
0.1.13 • Public • Published


 npm install jive-angular -g

Command Line Initialization

 jive-angular-make [YourAppName]

Basic Usage

Once installed:

  1. Navigate to: ./[YourAppName]/apps/[YourAppName]/public

  2. Run: npm install

  3. Run; gulp or gulp jive

    • Precompiles SASS from app/scss
    • Transpiles ES2015 in app/js down to ES5
    • Puts all HTML / CSS / JS resources in dist/
    • Stores HTML templates in the $templateCache
      • This is necessary because Jive proxies all calls to the file system, meaning you cannot use templateUrl as expected.
    • Implements a JS linter
    • Implements a watcher so steps 1 and 2 happen on every save (only with gulp)

There are several things going on in gulpfile.js so be sure to check it out!

'gulp' vs 'gulp jive'

gulp is meant for development. It runs a server and watcher, so your resources are put into dist/ on every save. Run gulp jive if you just want your resources to be in their proper place and have no need for reflecting live changes.

Development setup

This assumes your app is already installed on your Jive instance

  1. Follow the normal Jive App development process by running npm start from your project home directory.
  2. Navigate to from your app root to apps/[YourAppName]/public/ and run gulp.

Angular App Basics

The newly created public directory uses gulp to set up a template for an Angular SPA using ui-router

The template contains:

  • A primary module called jive
  • A submodule called jive.home
  • A route file with 3 sample routes
    • One route is abstract. It contains the header_footer template.
  • A service (app/services/HTTP.js) for resolving $http CRUD calls
    • NOTE: This file uses a decent amount of ES6 if you are interested.

How It Works

The command line function above does the following:

  1. Creates a new directory named [YourAppName] in your current working directory.
  2. Creates a jive app titled [YourAppName] by finding and executing the jive-sdk executable.
  • The exact command is: jive-sdk create app --name="[YourAppName]"
  1. Empties the public directory at: [YourAppName]/apps/[YourAppName]/public
  2. Repopulates that directory with another node app. This app creates a basic AngularJS template Jive SDK applications.


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    • taylorboren