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FEEL interpreter written in JavaScript.

Developed for of the imicros backend, but can be used also stand-alone.


$ npm install imicros-feel-interpreter


const { Interpreter } = require("imicros-feel-interpreter");

const interpreter = new Interpreter();

/*** parse and evaluate in a single step ***/
let result = interpreter.evaluate("a/b**-c-d",{a:1,b:2,c:4,d:3});
// 13

/*** or in two steps: parse single evaluate multiple***/
let success = interpreter.parse("a/b**-c-d");
// true

let serialized = JSON.stringify(interpreter.ast);
interpreter.ast = JSON.parse(serialized);
// serialized ast can be stored somewhere and restored for multiple usage with different data sets

let result = interpreter.evaluate({a:1,b:2,c:4,d:3});
// 13

Usage Converter to convert a DMN file (XML) to a single FEEL expression

const { DMNParser, DMNConverter } = require("imicros-feel-interpreter");
const fs = require("fs");

const xmlData = fs.readFileSync(./assets/Sample.dmn).toString();
const expression = new DMNConverter().convert({ xml: xmlData });


  • Complete support of DMN 1.4. Known restrictions see below.
  • Provide build-in functions as listed below.


  • Additional name symbols ./-+* according rule 30. of the sepcification as well as keywords for,return,if,true,false,in,and,or,between,some,every,then,else,not,string,number,boolean,null,date,time,duration in names are not supported.
    (The package uses nearley as parser and I didn't found a way to implement the ambiguity).
    White spaces are allowed and normalized (doubled spaces will be replaced by just one space). Therefore expresssions like {"new example": 5}.new    example as well as { "new     example": 5}.new example will work.
    Beside white spaces the special characters _?' which are not used as operators are allowed.
  • No external functions are supported.

Performance considerations

In case of intensive usage with large number of data sets consider the pre-parsing possibility.

A simple expression if even(i) then (i*a) else (i*b) with parsing and evaluation in one step evaluates 2.500 data sets per second and with a single parsing you can evaluate up to 200.000 data sets per second on an average hardware with single thread processing.

Example expressions

  • date and time("2022-04-05T23:59:59") < date("2022-04-06") w/o context --> true
  • if a>b then c+4 else d with context {a:3,b:2,c:5.1,d:4} --> 9.1
  • {"Mother's finest":5, "result": 5 + Mother's finest}.result --> 10
  • "best of " + lower case("IMicros") w/o context --> "best of imicros"
  • [{a:3,b:1},{a:4,b:2}][item.a > 3] w/o context --> [{a:4,b:2}]
  • [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9][a*(item+1)=6] with context {a:2} --> [2]
  • a+b > c+d with context {a:5,b:4,c:3,d:5} --> true
  • flight list[item.status = "cancelled"].flight number with context {"flight list": [{ "flight number": 123, status: "boarding"},{ "flight number": 234, status: "cancelled"}]} --> [234]
  • {calc:function (a:number,b:number) a-b, y:calc(b:c,a:d)+3}.y with context {c:4,d:5} --> 4
  • deep.a.b + deep.c with context {deep:{a:{b:3},c:2}} --> 5
  • {a:3}.aw/o context --> 3
  • extract("references are 1234, 1256, 1378", "12[0-9]*") w/o context --> ["1234","1256"]
  • (a+b)>(8.9) and (c+d)>(8.1) with context {a:5,b:4,c:4,d:5}--> true
  • @"2022-04-10T13:15:20" + @"P1M" w/o context --> "2022-05-10T13:15:20"
  • day of year(@"2022-04-16") w/o context --> 106
  • @"P7M2Y" + @"P5D" w/o context --> "P5D7M2Y"
  • { "PMT": function (p:number,r:number,n:number) (p*r/12)/(1-(1+r/12)**-n), "MonthlyPayment": PMT(Loan.amount, Loan.rate, Loan.term) + fee }.MonthlyPayment with context {Loan: { amount: 600000, rate: 0.0375, term:360 }, fee: 100} --> 2878.6935494327668
  • decision table( outputs: ["Applicant Risk Rating"], inputs: ["Applicant Age","Medical History"], rule list: [ [>60,"good","Medium"], [>60,"bad","High"], [[25..60],-,"Medium"], [<25,"good","Low"], [<25,"bad","Medium"] ], hit policy: "Unique" ) with context {"Applicant Age": 65, "Medical History": "bad"} --> { "Applicant Risk Rating": "High" }

Supported expressions

(not the complete list - refer to the test cases for a complete list of tested expressions)


Muliplication: *, Division: /, Addition: +, Subtraction: -, Exponentation: **

  • (x - 2)**2 + 3/a - c*2

Negation: -

  • -5


And: and, Or: or

Equal to: =, not equal to: !=, less than: <, less than or equal to: <=, greater than: >, greater than or equal to: >=

  • 5 = 5 and 6 != 5 and 3 <= 4 and date("2022-05-08") > date("2022-05-07") --> true

Existence check: is defined(var)

  • is defined({x:null}.x) --> true
  • is defined({}.x) --> false

Negation: not(expression)

  • {a:5,b:3,result: not(a<b)}.result --> true

Type check: expression instance of type

  • a instance of b with context {a:3,b:5} --> true
  • a instance of string with context {a:"test"} --> true
  • a instance of number with context {a:3} --> true
  • a instance of boolean with context {a:true} --> true


Concatenate: + (only possible with both terms type string)

  • "foo" + "bar" --> "foobar"

Context and path

Context is a defintion in JSON notation with { key: value }.
The key must evaluate to a string, the value can be any expression (including function definitions and complete decision table calls).
With the .name notation an attribute of the context is accessed.

  • {a:3}.a --> 3
  • deep.a.b + deep.c with context {deep:{a:{b:3},c:2}} --> 5
  • {calc:function (a:number,b:number) a-b, y:calc(b:c,a:d)+3}.y with context {c:4,d:5} --> 4
  • {calc:function (a:number,b:number) a+b, y:calc(4,5)+3} --> {y:12}

Filter (Lists)

Get element by index (index count is starting with 1)

  • [1,2,3,4][2] --> 2

Negative indices are counted from the end

  • [1,2,3,4][-1] --> 3
  • [1,2,3,4][-0] --> 4

Reduce list based on logic expression - variable item is the current element

  • [1,2,3,4][item > 2] --> [3,4]
  • [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9][a*(item+1)=6] with context {a:2} --> [2]
  • [1,2,3,4][even(item)] --> [2,4]
  • flight list[item.status = "cancelled"].flight number with context {"flight list": [{ "flight number": 123, status: "boarding"},{ "flight number": 234, status: "cancelled"}]} --> [234]


Date or date and time expressions as well as durations can be written with the @String notation

  • @"2022-05-10T13:15:20" - @"P1M" --> "2022-04-10T13:15:20"
  • @"13:45:20" - @"PT30M" --> "13:15:20"
  • date("2022-05-14") - date("2020-09-10") --> "P4D8M1Y"
  • date("2020-09-10")-date("2022-05-14") --> "-P4D8M1Y"

Comparison with <,<=,>,>=,=
Additon/Subtraction with date|date and time +/- duration

  • date("2022-04-05") < date("2022-04-06") --> true
  • date and time("2022-04-15T08:00:00") = date and time("2022-04-15T00:00:00") + @"P8H" --> true
  • @"P5D" > @"P2D" --> true
  • @"P5D" > @"P4DT23H" --> true

Comparison with in interval

  • date("2022-04-05") in [date("2022-04-04")"2022-04-06")] --> true
  • (date("2022-04-01")+duration("P3D")) in [date("2022-04-04")"2022-04-06")] --> true

Comparison with between date|date and time and date|date and time

  • date("2022-04-05") between date("2022-04-04") and date("2022-04-06") --> true

Access of attributes of the temporal type

  • @"2022-04-10".month --> 4
  • date("2022-04-10").day --> 10
  • date and time("2022-04-10T13:15:20").year --> 2022
  • date and time("2022-04-10T13:15:20").hour --> 13
  • date and time("2022-04-10T13:15:20").minute --> 15
  • date and time("2022-04-10T13:15:20").second --> 20
  • @"P12D5M".months --> 5
  • today().year --> current year
  • now().minute --> current minute
  • day of week(@"2022-04-16") --> "Saturday"
  • day of year(@"2022-04-16") --> 106
  • week of year(@"2022-04-16") --> 15
  • abs(@"-P7M2Y") --> "P7M2Y"


if condition then expression else expression

  • if 1 > 2 then 3 else 4


for name in iteration context return expression

  • for a in [1,2,3] return a*2 --> [2,4,6]


single line comments starting with // until the end of the line single line or multiline comments framed with /* and */.

/*  start 
    comment */ 
decision table(
    outputs: ["Applicant Risk Rating"],  
    inputs: ["Applicant Age","Medical History"],
    /* multi line
        between */
    rule list: [
         * important comment 
        [<25,"bad","Medium"] // single line comment
    hit policy: "Unique"
) /* end comment */

Supported build-in functions


  • date(from|year,month,day)
  • time(from|hour,minute,second,offset?) with offset type duration (e.g. @"PT1H")
  • missing: date and time(from - with named parameter|date,time)
  • years and months duration(from,to) with from,to type date
  • number(from) with from type string
  • string(from)
  • context(entries) with entries type object with attributes key and value (e.g. {key: "a",value: 1})


  • today()
  • now()
  • day of week(date)
  • day of year(date)
  • week of year(date)
  • month of year(date)
  • abs(duration)


  • decimal(n,scale)
  • floor(n)
  • ceiling(n)
  • round up(n,scale?)
  • round down(n,scale?)
  • round half up(n,scale?)
  • round half down(n,scale?)
  • abs(number)
  • modulo(dividend,divisor)
  • sqrt(number)
  • log(number)
  • exp(number)
  • odd(number)
  • even(number)


  • is defined(value)
  • not(negand)


  • before(a,b) with a,b either point or interval
  • after(a,b) with a,b either point or interval
  • meets(a,b) with a,b intervals
  • met by(a,b) with a,b intervals
  • overlaps(a,b) with a,b intervals
  • overlaps before(a,b) with a,b intervals
  • overlaps after(a,b) with a,b intervals
  • finishes(a,b) with a eiter point or interval and b interval
  • finished by(a,b) with a interval and b either point or interval
  • includes(a,b) with a interval and b either point or interval
  • during(a,b) with a eiter point or interval and b interval
  • starts(a,b) with a eiter point or interval and b interval
  • started by(a,b) with a interval and b either point or interval
  • coinsides(a,b) with a,b either both points or both intervals


  • list contains(list,element)
  • count(list) / count(...item)
  • min(list) / min(...item)
  • max(list) / max(...item)
  • sum(list) / sum(...item)
  • product(list) / product(...item)
  • mean(list) / mean(...item)
  • median(list) / median(...item)
  • stddev(list) / stddev(...item)
  • mode(list) / mode(...item)
  • all(list) / all(...item)
  • and(list)
  • any(list) / any(...item)
  • or(list)
  • sublist(list, startposition, length?)
  • append(list,...item)
  • union(...list)
  • concatenate(...list)
  • insert before(list,position,newItem)
  • remove(list,position)
  • reverse(list)
  • index of(list,match)
  • distinct values(list)
  • flatten(list)
  • sort(list,precedes)
  • string join(list,delimiter?,prefix?,suffix?)


  • substring(string,start,length)
  • string length(string)
  • upper case(string)
  • lower case(string)
  • substring before(string,match)
  • substring after(string,match)
  • contains(string,match)
  • starts with(string,match)
  • ends with(string,match)
  • matches(input,pattern)
  • replace(input,pattern,replacement,flags)
  • split(string,delimiter)
  • extract(string,pattern)


  • get value(context,key)
  • get entries(context)
  • put(context,key,value)
  • put all(entries)


  • boxed expression(context,expression)
  • decision table(output, input, rule list, hit policy) (supported hit policies: "U"|"Unique","A"|"Any","F"|"First","R"|"Rule order","C"|"Collect","C+"|"C<"|"C>"|"C#")

Complete (complex) decisions

Also complex decisions like the example under assets/Sample.dmn can be written as a complex FEEL expression and evaluated - here for example as a context returning the last evaluated context entry.

const Interpreter = require("../lib/interpreter.js");

const interpreter = new Interpreter();

let exp = `
{   "Lender Acceptable DTI": function () 0.36,
    "Lender Acceptable PITI": function () 0.28,
    "DTI": function (d,i) d/i,
    "PITI": function (pmt,tax,insurance,income) (pmt+tax+insurance)/income,
    "Credit Score.FICO": Credit Score.FICO,
    "Credit Score Rating": decision table(
            inputs: ["Credit Score.FICO"],
            outputs: ["Credit Score Rating"],
            rule list: [
                [< 600,"Bad"]
            hit policy: "U"
        ).Credit Score Rating,
    "Client DTI": DTI(d: Applicant Data.Monthly.Repayments + Applicant Data.Monthly.Expenses, i: Applicant Data.Monthly.Income),
    "Client PITI": PITI(
        pmt: (Requested Product.Amount*((Requested Product.Rate/100)/12))/(1-(1/(1+(Requested Product.Rate/100)/12)**-Requested Product.Term)),
        tax: Applicant Data.Monthly.Tax,
        insurance: Applicant Data.Monthly.Insurance,
        income: Applicant Data.Monthly.Income
    "Back End Ratio": if Client DTI <= Lender Acceptable DTI()
        then "Sufficient"
        else "Insufficient",
    "Front End Ratio": if Client PITI <= Lender Acceptable PITI()
                    then "Sufficient"
                    else "Insufficient",
    "Loan PreQualification": decision table(
                    outputs: ["Qualification","Reason"],
                    inputs: ["Credit Score Rating","Back End Ratio","Front End Ratio"],
                    rule list: [
                        [["Poor","Bad"],-,-,"Not Qualified","Credit Score too low."],
                        [-,"Insufficient","Sufficient","Not Qualified","Debt to income ratio is too high."],
                        [-,"Sufficient","Insufficient","Not Qualified","Mortgage payment to income ratio is too high."],
                        [-,"Insufficient","Insufficient","Not Qualified","Debt to income ratio is too high AND mortgage payment to income ratio is too high."],
                        [["Fair","Good","Excellent"],"Sufficient","Sufficient","Qualified","The borrower has been successfully prequalified for the requested loan."]
                    hit policy: "F"
}.Loan PreQualification
let success = interpreter.parse(exp);
if (!success) console.log(interpreter.error);

result = interpreter.evaluate(exp,{
    "Credit Score": { FICO: 700 }, 
    "Applicant Data": { Monthly: { Repayments: 1000, Tax: 1000, Insurance: 100, Expenses: 500, Income: 5000 } },
    "Requested Product": { Amount: 600000, Rate: 0.0375, Term: 360 }

// {
//   Qualification: 'Qualified',
//   Reason: 'The borrower has been successfully prequalified for the requested loan.'
// }


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