
1.1.1-development • Public • Published


A process tracing and flame graph tool for node.js development

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INFERNOde Website

Documentation and Features

Contact the developers


  1. npm install --save-dev infernode in your Node.JS NPM project
  2. npx infernode to launch INFERNOde
  3. Navigate to the Capture page
  4. Provide the path to your app's entrypoint, relative to the top level directory of your project (e.g. src/index.js)
  5. Set a time limit for your capture and hit start
  6. If necessary, interact with your app to trigger the functionality you want to trace
  7. Check out the new flame graph in the sidebar


View and Manage Existing Graphs

Generate Differential Graphs

One-click Captures

Flexible Capture Settings

Upload Existing `perf` Files

In-app Help


Live App Capture Request

graph TD;
    C("INFERNOde Web Client") -.-> |"HTTP Request"| S["INFERNOde Server"];
    linkStyle 0 stroke:green,color:green,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
    CM("Monitoring Tool") -.-> |"HTTP Request"| S
    linkStyle 1 stroke:green,color:green,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
    S --> |"GET /health"| RH{"Health Router"};
    S --> |"/api"| RA{"API Router"};
    S --> |"404"| RNF{"Not Found Router"};
    RNF --> MNF[["Not Found MW"]];
    MNF -.-> |"404 HTTP Response"| C;
    linkStyle 6 stroke:red,color:red,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
    RA --> |"/api/captures/*"| RC{"Capture Router"};
    RA --> |"/api/dtrace/*"| RT{"Dtrace Router"};
    RA --> |"/api/diff/*"| RD{"Diff Router"};
    RA --> |"/api/app/*"| RA{"App Router"};
    RT --> |"POST /api/dtrace/run/flamegraph"|RRC{{"Run and Capture Route: Flame Graph"}};
    subgraph "Run and Capture";
    RRC --> ME[["Env MW: Validate"]];
    ME --> MDB[["DB MW: Create Record"]];
    MDB --> SQL[("SQLite3 DB")];
    MDB --> MA1[["App MW: Spawn Node Sub-App"]];
    MA1 --> MDT1[["Dtrace MW: Capture Trace"]];
    MA1 --> MPT1[["Perf MW: Capture Trace"]];
    MDT1 --> MDT2[["Dtrace MW: Fold Trace"]];
    MPT1 --> MPT2[["PERF MW: Fold Trace"]];
    MDT2 --> MFG[["Flame Graph MW: Generate SVG"]];
    MPT2 --> MFG;
    MFG --> MA2[["App MW: Terminate Node Sub-App"]];
    MA2 --> RRC;
    RRC -.-> |"HTTP Response"| C;
    linkStyle 24 stroke:red,color:red,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
    RC --> |"GET /api/captures/1"| RCG1{"Retrieve Capture by ID Route"};
    subgraph "Retrieve Capture by ID ";
    RCG1 --> MFD[["File MW: Deliver SVG"]];
    MFD -.-> |"HTTP Response"| C;
    linkStyle 27 stroke:red,color:red,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;

Key Dependencies


  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • SQLite3
  • Pino
  • Formidable


  • TypeScript
  • React
  • React-Router
  • React-Bootstrap
  • Axios


  • Github Actions
  • Jest
  • Supertest
  • Semantic-Release
  • Stylelint
  • ESLint
  • Webpack


  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install in the repo directory
  3. npm run dev to run the server with on-save recompile/reload

Additional project scripts

All scripts are accessible via npm run <scriptname>, some key scripts are:

  • resetdb: Clean out infernode's datastore for a fresh start
  • clean: Remove all contents of the ./dist/ directory
  • copy-assets: Copy static assets from ./src/ to ./dist/
  • lint: Run linter (ESLint) against the relevant client and server source code
  • build: Performs npm run prebuild, npm run tsc, and npm run webpack sequentially, will halt if any prebuild steps have non-zero exit codes
  • test: Performs a fresh build and then executes all test suites
  • start: Starts the node server in production mode, access via http://localhost:3000
  • dev: Starts the node and webpack-dev-server servers in development mode, both dynamically recompiling/bundling/restarting on source code changes, access via http://localhost:8080

Express.js Global Error Handler

  • Invoked via next( errObject: InfernodeError ).
  • Takes an InfernodeError type object with the following mandatory properties:
    • message: string: A technical error message not necessarily intended for end users
  • The InfernodeError object can optionally include:
    • userMessage: string: A non-technical error message intended for (public) end users or API consumers
    • httpStatus: number: A more specific HTTP status code to use for the response
    • controller: string: The Express middleware controller/function/method/operation that caused the error
  • Logs the entire error object + the request method and path to the server's console.
  • The response status will be set to 500 by default if an errObject.httpStatus code is not provided.
  • In development mode, entire error object, request method, and request path will be sent in the HTTP response body as JSON.
  • In production mode, only the errObject.userMessage will be sent in the HTTP response body as JSON.


Committing and Commit Messages

Infernode now uses Semantic-Release and Commitizen to automatically handle versioning. As a result, when using git commit or npm run commit to comply with formatting implemented by Semantic-Release. Upon execution of either command, Commitizen will walk the user through how to author commit messages in the command line.


  • Run git add <files> when ready to stage changes
  • Run npm run commit or git commit to format commit messages using Commitizen
  • When ready, push changes up to a branch made for the changes

Pull Requests

  • Development should be performed on branches from dev and PR'd back to dev once complete,
  • Releases will be performed by PRing to main.
  • Pull Requests to dev and main are blocked on passing GHA checks. In order to ensure your PR will pass checks, make sure that:
    • All new dependencies have been included in package.json/package-lock.json
    • All tests are passing locally via npm test
    • All ESLint checks pass locally via npm run lint
    • A new build is successful locally via npm run build
    • The app is functional in production mode via npm run build && npm start and browsing to http://localhost:3000

Please consider the following when filing pull requests:

  • Update working branch from dev
  • Test the above GHA check criteria locally
  • PR title should take the form of a Commitizen commit title
  • Body of PR should take the form of a Commitizen commit body
  • Once approved, the PR author is responsible for squash merging into the destination branch
  • Branches should be deleted after merge

Branch Names

    branch dev
    checkout dev
    branch feature/coolgraph
    checkout feature/coolgraph
    checkout dev
    branch feature/graphapi
    checkout feature/graphapi
    checkout feature/coolgraph
    checkout dev
    merge feature/coolgraph
    branch bugfix/brokengraph
    checkout bugfix/brokengraph
    checkout feature/graphapi
    checkout dev
    merge feature/graphapi
    checkout bugfix/brokengraph
    checkout dev
    merge bugfix/brokengraph
    checkout main
    merge dev tag: "v1.2.3"
  • Use a new branch for each new feature and eventual PR
  • Use the format of "type/descriptive-outcome"
  • Types include:
    • bugfix
    • feature
    • docs
    • testing
    • refactor
    • cicd
  • The descriptive-outcome should describe what will be achieved by merging the branch


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    npm i infernode

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    • infernode