find(fn: (e: T) => boolean): T | undefined Returns an element in the set of k-smallest elements seen so far which satisfies the given predicate, or undefined if there is no such element.
  • forEach(fn: (e: T) => void) Executes the given callback function once for each of the k-smallest elements seen so far; no specific ordering is guaranteed.

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