A module that provides a simple immutable box. Use it to establish a powerful linear data flow in JavaScript. (As seen in this lovely Egghead course.)
Install the package
npm install --save immutable-box
and import/require it
import Box from 'immutable-box';
// OR (pre ES6)
var Box = require('immutable-box');
Box('value') // put 'value' in a box
.map((v) => `new ${v}`) // update the box' value
.get(); // return the box' value (here: 'new value')
.asMutable() // make the box mutable
.map((v) => parseInt(v, 10))
.map((v) => v + 1)
.includes(2); // compare the box' value (returns true)
This is what you do after you have cloned the repository:
npm install
npm run build
(Install dependencies & build the project.)
Execute ESLint
npm run lint
Try to automatically fix linting errors
npm run lint:fix
Execute Jest unit tests using
npm test
Tests are defined in the same directory the module lives in. They are specified in '[module].test.js' files.
To build the project, execute
npm run build
This saves the production ready code into 'dist/'.
The app is documented using JSDoc. To generate docs, use
npm run docs
This saves HTML documentation into 'docs/'. It requires that you have additionally installed jsdoc
To generate a Markdown API reference, you can alternatively use
npm run docs-md
This saves the documentation into 'docs/index.md'. It requires that you have additionally installed jsdoc-to-markdown