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A generic data mapper which gets a Javascript object (the source object) as input and creates a new object utilizing configurable mapping strategies. The source object is not modified. The strategies may adapt (change, replace, delete, add) properties (names and values) while creating the copy. This is called object mapping.

The core is the mapToStrategy(obj, mappingStrategy, options) function in the obj2objMapper module. It recursively converts the given source object (obj) into a new object by applying the given mapping strategy object (mappingStrategy) and returns the new object (i.e. the result of the mapping).

Without a specified (or empty) strategy the mapping is trivial, i.e. a deep copy. However, the mapping can be controlled by providing a mapping strategy consisting of one or more mapping rules. The rules describe which properties must be copied, if and how the original property names and/or values are processed/changed/deleted, may introduce new properties (with some static or dynamically calculated values), and may completely restructure the shape the resulting object.

So in short, the original obj is mapped to a new object according to the given mapping strategy which consists of mapping rules.

How exactly a property is mapped is specified by the corresponding mapping rules object which is defined via the __mappingRules__ property which in turn contains one or more mapping rules. See below for a list of all available rules.


Simple value override

This function call

    { foo: 123, bar: 555 }, // The object to map

    // The mapping strategy:
        foo: {
            __mappingRules__: {
                overrideValue: 456
        bar: {}


{ foo: 456, bar: 555 } // foo is converted, bar is copied as is

Property rename and dynamic value conversion

Considering this helper function

function myConverter(value) {
    return value + 4

This function call

    { foo: 15, bar: null, baz: 5 }, // The object to map

    // The mapping strategy:
        foo: {
            __mappingRules__: {
                targetPropName: 'myDummy',
                convert: origValue => origValue * 2
        bar: {
            __mappingRules__: {
                defaultValue: 456,
                convert: myConverter
        baz: {
            __mappingRules__: {
                defaultValue: 456,
                convert: myConverter


{ myDummy: 30, bar: 460, baz: 9 }

Have a look in the tests (obj2objMapper.test.js) for many more examples ranging from simple to complex! It's the best place to learn about the object mapper and the mapping strategies.

Be assured that nearly anything is possible having the right mapping strategy!

Mapping rules

The mapping can be adapted according to the following scenarios respectively mapping rules:

  • Origin property is not available (i.e., the property is missing in obj).
    By default, the property is not mapped (i.e., the property is missing in the resulting object).
    => Use isNotAvailable with some value in order to have this property in the resulting object anyway with that value.

  • Origin property has the value undefined.
    By default, the property is mapped with value BLANK_DEFAULT.
    => Use isUndefined with some value to override the default with that value.

  • Origin property has the value null.
    By default, the property is mapped with value BLANK_DEFAULT.
    => Use isNull with some value to override the default with that value.

  • Origin property doesn't have the desired value.
    By default, the mapping is canonical, i.e. the value is copied as is.
    => Use overrideValue with some value to override the original value no matter what, even if the property is not existent in the source object in which case it is created in the resulting object.
    Note: overrideValue may be a literal value or a callback function which is passed the original value, the original property name, and the source object and must return the new value.

  • Origin property has the value undefined or null.
    By default, the property is mapped with value BLANK_DEFAULT.
    => Use defaultValue with some value to override the default with that value.
    Note: defaultValue is taken only if no overrideValue is set (because overrideValue has precedence) and the value defined by defaultValue is not null/undefined and the property, the defaultValue is specified for, is existent in the original object having value null or undefined.

  • Origin property doesn't have the desired name.
    By default, the property name is taken as is.
    => Use targetPropName with a non-null/non-undefined string to map the property to that new property name.
    Note: targetPropName may be a literal value or a callback function which is passed the original property name and the original value and must return the new property name.

  • Origin property value must be processed and mapped dynamically to a new value if the original value is neither null nor undefined.
    By default, the mapping is canonical, i.e. the value is copied as is.
    => Use convert with a callback function (or an array of callback functions) to transform the original value. The function is passed the original value, the destination propertyName, the source object, and the destination object (i.e., mapped object) and must return the new value. The convert function(s) is/are only executed if the original value of the property in question is neither null nor undefined.

  • Origin property value must be processed and mapped dynamically to a new value no matter whether or not the original value of the property has a null or undefined value, or is existent at all.
    By default, the mapping is canonical, i.e. the value is copied as is.
    => Use forceConvert with a callback function (or an array of callback functions) to transform the original value. The function is passed the original value, the destination propertyName, the source object, and the destination object (i.e., mapped object) and must return the new value. The convert function(s) is/are executed -- if given -- no matter whether the original value of the property has a null or undefined value, or is existent at all.

  • Origin property location differs from the desired location.
    By default, the mapped property has the same location (i.e. identical path in the data structure) as the origin property.
    => Use sourceRoot with a callback function which is passed the source object in order to have access to all properties. The function must return a sub-object of the source object which is used as source object for the property.

  • Origin property is mandatory (i.e. it must be present with a non-null/non-undefined value) and if not an error must be thrown.
    By default, the mapping is graceful and skips properties listed in the strategy but not available in the source object.
    => Use mandatory with value true to raise an error if the property is missing in the source object or has value null/undefined.

  • You can validate the property values of the resulting object.
    By default, these values are not validated.
    => Use validateStrict or validateNonBlank to validate the value. If a validation fails, an error is thrown. validateStrict validates the value no matter what, even if it is null or undefined or the respective property does not exist at all in the source object. validateNonBlank validates the value only if it is present and neither null nor undefined.

  • Origin property value is an array and you want to apply mapping rules for each element in turn.
    By default, the original value (the array) is processed altogether.
    => Use iterateArray in order to be able to apply mapping rules for each element in turn. The values are wrapped in objects having the key 'element'.
    Note: iterateArray and subTree cannot be used together


      const sourceObj = {
          person: {
              name: 'Mark',
              skills: [
                  { name: 'cs', level: 9, since: 80 },
                  { name: 'se', level: 10, since: 123 },
                  { name: 'sa', level: 10, since: 70 },
                  { name: 'pm', level: 8, since: 50 },
                  { name: 'gm', level: 0, since: 0 },
      const destObj = {
          person: {
              name: 'Mark',
              skills: [
                  { label: 'CS', level: 9 },
                  { label: 'SE', level: 10 },
                  { label: 'SA', level: 10 },
                  { label: 'PM', level: 8 },
                  { label: 'GM', level: 0 },
      const strategy = {
          person: {
              name: {},
              skills: {
                  __mappingRules__: {
                      iterateArray: {
                          element: {
                              name: {
                                  __mappingRules__: {
                                      targetPropName: 'label',
                                      convert: value => value.toUpperCase(),
                              level: {},
      assert.deepEqual(mappingUtils.mapToStrategy(sourceObj, strategy), destObj)
  • You want to create a sub-structure (i.e. a property with an object as value) not present in the source object.
    By default, the structure of the source object is taken.
    => Use subTree in order to be able to create structures not present in the source object
    Note: iterateArray and subTree cannot be used together


      const sourceObj = {
          person: {
              firstname: 'Footy',
              lastname: 'Barium',
              job: 'se',
              dob: '1980-01-01',
      const destObj = {
          person: {
              name: {
                  firstname: 'Mark',
                  lastname: 'Vz',
              job: 'se',
              dob: '1980-01-01',
      const strategy = {
          person: {
              name: {
                  __mappingRules__: {
                      subTree: true,
                  firstname: {
                      __mappingRules__: {
                          sourceRoot: sourceObj => sourceObj.person,
                  lastname: {
                      __mappingRules__: {
                          sourceRoot: sourceObj => sourceObj.person,
              job: {},
              dob: {},
      assert.deepEqual(mappingUtils.mapToStrategy(sourceObj, strategy), destObj)
  • You can prevent logging for a property regardless of the defined error level.
    By default, logging happens according to the defined error level.
    => Use doNotLog to silent logging for the respective property.


The third parameter of the mapToStrategy function carries configuration options. They are:

  • dataSourceIsFlat
    If the original data source (i.e., source object) is flat but a mapping to a nested structure is required (and hence the mapping strategy defines a nested structure) then pass this option with value true and also use the subTree mapping rule with value true for each sub tree defining a nested structure (object) to follow.
    TODO: add more docu

  • errorLevel
    TODO: add docu

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