
1.1.3 • Public • Published


Loctool plugin to read Salesforce -meta.xml files and write out translations.

The source file it is looking for is **/translations/en_US.translation-meta.xml which should be generated when you enable translation in the workbench. It writes out translated files in the same directory with the "en_US" replaced with the name of the target locale. The dash in the standard BCP-47 locale name is replaced with an underscore, because that is what Salesforce is expecting to find.

This plugin will also read other meta xml files in the project to find source strings that may be missing in the translation-meta.xml file. The following meta xml file types are read:

  • app-meta.xml
  • customPermission-meta.xml
  • listView-meta.xml
  • field-meta.xml
  • labels-meta.xml
  • md-meta.xml
  • object-meta.xml
  • permissionset-meta.xml
  • quickAction-meta.xml
  • tab-meta.xml

All strings gleaned from those files are used to augment the strings found in the translations-meta.xml file with a source string.


The plugin will look for the xml property within the settings of your project.json file. The following settings are used within the json property:

  • schemas: a string naming a directory full of JSON schema files, or an array of strings naming some JSON schema files or directories to load. If the XML file does not fit any of the schema (ie. it does not validate according to any one of the schema), then that file will be skipped and not localized. Schemas files are discussed below.
  • resourceFile: a path name template specifying where the translation-meta.xml for this salesforce app lives. Default is: "force-app/main/default/translations/[localeUnder].translation-meta.xml"
  • mappings: a mapping between file matchers and an object that gives info used to localize the files that match it. This allows different meta xml files within the project to be processed with different schema. This is mainly for meta xml file types that are not the standard ones mentioned above. The matchers are a micromatch-style string, similar to the the includes and excludes section of a project.json file. The value of that mapping is an object that can contain the following properties:
    • schema: schema to use with that matcher. The schema is specified using the $id of one of the schemas loaded in the schemas property above. The default schema is "properties-schema" which is given in the previous section.

Example configuration:

    "settings": {
        "metaxml": {
            "schemas": "./xml/schemas",
            "resourceFile": "force-app/main/foo/translations/[localeUnder].translation-meta.xml",
            "mappings": {
                "**/*.page-meta.xml": {
                    "schema": "my-page-meta-schema"

In the above example, any file named *.page-meta.xml will be parsed with the my-page-meta-schema schema found in the xml/schemas directory. (See the documentation of the (ilib-loctool-xml)[] plugin for details on that.) The resources from that file will go to augment the source strings of the strings found in the resource file translation meta xml.

The resource file will be written out to a file named force-app/main/foo/translations/[localeUnder].translation-meta.xml.


This plugin is license under Apache2. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Release Notes


  • update dependencies
  • convert all unit tests from nodeunit to jest


  • update dependencies


  • fixed a bug where the xml schemas are not loaded properly on some versions of nodejs
  • fixed a bug where source strings from various meta xml files cannot be added to a translation source file for the locale en-US


  • now uses ilib-loctool-xml plugin to parse various meta xml files to look for source strings. These types are parsed automatically and their schema is built-in to this plugin already.
  • added the ability to specify a resource file for output of the translations
  • added the ability to do mappings to read other types of meta xml that are not the standard ones listed above
  • updated dependencies


  • Fix a bug where the pseudo locales were not initialized properly. This fix gets the right set of locales from the project settings to see if any of them are pseudo locales.


  • Apparently in Salesforce Portuguese has no default. This fix makes sure that both pt-PT and pt-BR are fully specified with neither of them being the default for "pt" by itself


  • Fixed a problem with nb-NO and es-419 which Salesforce do not support
    • mapped to "no" and "es-MX" respectively


  • add the sflocales.json config file to the package


  • Fixed a problem in the package.json where it was pointing to the wrong main file name
  • Fixed a problem where it was not handling the resource types properly
    • previously, it used the "flavor" concept to differentiate between types, but a flavor is associated with a whole file, not individual strings
    • now uses a "context" which is associated with individual strings


  • Initial version
  • Added support for classes, fields, and objects
  • writes out translation meta xml files

Package Sidebar


npm i ilib-loctool-salesforce-metaxml

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  • ehoogerbeets