adapter for ioBroker for LED-lamps like milight, easybulb, limitless
from npm
npm install iobroker.milight
actual version from github
npm install --production
common Settings:
in admin page
- IP-Adress-> IP of bridge
- Port -> port of bridge
- delaybetweenPackages -> ms delay between UDP packages (100ms for v5)
- repeatPackage -> number of repetitions (1 for v5)
- version of the milight protocol v5 or v6 -> sets automatically the corresponding port
- setting full brightness when changed to white mode
type of bulbs in the zones:
in admin page
- basic = bridge ONLY for zone 1 and v6
- RGBWW = full color bulb with white LED and color temperature adjustment (increase color temp means cooler coloring), ONLY in v6
- RGB = pure color bulb without white ONLY for zone 1
- RGBW = color bulb with white LED
- White = WW/CW white bulb with color temperature adjustment (increase color temp means cooler coloring)
The Zone0 or ZoneAll can be used to give commands to all 4 zones, the adapter is configured in v6 with base/bridge commands and in v5 with rgbw commands.
States in Version 6
available state | basic/bridge | White | RGB | RGBW | RGBWW |
ON/OFF as switch | state(zone1), function | state(zone), function | state(zone1), function | state(zone), function | state(zone), function |
ON as button | on(zone1), native | on(zone), native | on(zone1), native | on(zone), native | on(zone), native |
OFF as button | off(zone1), native | off(zone), native | off(zone1), native | off(zone), native | off(zone), native |
colorMode as boolean state | colorMode (0=nightMode, 1=whiteMode) | colorMode (0=nightMode, 1=whiteMode) | |||
maxWhite as button | maxBright(zone), native | ||||
whiteMode as button | whiteMode(zone1), native | whiteMode(zone), native | whiteMode(zone), native | ||
nightMode as button | nightMode(zone), native | nightMode(zone), native | nightMode(zone), native | ||
brightness as value (0-100%) | brightness(zone), native | brightness(zone), native | brightness(zone), native | ||
color as 3 hex values | color(zone), native | color(zone), native | color(zone), native | color(zone), native | |
rgb as combined value (#000000 - #FFFFFF) | rgb(zone), native | rgb(zone), native | rgb(zone), native | rgb(zone), native | |
mode as value | mode(zone), native | mode(zone), native | mode(zone), native | ||
modeSpeedUp as button | modeSpeedUp(zone), native | modeSpeedUp (zone), native | modeSpeedUp (zone), native | ||
modeSpeedDown as button | modeSpeedDown (zone), native | modeSpeedDown(zone), native | modeSpeedDown(zone), native | ||
link as button | link(zone), native | link(zone), native | |||
unlink as button | unlink(zone), native | unlink(zone), native | |||
saturation as value (0-100%) | Saturation (zone), native | ||||
colorTemp as value (0-100 equals to 2700K to 6500K) | colorTemp (zone), native | ||||
brightnessUp as button | brightnessUp (zone), function | brightnessUp (zone), native | brightnessUp (zone), native | brightnessUp (zone), function | brightnessUp (zone), function |
brightnessDown as button | brightnessDown (zone), function | brightnessDown (zone), native | brightnessDown (zone), native | brightnessDown (zone), function | brightnessDown (zone), function |
colorUp as button | colorUp(zone), function | colorUp(zone), function | colorUp(zone), function | ||
color Down as button | color Down(zone), function | color Down(zone), function | color Down(zone), function | ||
saturationUp as button | saturationUp (zone), function | ||||
saturationDown as button | saturationDown (zone), function | ||||
colorTempUp as button | colorTempUp (zone), native | colorTempUp (zone), function | |||
colorTempDown as button | colorTempDown (zone), native | colorTempDown (zone), function | |||
hue as value (0-360) | hue (zone), function | hue (zone), function |
States in Version 5/ Version 4
available state | RGB | White | RGBW |
ON/OFF as switch | state(zone), function | state(zone), function | state(zone), function |
ON as button | on(zone), native | on(zone), native | on(zone), native |
OFF as button | off(zone), native | off(zone), native | off(zone), native |
colorMode as boolean state | colorMode (0/hs=whiteMode, 1/ct=color(hue=55)) | ||
maxWhite as button | maxBright(zone), native | ||
whiteMode as button | whiteMode(zone), native | ||
nightMode as button | nightMode(zone), native | ||
color as hue value (0-255) | hue, native | ||
rgb as combined value (#000000 - #FFFFFF) | rgb, native | ||
colorTempUp as button | warmer, native | ||
colorTempDown as button | cooler, native | ||
brightness as value (0-100%) | brightness, native | ||
brightness as value (0-100%), extended range | |||
effectModeNext as button | effectModeNext, native | ||
speedUp as button | speedUp, native | effectSpeedUp, native | |
speedDown as button | speedDown, native | effectSpeedDown, native | |
brightUp as button | brightUp, native | brightUp, native | |
brightDown as button | brightDown, native | brightDown, native | |
effectModeNext as button | effectSpeedUp, native | ||
effectModePrev as button | effectSpeedDown, native |
effectSpeedUp/Down has different meaning (for rgb changes the mode, for rgbw it changes the speed)!
in admin page of adapter version 5 also to be used for v4 lamps
- ??
known issues:
- ??
- compact mode
- (foxthefox) node-milight-promise 0.3.1 (former version 0.2.32)
- (mrinc) fix for the v5 color setting (was always blue)
- (foxthefox) nightModeSwitch added on white bulbs for command from Alexa
- (foxthefox) adminv3 added
- (foxthefox) setting of state after usage of command OFF/ON
- (foxthefox) v6 widget for RGBW; RGBWW mode switch night/weiß instead weiß/farbe
- (foxthefox) v6 widget for RGBW, RGBWW speedup/down correction, no hide of color temp vs. color when switching night/weiß
- (foxthefox) v5 widget for RGBW with color changing to matching the selected color
- (foxthefox) v6 widget for RGBWW with colortemperature changing to matching the selected colortemperature
- (foxthefox) V5 uses brightUp/brightDown instead brightnessUp/brightnessDown
- (foxthefox) corrections in V5 for white Commands (cooler/warmer/maxBright)
- (foxthefox) new RGBWW V6 widget
- (foxthefox) update for effects and correctios in RGBW V6 widget
- (foxthefox) added CW/WW widget V4 and V6
- (foxthefox) added disco button in RGBW V4
- (bluefox) added checking of methods before calling them
- (foxthefox) cleanup of states
- (foxthefox) added white/rgb lamp
- (foxthefox) correction of mismatch RGBW/RGBWW in v6
- (foxthefox) v6 brightness only 0-0x64(100)
- (foxthefox) debug messages with v5/v6 prefix; v6 colorset->colormode
- (bluefox) discovery for v6
- (foxthefox) switch lamp on with full brightness -> checkbox in admin for v5
- (foxthefox) tested with bridge version 4 and protocol version v5
- (bluefox)v6 implementation
- (foxthefox) node-milight-promise 0.0.9
- (foxthefox) jqui widget RGBW lamp
- (foxthefox) initial setup
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 foxthefox