
1.6.16 • Public • Published

This reposigory is originally from https://github.com/t-hashimoto249/js-bbclib


BBc-1(Beyond Block-chain One) Library, written in Javascript.


The library is implemented bbclib functions on platform of BBc-1. It provides make transaction function, load binary transaction function, load json transaction function and create key pair function. It works on modern browsers(Firefox, Edge, Chrome and Safari) and Node.js. The module is totally written in ES6+ and needed to get transpiled with babel for legacy environments.

※The design and detail of BBc-1 is following.

BBc-1: https://github.com/beyond-blockchain/bbc1


At your project directory, do either one of the following.

・From npm/yarn:

$ npm install --save js-bbclib
$ yarn add js-bbclib

・From GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/beyond-blockchain/js-bbclib.git

Feature in js-bbclib

Numeber is a one of primitive type in standard javascript by ECMA. By the standard document, the Number type has exactly 18437736874454810627 (that is, 264-253+3) values. The timestamp value in BBcTransaction is defined by 64bit number type. In that case, it can not process for the Number type. Therefore it is used bn class that is one of popular for big number in javascript. bn.js: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bn.js


The detail of usage is coming soon.

make transaction sequence

The example transaction has one event, four relations, witness and a signature.

  |  |-events[0]
  |     |-asset
  |     |  |-userId
  |     |  |-assetBody
  |     |  |-assetFile
  |     |
  |     |-assetGroupId
  |  |-relations[0]
  |  |  |-asset
  |  |  |  |-userId
  |  |  |  |-assetBody
  |  |  |  |-assetFile
  |  |  |  
  |  |  |-assetGroupId 
  |  |    
  |  |-relations[1]
  |  |  |-pointers
  |  |  |  |-pointers[0]
  |  |  |     |-transactionId
  |  |  |  
  |  |  |-assetGroupId  
  |  |      
  |  |-relations[2]
  |  |  |-assetRaw  
  |  |  |  |-assetId
  |  |  |  |-assetBody
  |  |  |
  |  |  |-assetGroupId
  |  |     
  |  |-relations[3]
  |     |-assetHash 
  |     |  |-assetIds 
  |     |     |-assetIds[0]
  |     |        |-assetId
  |     |        
  |     |-assetGroupId
  |  |-userIds        
  |  |  |-userIds[0]        
  |  |     |-userId  
  |  |         
  |  |        
  |  |-sigIndices
  |     |-sigIndices[0]      
  |        |-indice
  |  |-signatures[0]   
  |     |-keyType  
  |     |-signature
  |     |-keyPair
import * as bbclib from 'js-bbclib.js'

const versoin = 2.0;
const IDsLength = {
  transactionId: 32,
  assetGroupId: 32,
  userId: 32,
  assetId: 32,
  nonce: 32
const numberOfEvent = 1;
const numberOfRelation = 4;
const transaction = await bbclib.makeTransaction(numberOfEvent, numberOfRelation, true, versoin, IDsLength); 
transaction.relations[0].setAssetGroup(assetGroupId).createAsset(userId, assetBody, assetFile); 
transaction.relations[1].setAssetGroup(assetGroupId).createPointer(transactionId, assetId);
transaction.relations[2].setAssetGroup(assetGroupId).createAssetRaw(assetId, assetBody);
transaction.events[0].setAssetGroup(assetGroupId).createAsset(userId, assetBody, assetFile).then((event) => event.addMandatoryApprover(userId)).then((event) => {console.log(event)});
await transaction.sign(userId, keypair);
await transaction.digest();

load binary transaction

 import * as bbclib from 'js-bbclib.js'
 const transactionBin;
 const versoin = 2.0;
 const IDsLength = {
   transactionId: 32,
   assetGroupId: 32,
   userId: 32,
   assetId: 32,
   nonce: 32
 const BinTransaction = await transaction.pack();
 const transaction = await bbclib.loadBinaryTransaction(BinTransaction); 

load json transaction

 import * as bbclib from 'js-bbclib.js'
 const transactionBin;
 const versoin = 2.0;
 const IDsLength = {
   transactionId: 32,
   assetGroupId: 32,
   userId: 32,
   assetId: 32,
   nonce: 32
 const transactionJSON = await transaction.dumpJSON();
 const transaction = await bbclib.loadJSONTransaction(JSONtransaction); 
 transactionJSON = 
 	"idsLength": {
 		"transactionId": 32,
 		"assetGroupId": 32,
 		"userId": 32,
 		"assetId": 32,
 		"nonce": 32
 	"version": 2,
 	"timestamp": "15da98666865d540",
 	"events": [
 			"idsLength": {
 				"transactionId": 32,
 				"assetGroupId": 32,
 				"userId": 32,
 				"assetId": 32,
 				"nonce": 32
 			"version": 2,
 			"assetGroupId": "3448171b0d4e74c550fa06d26de7a8115c603494c7fb881a93fb02fc31f872a3",
 			"referenceIndices": [],
 			"mandatoryApprovers": [
 			"optionApproverNumNumerator": 0,
 			"optionApproverNumDenominator": 0,
 			"optionApprovers": [],
 			"asset": {
 				"idsLength": {
 					"transactionId": 32,
 					"assetGroupId": 32,
 					"userId": 32,
 					"assetId": 32,
 					"nonce": 32
 				"version": 2,
 				"userId": "0d0dc297ccbc9bcf1992a8b79571378ddb1601c5a191ed82a945996b649764d7",
 				"assetId": "6731e816bd9d5f3e86320a1e50a28940d549ba7659b864eab483ea0a618c6c08",
 				"nonce": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
 				"assetFile": "",
 				"assetFileDigest": "886206aed2ece342f8529e8d26703a63f27e09b52dfd20e12f67b32e60ac7fa9",
 				"assetFileSize": 32,
 				"assetBodyType": 0,
 				"assetBodySize": 32,
 				"assetBody": "bcc1bd6608e84edd647a526e7294980a56d2915c3186957094d47481a4b6c578"
 	"references": [],
 	"relations": [
 			"idsLength": {
 				"transactionId": 32,
 				"assetGroupId": 32,
 				"userId": 32,
 				"assetId": 32,
 				"nonce": 32
 			"version": 2,
 			"assetGroupId": "3448171b0d4e74c550fa06d26de7a8115c603494c7fb881a93fb02fc31f872a3",
 			"pointers": [],
 			"asset": {
 				"idsLength": {
 					"transactionId": 32,
 					"assetGroupId": 32,
 					"userId": 32,
 					"assetId": 32,
 					"nonce": 32
 				"version": 2,
 				"userId": "0d0dc297ccbc9bcf1992a8b79571378ddb1601c5a191ed82a945996b649764d7",
 				"assetId": "6731e816bd9d5f3e86320a1e50a28940d549ba7659b864eab483ea0a618c6c08",
 				"nonce": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
 				"assetFile": "",
 				"assetFileDigest": "886206aed2ece342f8529e8d26703a63f27e09b52dfd20e12f67b32e60ac7fa9",
 				"assetFileSize": 32,
 				"assetBodyType": 0,
 				"assetBodySize": 32,
 				"assetBody": "bcc1bd6608e84edd647a526e7294980a56d2915c3186957094d47481a4b6c578"
 			"idsLength": {
 				"transactionId": 32,
 				"assetGroupId": 32,
 				"userId": 32,
 				"assetId": 32,
 				"nonce": 32
 			"version": 2,
 			"assetGroupId": "3448171b0d4e74c550fa06d26de7a8115c603494c7fb881a93fb02fc31f872a3",
 			"pointers": [
 					"idsLength": {
 						"transactionId": 32,
 						"assetGroupId": 32,
 						"userId": 32,
 						"assetId": 32,
 						"nonce": 32
 					"version": 2,
 					"transactionId": "afeba37557d6bbf5c0ee6bc0a6f8e94c86ff37886946a8fec697b063f93873a6",
 					"assetId": "d1eef5f00020ada399cad01b8007c5284ad84c67c9b72abdd412e76bf9151c1d"
 			"idsLength": {
 				"transactionId": 32,
 				"assetGroupId": 32,
 				"userId": 32,
 				"assetId": 32,
 				"nonce": 32
 			"version": 2,
 			"assetGroupId": "3448171b0d4e74c550fa06d26de7a8115c603494c7fb881a93fb02fc31f872a3",
 			"pointers": [],
 			"assetRaw": {
 				"idsLength": {
 					"transactionId": 32,
 					"assetGroupId": 32,
 					"userId": 32,
 					"assetId": 32,
 					"nonce": 32
 				"version": 2,
 				"assetId": "d1eef5f00020ada399cad01b8007c5284ad84c67c9b72abdd412e76bf9151c1d",
 				"assetBody": "bcc1bd6608e84edd647a526e7294980a56d2915c3186957094d47481a4b6c578",
 				"assetBodySize": 32
 			"idsLength": {
 				"transactionId": 32,
 				"assetGroupId": 32,
 				"userId": 32,
 				"assetId": 32,
 				"nonce": 32
 			"version": 2,
 			"assetGroupId": "3448171b0d4e74c550fa06d26de7a8115c603494c7fb881a93fb02fc31f872a3",
 			"pointers": [],
 			"assetHash": {
 				"idsLength": {
 					"transactionId": 32,
 					"assetGroupId": 32,
 					"userId": 32,
 					"assetId": 32,
 					"nonce": 32
 				"version": 2,
 				"assetIds": [
 	"witness": {
 		"idsLength": {
 			"transactionId": 32,
 			"assetGroupId": 32,
 			"userId": 32,
 			"assetId": 32,
 			"nonce": 32
 		"version": 2,
 		"userIds": [
 		"sigIndices": [
 	"crossRef": null,
 	"signatures": [
 			"keyType": 2,
 			"signature": "e0cac3e0ba8f5a942129116a54c593157d0ebac9cd129da8e58094dd6025e56cfee060fbcab6e3fd611ba111491bc83a124befead0fb043705ab102a00722f05",
 			"keypair": {
 				"keyType": 2,
 				"publicKey": {
 					"kty": "EC",
 					"crv": "P-256",
 					"x": "8BVYllpkpfKwCuY1E6xchUVjuUvvoywcOobasONzod0",
 					"y": "ta3-3l9NzVQk9Va8zQF1GgEOMp5s9D_4978a6onqt5k"
 	"useridSigidxMapping": {
 		"13,13,194,151,204,188,155,207,25,146,168,183,149,113,55,141,219,22,1,197,161,145,237,130,169,69,153,107,100,151,100,215": 0

create key

import * as bbclib from 'js-bbclib.js'

const keypair = bbclib.createKeypair(); 
keypair.setKeyPair('jwk', jwkPublickey, jwkPrivateKey)
keypair.setKeyPair('pem', pemPublickey, pemPrivateKey)
keypair.setKeyPair('der', derPublickey, darPrivateKey)
keypair.setKeyPair('oct', octPublickey, octPrivateKey, {namedCurve: 'P-256'})

const transaction = await bbclib.makeTransaction(1, 1, true, versoin, IDsLength); 


await transaction.sign(userId, keypair);


Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE file.


BBc-1, Block-Chain,


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