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0.6.0 • Public • Published

Javascript Service Model

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Core library for handling REST service requests with caching, aggregation and model definitions.

Framework integrations:

Vue.js Vue.js: vue-service-model


  • Define models and easily handle REST service requests
  • Pass model data to REST service requests and retrieve model data from them
  • Aggregation for multiple parallel requests to the same url to avoid redundant requests. See aggregation
  • Caches response from services
  • Uses axios for service request
  • ... more later



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Definition of a simple ServiceModel without using fields. https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/ is being used as an example REST JSON service.

import {ServiceModel} from 'js-service-model'
class Album extends ServiceModel {
  // Define service url
  static urls = {
    BASE: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/'

Retrieve data from a service. objects.detail() will return a model instance. objects.list() will return a list of model instances.

// Retrieve all albums from /albums/
const allAlbums = await Album.objects.list()
// Retrieve specific album from /albums/1/
const album = await Album.objects.detail(1)
// Retrieve filtered list from /albums/?userId=1
const userAlbums = await Album.objects.list({filter: {userId: 1}})
// Create new album
await Album.objects.create({title: 'New album'})
// Update an album
await Album.objects.update(1, {title: 'Updated album'})
// Delete specific album
await Album.objects.delete(1)

You can easily access the data from a model instance or define model fields.




A BaseModel can be used to handle data from any source by passing the data when instantiating the model.

import {BaseModel, Field} from 'js-service-model'
class MyModel extends BaseModel {
  // Definition of model fields (optional)
  static fieldsDef = {
    title: new Field()
const obj = new MyModel({title: 'My title'})

Retrieve data of the model instance.

obj.data // output: {title: 'My title'}

Retrieve a list of all fields.


Retrieve value from a single field.

// Retrieve value for field 'title'
await obj.val.title // output: My title

Set value of a field

obj.val.title = 'New title'

Retrieve field instance of given field name



A ServiceModel extends from BaseModel and adds the ModelManager with a caching store to keep track of aggregation of running requests and optionally caching the result of the services.

import {ServiceModel, Field} from 'js-service-model'
class Album extends ServiceModel {
  static urls = {
    BASE: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/'
  // Duration to cache requested data in seconds. 0: no cache. null: Cache forever. Default is 30 seconds
  static cacheDuration = 5
  static fieldsDef = {
    id: new Field(),
    title: new Field()


Urls are currently divided into 2 different types. LIST and DETAIL (same like in Django REST framework).

The simplest way to define the urls is to set the static property urls.BASE in your ServiceModel.

static urls = {
  BASE: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/'

When performing a detail request your key will be automatically appended to the end of the BASE url.

You can also define the LIST and DETAIL url separately:

static urls = {
  LIST: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/',
  // {pk} will be replaced with your value you provide to objects.detail() 
  DETAIL: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/{pk}/'

There are currently 3 ways to define your url with the following priority

  1. Overwrite getListUrl or getDetailUrl method and a return a Promise which will resolve the url as a string
  2. Set the LIST or DETAIL url in your model static urls = { LIST: <...>, DETAIL: <...> }
  3. Set the BASE url in your model static urls = { BASE: <...> }

If you got a nested RESTful service structure (e.g. /albums/1/photos/) have a look at parents.


When you start to request data from a service, for example Album.objects.detail('1'), then the Promise of the request will be saved as long as the request has not been completed. So when requesting Album.objects.detail('1') again (e.g from another component) this request will be attached to the first request which has not been completed yet and the request of the service will only made once.

In case you want to avoid the request aggregation for a specific request see noRequestAggregation in ModelManager RetrieveInterfaceParams.


With the static property cacheDuration it is possible to set the duration (in seconds) of how long the result of a response should be cached. The default value is 30 seconds. Currently the expired data will only be removed by requesting the same data again.

  • null: cache will not be removed
  • 0: no caching

You can manually clear the complete cache including aggregation by calling model.store.clear().

In case you want to set cache options for a specific request see ModelManager RetrieveInterfaceParams.


When using a nested RESTful service more information is necessary to uniquely identify a resource. You need to define parents in your ServiceModel.

class Photo extends ServiceModel {
  // Define name of parents
  static parents = ['album']
  static urls = {
    // Add placeholder for parent in your url
    BASE: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/{album}/photos/'
// Retrieve all photos from album 1: /albums/1/photos/
const photos = await Photo.objects.list({parents: {album: 1}})
// Retrieve photo 2 from album 1: /albums/1/photos/2/
const photo = await Photo.objects.detail(2, {parents: {album: 1}})

It is necessary to set exact parents otherwise a warning will be printed to the console. You can also add some custom validation of the parents by extending the checkServiceParents method of your ServiceModel. This will be called on default ModelManager interfaces and when retrieving the service url from getListUrl or getDetailUrl.


Fields will be one of the main features of this library.

Field definition (fieldsDef)

You can set your model fields with the static property fieldsDef with a plain object with your fieldname as key and the field instance as value. Nested fieldsDef is currently not supported.

class MyModel extends BaseModel {
  static fieldsDef = {
    first_name: new Field(),
    last_name: new Field()
const myObj = new MyModel({
  first_name: 'Joe',
  last_name: 'Bloggs'
await myObj.val.first_name // output: Joe
await myObj.val.last_name // output: Bloggs
Attribute name (attributeName)

By default the key of your field in your fieldsDef (e.g. first_name) will be used to retrieve the value from the model data. You can also set the attributeName when instantiating the field. It is also possible to access nested data when using dot-notation in attributeName. If you need a more specific way to retrieve the value of a field from your data then have a look at Custom/Computed fields.

class MyModel extends BaseModel {
  static fieldsDef = {
    name: new Field({attributeName: 'username'}),
    address_city: new Field({attributeName: 'address.city'}),
    address_street: new Field({attributeName: 'address.street.name'})
const myObj = new MyModel({
  username: 'joe_bloggs',
  address: {
    city: 'New York',
    street: {
      name: 'Fifth Avenue'
await myObj.val.name // output: joe_bloggs
await myObj.val.address_city // output: New York
await myObj.val.address_street // output: Fifth Avenue
Field label and hint (label, hint)

With the label property you can set a descriptive name for your field. hint is used to provide a detail description of your field. label and hint can either be a string or a function which should return a string or a Promise. You can access your label/hint with the label/hint property of your field instance which will always return a Promise.

class MyModel extends BaseModel {
  static fieldsDef = {
    first_name: new Field({
      label: 'First name',
      hint: () => 'First name of the employee'
const firstNameField = myObj.getField('first_name')
await firstNameField.label // output: First name
await firstNameField.hint // output: First name of the employee

Field API

class Field {
  // Constructor takes field definition
  constructor (def: FieldDef)
  // Clone field instance
  public clone (): Field
  // Returns field name (Which has been set as key at fieldsDef.
  // Will throw FieldNotBoundException in case field has not been bound to a model
  public get name (): string
  // Returns either attributeName from fieldsDef or field name
  public get attributeName (): string
  // Returns field definition
  public get definition (): FieldDef
  // Assigned model
  // Will throw FieldNotBoundException in case field has not been bound to a model
  public get model (): BaseModel
  // Returns async field value from data by calling valueGetter with data of assigned model
  public get value (): any
  // Sets field value to model data by calling valueSetter with data of assigned model
  public set value (value: any)
  // Returns async field label from field definition
  public get label (): Promise<string>
  // Returns async field hint from field definition
  public get hint (): Promise<string>
  // Retrieve value from data structure according to attributeName
  // Uses nested syntax from attributeName (e.g. "address.city" -> {address: {city: 'New York'}})
  // Will return null if value is not available
  public valueGetter (data: any): any
  // Set value to data by using attributeName
  // Will create nested structure from attributeName (e.g. "address.city" -> {address: {city: 'New York'}})
  public valueSetter (value: any, data: Dictionary<any>): void

Custom/Computed fields

In case you want to define your own field class you just need to extend from Field. By overwriting the valueGetter method you are able to map the field value by yourself and create computed values.

class FullNameField extends Field {
  valueGetter (data) {
    return data ? data.first_name + ' ' + data.last_name : null
class MyModel extends BaseModel {
  static fieldsDef = {
    full_name: new FullNameField()
const myObj = new MyModel({
  first_name: 'Joe',
  last_name: 'Bloggs'
await myObj.val.full_name // output: Joe Bloggs

Field types

Different field types will be added with future releases.

ModelManager (objects)

The ModelManager provides the interface to perform the api requests. At the moment there are 2 default interface methods.

Retrieve list of data (objects.list())

objects.list() is used to request a list of data (e.g. /albums/) and will return a list of model instances. You can optionally set RetrieveInterfaceParams as only argument. The method will use getListUrl, sendListRequest and mapListResponseBeforeCache which can be overwritten for customization.


Album.objects.list() // Request: GET /albums/
Photo.objects.list({parents: {album: 1}}) // Request: GET /albums/1/photos/
Album.objects.list({filter: {userId: 1}}) // Request: GET /albums/?userId=1

Retrieve single entry of data (objects.detail())

objects.detail() is used to request a single entry (e.g. /albums/1/) and will return a model instance. The first argument is the primary key which can either be a string or number. You can optionally set RetrieveInterfaceParams as second argument. The method will use getDetailUrl, sendDetailRequest and mapDetailResponseBeforeCache which can be overwritten for customization.


Album.objects.detail(1) // Request: GET /albums/1/
Photo.objects.detail(5, {parents: {album: 1}}) // Request: GET /albums/1/photos/5/

Create single entry (objects.create())

objects.create() is used to create a single entry under (e.g. /albums/) by sending a request with method POST. You can provide your data you want to send with post as first argument. The method will use getListUrl and sendCreateRequest.


Album.objects.create({title: 'New Album'}) // Request: POST /albums/
Photo.objects.create({title: 'New Photo'}, {parents: {album: 1}}) // Request: POST /albums/1/photos/

Update single entry (objects.update())

objects.update() is used to update a single entry under (e.g. /albums/1/) by sending a request with method PUT. The first argument is the primary key which can either be a string or number. You can provide your data you want to send with put as first argument. The method will use getDetailUrl and sendUpdateRequest.


Album.objects.update(1, {title: 'Updated Album'}) // Request: PUT /albums/1/
Photo.objects.update(5, {title: 'Updated Photo'}, {parents: {album: 1}}) // Request: PUT /albums/1/photos/5/

Delete single entry (objects.delete())

objects.delete() is used to delete a single entry under (e.g. /albums/1/) by sending a request with method DELETE. The method will use getDetailUrl and sendDeleteRequest.


Album.objects.delete(1) // Request: DELETE /albums/1/
Photo.objects.delete(5, {parents: {album: 1}}) // Request: DELETE /albums/1/photos/5/


With RetrieveInterfaceParams you can provide additional parameters for objects.list() and objects.detail() e.g. for using query parameters or parents.

Full structure example:

  // Optional service parents to handle nested RESTful services
  parents: {album: 1},
  // Filter params as plain object which will be converted to query parameters (params in axios)
  filter: {userId: 1},
  // Do not use and set response cache. Requests will still be aggregated. Already cached data will not be cleared
  // Optional: default = false
  noCache: false,
  // Do not use request aggregation. Response will still be set and used from cache
  // Optional: default = false
  noRequestAggregation: false,
  // Cache will not be used but set. Requests will still be aggregated
  // Optional: default = false
  refreshCache: false


Error codes from response (e.g. 401 - Unauthorized) will be mapped to an APIException. You can catch a specific error by checking with instanceof for your required exception.

import {APIException, UnauthorizedAPIException} from 'js-service-model'
try {
  albums = await Album.objects.list()
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof UnauthorizedAPIException) {
    // Unauthorized
  } else if (error instanceof APIException) {
    // Any other HTTP error status code
  } else {
    // Other exceptions
    throw error  

All API exceptions inherit from APIException and contain the response as property (error.response).

HTTP status code Exception
400 - Bad Request BadRequestAPIException
401 - Unauthorized UnauthorizedAPIException
403 - Forbidden ForbiddenAPIException
404 - Not Found NotFoundAPIException
500 - Internal Server Error InternalServerErrorAPIException
Other APIException

Custom ModelManager

You can extend the ModelManager and add your own methods.

import {ModelManager} from 'js-service-model'
class Album extends ServiceModel {
  static ModelManager = class extends ModelManager {
    customMethod () {
      const Model = this.model
      return new Model({title: 'Custom Album'})
const customAlbum = Album.objects.customMethod()

It is also possible to overwrite some methods to do the list/detail request by yourself or map the response data before it gets cached and used for the model instance.

  • sendListRequest
    • Gets called when doing a list request with objects.list()
  • sendDetailRequest
    • Gets called when doing a detail with objects.detail()
  • sendCreateRequest
    • Gets called when sending a create with objects.create()
  • sendUpdateRequest
    • Gets called when sending a update with objects.update()
  • sendDeleteRequest
    • Gets called when sending a delete with objects.delete()
  • buildRetrieveRequestConfig
  • mapListResponseBeforeCache
    • Gets called from sendListRequest with the response data before the data will be cached
  • mapDetailResponseBeforeCache
    • Gets called from sendDetailRequest with the response data before the data will be cached
  • handleResponseError
    • Receives Errors from axios and maps it to api exceptions


  • Models
    • Cache
      • Define a different cacheDuration for a specific request
      • Use cache from list response also for detail requests
      • "garbage collector" to remove expired cache
  • Fields
    • Different field types
    • Standalone field instances
    • Accessing foreign key fields and retrieving foreign model instances
  • Global configuration with hooks
  • ...


Feel free to create an issue for bugs, feature requests, suggestions or any idea you have. You can also add a pull request with your implementation.

It would please me to hear from your experience.

I used some ideas and names from django, django REST framework, ag-Grid and other libraries and frameworks.




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