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json-to-plain-text is a npm module that converts JSON-like data or plain JavaScript objects to a formatted plain text representation. It allows you to convert JSON-like data or plain JavaScript objects into human-readable format.


  1. Install json-to-plain-text npm package.

    npm install json-to-plain-text
  2. Import the jsonToPlainText function:

    import { jsonToPlainText } from "json-to-plain-text";


The jsonToPlainText function accepts two parameters: data and options.


  • data (required): The input data to convert. It can be JSON-like data or plain JavaScript objects.

  • options (optional): Configuration options for customizing the output. It is an object with the following properties:

    • color (boolean, default: true): Whether to apply colors to the output or not. Set to true to add colors using the chalk library or false for plain text output.

    • seperator (string, default: :): seperate keys and values.

    • spacing (boolean, default: true): Whether to include spacing before colons. Set to true for formatted spacing or false to remove spacing before colons.

    • squareBracketsForArray (boolean, default: false): Whether to use square brackets for arrays. Set to true to enclose arrays in square brackets or false to display arrays without brackets.

    • doubleQuotesForKeys (boolean, default: false): Whether to use double quotes for object keys. Set to true to wrap object keys in double quotes or false to keep them as they are.

    • doubleQuotesForValues (boolean, default: false): Whether to use double quotes for string values. Set to true to add double quotes around string values or false to display them without quotes.


import { jsonToPlainText, Options } from "json-to-plain-text";

let data = {
  place_id: "173937105",
  osm_type: "way",
  osm_id: "319992693",
  lat: "17.861533866867224",
  lon: "78.8081441896764",
    "Satadar Nagar, Ward 116 Allapur, Hyderabad, Kukatpally mandal, Telangana, 500018, India",
  address: {
    neighbourhood: "Satadar Nagar",
    suburb: "Ward 116 Allapur",
    city: "Hyderabad",
    county: "Kukatpally mandal",
    state: "Telangana",
    postcode: "500018",
    country: "India",
    country_code: "in",
  extratags: {},
  namedetails: {},
  boundingbox: ["17.8598497", "17.8623087", "78.8079136", "78.8082658"],
  distance: 2,

// This is optional
const options: Options = {
  color: true,                      // Whether to apply colors to the output or not
  spacing: true,                    // Whether to include spacing before colons or not
  seperator: ":",                   // seperate keys and values.
  squareBracketsForArray: false,    // Whether to use square brackets for arrays or not
  doubleQuotesForKeys: false,       // Whether to use double quotes for object keys or not
  doubleQuotesForValues: false,     // Whether to use double quotes for string values or not

// Convert the data to formatted plain text representation
const plainText = jsonToPlainText(data, options);


place_id      : 173937105
osm_type      : way
osm_id        : 319992693
lat           : 17.861533866867224
lon           : 78.8081441896764
display_name  : Satadar Nagar, Ward 116 Allapur, Hyderabad, Kukatpally mandal, Telangana, 500018, India
address       : 
neighbourhood : Satadar Nagar
suburb        : Ward 116 Allapur
city          : Hyderabad
county        : Kukatpally mandal
state         : Telangana
postcode      : 500018
country       : India
country_code  : in
extratags     : {}
namedetails   : {}
boundingbox   : 17.8598497, 17.8623087, 78.8079136, 78.8082658
distance      : 2

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  • A huge thanks to my sponsors for their support.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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  • sumithemmadi