
1.14.0 • Public • Published


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grunt plugin to convert a JavaScript file to a URI, such as a javascript: bookmarklet or an iOS app protocol scheme link.


Version 1.14.0 drops support & testing for node < 18.20.0

Version 1.13.5 drops support & testing for node < 18.15.0

Version 1.13.0 drops support & testing for node < 18.13.0

Version 1.12.0 drops support & testing for node < 16.14.0

Version 1.11.2 drops support & testing for node < 16.13.0

Version 1.11.0 drops support & testing for node < 16.8.0

Version 1.10.0 drops support & testing for node < 14.18.4

Version 1.9.0 drops support & testing for node < 12.0.1

Version 1.8.0 drops snyk in build process as it doubled the dependencies

Version 1.7.0 drops support & testing for node < 10.0.0

Version 1.6.1 drops support & testing for node < 9.0.0

Version 1.4.0 begins a focus on the contemporary LTS releases of node.

Version 1.3.0 begins grunt 0.4.0 compatibility and ends compatibility with earlier versions of grunt. Use js2uri 1.2.0 if you require grunt 0.3.x compatibility.


The code

alert("Hi. The active URL is: " + location.href);



Note that the "0" in void'0' can be used to embed a custom version number in a bookmarklet.

Getting Started


Install this grunt plugin into the project with: npm install js2uri --save-dev. The --save-dev option adds js2uri to the devDependencies section of the project package.json file.

Edit Gruntfile.js

Add the following to the grunt.initConfig section of the project Gruntfile.js file:

"js2uri": {
  "dist/uriVersionOflintedAndMinifiedFile.js": ["dist/lintedAndMinifiedFile.js"]

Edit the values for the dist/uriVersion... (destination) and dist/linted... (source) as appropriate.

Below grunt.initConfig section, add this line to the project Gruntfile.js.

// load external task

Finally, ensure that jshint (or eslint) and uglify tasks are called before js2uri, such as here:

// default task
grunt.registerTask("default", ["jshint", "uglify", "js2uri"]);


The elaborated Gruntfile.js below may clarify expectations and options relating to js2uri. As of js2uri v1.3.0 the grunt 0.4.x "target data" formats are supported for specifying files. See gruntjs documentation - Configuring Tasks: files.

  // eslint - Critical eslint rules to disable: no-void, no-script-url
  // Example .eslintrc.yml config file--
  // "env":
  //   "browser": true
  //   "es6": true
  //   "node": true
  // "extends": "eslint:recommended"
  // "rules":
  //   "no-void": 0
  //   "no-script-url": 0
  // jshint - Critical jshint option: browser & scripturl (allow)
  // "jshint": {
  //   "options": {
  //     "browser": true,
  //     "scripturl": true
  //   }
  // },
  // uglify-js - Note: you may need to 'tune' options for your source
  // "uglify": {
  //   "options": {
  //     "codegen": {"quote_keys": false}
  //     "mangle": {"toplevel": true},
  //     "squeeze": {"conditionals": false, "hoist_vars": true, "sequences": false},
  //   }
  // },
  // ** js2uri ** default options are shown
  "js2uri": {
    "options": {
      "appendVersion": false,
      "appendVoid": true,
      "customVersion": "", // use this if set, ELSE use meta shown below (if available)
      "entityEncode": false,
      "forceLastSemicolon": false,
      "noLastSemicolon": true,
      "protocol": "javascript:",
      "useNewlineEOL": true,
      "useSingleQuote": false
  // if meta object exists js2uri will use version as options.customVersion value
  "meta": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
// ...
// Load "js2uri" plugin
// Default task could start w/eslint or jshint
grunt.registerTask("default", ["eslint", "uglify", "js2uri"]);


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test the code using eslint (preferred) or jshint.

Release History

1.14.0: require node ≥ 18.20.0 (node 18 in maintenance mode), bump version, update lockfile

1.13.9: require node ≥ 18.19.0 (node 18 in maintenance mode), restore repo for grunt-contrib-nodeunit

1.13.6: require node > 18.18.1 (node 18 in maintenance mode)

1.13.5: require node > 18.15.0

1.13.3: adds npm-shrinkwrap.json, updates semver dependencies syntax

1.13.0: requires node >18.12.1 & drops node 16 tests; update README & lockfile

1.12.1: requires node >16.19 test w/node 20.x; update README & lockfile

1.12.0: requires node >16.14; updated devDependencies with grunt-contrib-nodeunit 5.0.0

1.11.2: requires node >16.13

1.11.0: update grunt & node dependencies; now requires node >16.8

1.10.5: bump version requirements for grunt peerDependency & node; copyright update

1.10.2: update CI & docs, republish w/new npm credentials

1.10.1: drop Travis-CI and rennovate

1.10.0: drop support for node 12, as 14 becomes node LTS

1.9.0: drop support for node 10, as 12 becomes node LTS

1.8.3: update to grunt-contrib-nodeunit 3.0.0, update lockfile

1.8.1: update grunt dependencies

1.8.0: drop snyk as it doubled dependencies & increased build time; rely on renovatebot

1.7.0: drop node 8 support; require node 10+

1.6.8: remove optional parens in test/js2uriStringReplaces.js; bump version

1.6.7: streamline dependencies- move lint outside of package/grunt; bump version

1.6.4: pin dependencies; integrate renovatebot ; bump version

1.6.3: add .npmignore to repo to facilitate npm publish ; bump version

1.6.2: at long last properly make grunt a peerDependency ; bump version

1.6.0: drop support for node <= 7.0; bump version

1.5.2: update dependencies (clears npm audit warnings), bump version

1.5.1: update devDependencies for grunt-contrib-nodeunit >= 2.0.0, bump version

1.5.0: drop node 5 support; revise for eslint 4.0.0 reviews, bump version

1.4.0: update to use LTS releases of node (4.x, 5.x) and grunt-contrib-... 1.x releases

1.3.0: February 18, 2013 - Update for compatibility to grunt v0.4.x, improved package.json, update README

1.2.0 January 9, 2013 - add more tests, add entityEncode: option for encoding '<', '>' and '&'.

1.1.0 January 6, 2013 - adds new options for protocol:, customVersion:, and forceLastSemicolon:.

1.0.0 December 31, 2012 - initial release


Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Tom King Licensed under the MIT license.



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