Tools commonly used in front-end development financial scenarios
- Simple API, support modular import
- No dependencies
- Unit function test coverage rate and line output coverage rate are both 100%
- Refactor project by typescript, ts project can use those tools directly
The library is the single JavaScript file js-financial-tools.js.
$ npm install js-financial-tools
const jsFinancialTools = require('js-financial-tools');
ES module:
import jsFinancialTools from 'js-financial-tools';
Add jsFinancialTools to global scope:
<script src='path/to/js-financial-tools.js'></script>
The library exports a single object, jsFinancialTools
Each key of this object corresponds to a secondary file in the src folder.
The directory list example is as follows
|-- src
|-- index.js
|-- calc
| |-- index.js
| |-- number.js
|-- display
| |-- formatter.js
| |-- index.js
|-- util
|-- acquire.js
|-- compare.js
|-- index.js
Use the formatToPercent method in formatter module.
const res1 = jsFinancialTools.formatter.formatToPercent(0.233578, "+", 3);
console.log(res1); // +23.358%
const res2 = jsFinancialTools.formatter.formatToPercent(0.232323, "", 2);
console.log(res2); // 23.23%
Use the getIntPartLength method in acquire module.
const res3 = jsFinancialTools.acquire.getIntPartLength(123.456);
console.log(res3); // 3
Modular import
There is a modules directory in the project compilation product, the output format of these files is CJS
The directory list example is as follows
|-- modules
|-- number.js
|-- formatter.js
|-- acquire.js
|-- compare.js
const { isRealNumber } = require('js-financial-tools/modules/number');
ES module:
import { isRealNumber } from 'js-financial-tools/modules/number';