JSOMap is yet another mapping and templating library for javascript objects.
Install it from the npm repository:
npm install --save jsomap
Then require it in your project:
const { JSOMap } = require('jsomap')
console.log(new JSOMap({ text: 'Hello, world!' }, { print: '[text]' }))
Data from the input object can be referred to in macros and properties using square-bracket syntax. For example, if the input has a property text
, it can be selected in a template like:
{ "print": "[text]" }
Templating functionality is provided by the JSOMacro class. The class is extensible by directly calling the JSOMap.addMacro()
Built-in Macros
Built-in macros are provided by class Macro, which class JSMacro extends. Documentation for all built-in macros are available can be found at Macro.
Function JSOMap.addMacro()
can be used to directly add more macros at runtime. See JSOMap for examples.
Macros are referred to by enclosing in curly braces:
{ "print": "{Date()}" }
Selectors and macros may have their output piped to other macros; this is called a 'pipe macro':
{ "print": "{[text] | Split(/ (.+))}" }
Pipe macros must have each selector or macro separated by a space, a pipe, and another space. This is enforced for readability; piped macros not coforming to this standard will break.