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This package provides utility functions for crawling/cloning json objects like a tree


The purpose of this package is to simplify the traversal and manipulation of complex JSON objects in a tree-like structure. It provides functions that allow you to iterate over each node of a JSON object, perform custom operations, and clone objects deeply while maintaining independence between the original and cloned objects. You can use crawl/syncCrawl to traverse a JSON object and perform custom operations, such as logging, data transformation, or validation, at each node. The hooks allow you to customize the behavior according to your specific requirements.


  • Crawling: The crawl/syncCrawl function allows you to traverse a JSON object, performing custom operations at each node using hooks.
  • Cloning: The clone/syncClone function creates a deep copy of a JSON object, ensuring that nested objects and arrays are also cloned.
  • Customizable Hooks: Both crawl and clone functions accept hooks, allowing you to provide custom logic for each node during crawling or cloning. Hooks can modify values, state, rules or perform any desired operations.
  • Support for Async Hooks: The crawl and clone functions supports asynchronous hooks, allowing you to perform asynchronous operations during crawling.


npm install json-crawl --save



Crawls through a JSON object, performing custom operations at each node using the provided hooks.

import { syncClone, syncCrawl } from 'json-crawl'

const data = {
  // Your JSON object

const hooks = [
  ({ value, path, key, state, rules }) => {
    // Custom logic for each node

    // Modify value, state, or perform any desired operations
    return { 
      value: newValue,               // updated value of current node for next crawl steps
      state: newState,               // updated state for next crawl step
      rules: newRules                // updated rules for next crawl step
      exitHook,                      // on exit hook for current node
      terminate: true,               // crawl should be terminated
      done: true                     // crawl of current node should be terminated
    // return void - if no operations are required
  // Array of hooks for custom operations during cloning

const params = {
  state?: {
    // Initial state object for hooks (optional)

  rules?: {
    // Crawl rules map (optional)

// deep Clone
const cloned = syncClone(data, hooks, params)

// crawl
syncCrawl(data, hooks, params)


When contributing, keep in mind that it is an objective of json-crawl to have no package dependencies. This may change in the future, but for now, no-dependencies.

Please run the unit tests before submitting your PR: npm test. Hopefully your PR includes additional unit tests to illustrate your change/modification!



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    • udamir