
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Field-based Call Graph Construction for JavaScript

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This project implements a field-based call graph construction algorithm for JavaScript as described in

A. Feldthaus, M. Schäfer, M. Sridharan, J. Dolby, F. Tip. Efficient Construction of Approximate Call Graphs for JavaScript IDE Services. In ICSE, 2013.

This repo builds upon Max Schaefer's original acg.js and adds

  • ES6 Support
    • Arrow functions
    • Destructuring assignments
    • Classes
    • Enhanced object literals
    • Rest/Spread operator
  • Module Support
    • ES6/CommonJS/AMD
  • More sophisticated scoping
  • Partial update to a large call graph
  • Unified JSON format representing a call graph
  • More flexible CLI
    • Take directory parameter
    • Support filtering files by regex
  • Vue.js support (.vue files)
  • More tests

Get Started (CLI)

npm install -g @persper/js-callgraph

npm install -g --save jscallgraph-script
js-callgraph -h # for a list of command line arguments

# Running on simple input scripts
js-callgraph --cg input-scripts/simple-scripts/functioncall-arithmetic.js

# Running on a whole directory
js-callgraph --cg input-scripts/fullcalendar/

# Running on mixed input
js-callgraph --cg input-scripts/fullcalendar/fullcalendar/ input-scripts/fullcalendar/lib/jquery-2.1.0.js

# Saving the result into a file
js-callgraph --cg input-scripts/simple-scripts/functioncall-arithmetic.js --output filename.json

# Running on a whole directory with filtering
js-callgraph --cg input-scripts/fullcalendar/ --filter filename.filter

# Running on a whole directory or some files
js-callgraph --cg --buildCallgraph true D:\js项目\unCompress\async --output  D:\js项目\unCompress\async\out.json

For an example of the output json, please see [here](#unified-json-format).
For an example of filtering file, please see [here](#filter-file-format).

## Programming Interface

const JCG = require("./src/runner"); args = { ... }; JCG.setArgs(args); # Optional, specify a list of arguments JCG.setFiles(['file.js', 'directory/']); # List of files or directories to analyze JCG.setFilter(['-test[^\.]*.js', '+test576.js']); # Optional, please see "Filter file format" section for details JCG.setConsoleOutput(true); # Optional, the console output can be turned off. JCG.build(); # build returns the call graph as a JSON object, please see "Unified JSON Format" section

## Running Tests
To run the testing framework run:

npm test

To install the git hooks to run tests automatically pre-commit run:


## Structure

The call graph constructor can be run in two basic modes (selected using the `--strategy` flag to `javascript-call-graph`), *pessimistic* and *optimistic*, which differ in how interprocedural flows are handled. In the basic pessimistic approach (strategy `NONE`), interprocedural flow is not tracked at all; a slight refinement is strategy `ONESHOT`, where interprocedural flow is tracked only for one-shot closures that are invoked immediatel. The optimistic approach (strategy `DEMAND`) performs interprocedural propagation along edges that may ultimately end at a call site (and are thus interesting for call graph construction). Full interprocedural propagation (strategy `FULL`) is not implemented yet.

All strategies use the same intraprocedural flow graph, in which properties are only identified by name; thus, like-named properties of different objects are conflated; this can lead to imprecise call graphs. Dynamic property reads and writes are ignored, as are reflective calls using `call` and `apply`; thus, the call graphs are intrinsically incomplete.

Module `flowgraph.js` contains the code for extracting an intraprocedural flow graph from an [Esprima](esprima.org) AST annotated with name bindings for local variables (see `bindings.js`, which uses `symtab.js` and `astutil.js`).

Modules `pessimistic.js` and `semioptimistic.js` implement the pessimistic and optimistic call graph builders, respectively. They both use `flowgraph.js` to build an intraprocedural flow graph, and then add some edges corresponding to interprocedural flow. Both use module `callgraph.js` for extracting a call graph from a given flow graph, by collecting, for every call site, all functions that can flow into the callee position. Both use module `natives.js` to add flow edges modelling well-known standard library functions.

The remaining modules define key data structures, in several variants.

Module `graph.js` implements graphs using adjacency sets, using sets of numbers as implemented by `numset.js`. The latter includes either `olist.js` to implement sets as ordered lists of numbers, or `bitset.js` to use bitsets (with disappointing performance, so we use ordered lists by default).

Modules `dftc.js`, `heuristictc.js` and `nuutila.js` implement several transitive closure algorithms used by `callgraph.js`. By default, we use `dftc.js` which uses a simple, depth first-search based algorithm. `heuristictc.js` does something even simpler, which is very fast but unsound. Finally, `nuutila.js` implements Nuutila's algorithm for transitive closure, which for our graphs is usually slower than the depth first-based ones.

## Unified JSON Format

[ # The calls are represented with a list of objects. Each call is an object in this list. { "source": { # The source object represents the start point of a call (the caller node) "label": "global", "file": "...\input-scripts\simple-scripts\functioncall-arithmetic.js", "start": { # The start point of the source with row-column based position. "row": 7, "column": 4 }, "end": { # The end point of the source node with row-column based position. "row": 7, "column": 8 }, "range": { # The position of the source node in index-based representation. "start": 59, "end": 63 } }, "target": { # The target object represents the end point of a call (this node is called by the source) "label": "f", "file": "...\input-scripts\simple-scripts\functioncall-arithmetic.js", "start": { # The start point of the target node with row-column based position.. "row": 3, "column": 0 }, "end": { # The end point of the target node with row-column based position. "row": 5, "column": 1 }, "range": { # The position of the target node in index-based representation. "start": 14, "end": 51 } } } ]

## Filter file format

Any valid regular expression can be specified in the filter file. The order of the including and excluding lines are important since they are processed sequentially.

The first character of each line represents the type of the filtering:

Comment line

  • Exclude
  • Include

An example for filtering:

Filter out all source files starting with "test":


But test576.js is needed:


Furthermore, files beginning with "test1742" are also needed:


Finally, test1742_b.js is not needed:


## List of arguments

-h : List of command line arguments --fg : print flow graph --cg : print call graph --time : print timings --strategy : interprocedural propagation strategy; one of NONE, ONESHOT (default), DEMAND, and FULL (not yet implemented) --countCB : Counts the number of callbacks. --reqJs : Make a RequireJS dependency graph. --output : The output file name into which the result JSON should be saved. (extension: .json) --filter : Path to the filter file. --buildCallgraph : Improvements to the original js-callgraph, you can input files or folders, to build the callgraph

# Contributing

Looking to contribute something? [Here's how you can help](/CONTRIBUTING.md).

# License #

This code is licensed under the [Eclipse Public License (v2.0)](http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0), a copy of which is included in this repository in file `LICENSE`.

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