
0.1.0 • Public • Published


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Improved navigator.geolocation, with better callbacks and new stuffs.

jeolok is a simple wrapper over navigator.geolocation, with better callback support, so you can use it with tools like async.

Getting Started

From now, jeolok is only usable in the browser (since it uses navigator.geolocation as interface).

jeolok use the umd implementation to be usable with whatever tool you use (browserify, vanilla, etc...).

You can install jeolok using npm or bower, or downloading the library from the lib folder.


Regardless of how you will include jeolok in your code, you will obtain a jeolok object, which has the following methods & properties.

getCurrentPosition( [ options [, [ callback ]] )

Calls navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(), with the given (and optional) options, and execute the callback when it's done.

The callback will get two arguments : the first is an error, which be null if everythings is alright, and the second is the position object.
The position object has an extra parameter : date, which his a Date object of the position's timestamp.


jeolok.getCurrentPosition( { enableHighAccuracy: true }, function( error, position ) {
    if( error ) {
        return console.error( "Shit happens!", error );
    console.log( "Now i can work with my position:", position );
} );

get( [ options [, [ callback ]] )

Alias of getCurrentPosition.

watchPosition( [ options [, [ callback ]] )

Calls navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(), with the given (and optional) options, and execute the callback everytime it's has new information about position.

The callback will get two arguments : the first is an error, which be null if everythings is alright, and the second is the position object.
The position object has an extra parameter : date, which his a Date object of the position's timestamp.

Returns the watch's id, which it usefull to clear it (see below).


var watchID = jeolok.watchPosition( { enableHighAccuracy: true }, function( error, position ) {
    if( error ) {
        return console.error( "Shit happens!", error );
    console.log( "I must have moved since the last time, i think:", position );
} );

watch( [ options [, [ callback ]] )

Alias of watchPosition.

clearWatch( watchID )

Calls navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(), with the given id, to stop watching for location changes.


jeolok.clearWatch( watchID );


jeolok keeps the last position object in its memory.


console.log( "Hey, I got a latitude: ", jeolok.position.coords.latitude );


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Lint your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 0.1.0: Initial release (07/08/14)


Copyright (c) 2014 leny
Licensed under the MIT license.


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