
8.1.7 • Public • Published
Copyright 2018 OpenInformix
Licensed under the MIT

Informix native node.js driver

Informix native node.js driver is a high performance driver with asynchronous/synchronous interface suitable for highly scalable enterprise applications and lightweight enough for Internet of things (IoT) solutions working with Informix database.

The development activities of the driver are powered by passion, dedication and independent thinking. You may send pull request, together we grow as an open community; relevant discussion and queries are answered by community through Stack Overflow. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/informix

Installing the driver

npm install ifxnjs

The driver has prebuilt binaries for ARM, Linux x64 and Win64, and it is certified to work with Raspberry Pi; all other platforms you may perform a local build. The current version of Informix native node driver (ifxnjs@8.0.x) is being compiled with Node.js v8.9.4 LTS libraries. The driver is expected to work with all node.js version 8x.

FYI: Informix Client SDK 4.10 xC2 or above is needed for the driver to make connection to the database. Make sure Informix Client SDK is installed and its environments are set prior to running application.

Runtime Environment

The Informix node.js driver has dependency on Informix Client SDK version 4.10 xC2 or above. Make sure to set Informix Client SDK runtime environment before running the applications.

Say INFORMIXDIR is the location where you have installed Informix Client SDK.


Build the driver from its source code

The driver source code is platform neutral; if needed you may build the driver on any platforms. If you face any difficulty feel free to reach out to us, we are happy to help you. The following URL has instruction to build it on Windows and Linux.

Connection String

var dbobj = require('ifxnjs');
var ConStr = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;";


var dbobj = require('ifxnjs');
function DirExec( conn, ErrIgn, sql )
    var result = conn.querySync( sql );
    console.log( sql  );
  catch (e) 
    console.log( "--- " + sql  );
    if( ErrIgn != 1 )
function DoSomeWork(err, conn)
  if (err) 
    return console.log(err);
  DirExec( conn, 1, "drop table t1" );
  DirExec( conn, 0, "create table t1 ( c1 int, c2 char(20) ) " );
  DirExec( conn, 0, "insert into t1 values( 1, 'val-1' )" );
  DirExec( conn, 0, "insert into t1 values( 2, 'val-2' )" );
  DirExec( conn, 0, "insert into t1 values( 3, 'val-3' )" );
  DirExec( conn, 0, "insert into t1 values( 4, 'val-4' )" );
  DirExec( conn, 0, "insert into t1 values( 5, 'val-5' )" );
  console.log(" --- SELECT * FROM t1 ------ " );
  // blocks until the query is completed and all data has been acquired
  var rows = conn.querySync( "SELECT * FROM t1" );
var MyAsynchronousTask = function (err, conn)
  DoSomeWork(err, conn);
function ifxnjs_Open(ConStr) 
  console.log(" --- MyAsynchronousTask Starting....." );
  dbobj.open( ConStr, MyAsynchronousTask );
  console.log(" --- Check the sequence printed!" );
function ifxnjs_OpenSync(ConStr) 
  console.log(" --- Executing ifxnjs.openSync() ...." );
  var conn;
    conn = dbobj.openSync(ConStr);
  DoSomeWork(0, conn);
  console.log(" --- End ifxnjs.openSync()" );
function main_func()
  //  Make sure the port is IDS SQLI port.
  var ConnectionString = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;";
  //Synchronous Execution 
  //Asynchronous Execution



The simple api is based on instances of the Database class. You may get an instance in one of the following ways:

require("ifxnjs").open(connectionString, function (err, conn){
  //conn is already open now if err is falsy

or by using the helper function:

var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs")();

or by creating an instance with the constructor function:

var Database = require("ifxnjs").Database
  , ibmdb = new Database();

.open(connectionString, [options,] callback)

Open a connection to a database.

  • connectionString - The connection string for your database
  • options - OPTIONAL - Object type. Can be used to avoid multiple loading of native ODBC library for each call of .open.
  • callback - callback (err, conn)
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs");
ibmdb.open(connectionString, function (err, connection) {
    if (err) 
    connection.query("select 1 from mytab1", function (err1, rows) 
      if (err1) console.log(err1);
      else console.log(rows);
        if(err2) console.log(err2);


Synchronously open a connection to a database.

  • connectionString - The connection string for your database
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
  connString = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
try {
  var conn = ibmdb.openSync(connString);
  conn.query("select * from customers fetch first 10 rows only", function (err, rows, moreResultSets) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
} catch (e) {

.query(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters], callback)

Issue an asynchronous SQL query to the database which is currently open.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed.
  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in sqlQuery.
  • callback - callback (err, rows, moreResultSets)
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function (err, conn) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err);
  //we now have an open connection to the database
  //so lets get some data
  conn.query("select * from customers fetch first 10 rows only", function (err, rows, moreResultSets) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
    //if moreResultSets is truthy, then this callback function will be called
    //again with the next set of rows.

.querySync(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])

Synchronously issue a SQL query to the database that is currently open.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed.
  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in sqlQuery.
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function(err, conn){
    //blocks until the query is completed and all data has been acquired
    var rows = conn.querySync("select * from customers fetch first 10 rows only");


Close the currently opened database.

  • callback - callback (err)
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function (err, conn) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err);
  //we now have an open connection to the database
  conn.close(function (err) {
    console.log("the database connection is now closed");


Synchronously close the currently opened database.

var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs")(),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
//Blocks until the connection is open
var conn = ibmdb.openSync(cn);
//Blocks until the connection is closed

.prepare(sql, callback)

Prepare a statement for execution.

  • sql - SQL string to prepare
  • callback - callback (err, stmt)

Returns a Statement object via the callback

var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
  conn.prepare("insert into hits (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)", function (err, stmt) {
    if (err) {
      //could not prepare for some reason
      return conn.closeSync();
    //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
    stmt.execute(['something', 42], function (err, result) {
      if( err ) console.log(err);  
      else result.closeSync();
      //Close the connection


Synchronously prepare a statement for execution.

  • sql - SQL string to prepare

Returns a Statement object

var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
  var stmt = conn.prepareSync("insert into hits (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)");
  //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
  stmt.execute(['something', 42], function (err, result) {
    //Close the connection


Begin a transaction

  • callback - callback (err)


Synchronously begin a transaction


Commit a transaction

  • callback - callback (err)
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function(err,conn) {
  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();
    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");
    conn.commitTransaction(function (err) {
      if (err) {
        //error during commit
        return conn.closeSync();
    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));
     //Close the connection


Synchronously commit a transaction

var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function(err,conn) {
  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();
    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");
    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));
     //Close the connection


Rollback a transaction

  • callback - callback (err)
var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs"),
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function(err,conn) {
  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();
    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");
    conn.rollbackTransaction(function (err) {
      if (err) {
        //error during rollback
        return conn.closeSync();
    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));
     //Close the connection


Synchronously rollback a transaction

var ibmdb = require("ifxnjs")
   cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
ibmdb.open(cn, function(err,conn) {
  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();
    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");
    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));
     //Close the connection


Rudimentary support, rework in progress......

.open(connectionString, callback)

Get a Database instance which is already connected to connectionString

  • connectionString - The connection string for your database
  • callback - callback (err, db)
var Pool = require("ifxnjs").Pool
  , pool = new Pool()
    , cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
pool.open(cn, function (err, db) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err);
  //db is now an open database connection and can be used like normal
  //if we run some queries with db.query(...) and then call db.close();
  //a connection to `cn` will be re-opened silently behind the scense
  //and will be ready the next time we do `pool.open(cn)`


Close all connections in the Pool instance

  • callback - callback (err)
var Pool = require("ifxnjs").Pool
  , pool = new Pool()
    , cn = "SERVER=ids0;DATABASE=db1;HOST=;SERVICE=9088;UID=informix;PWD=xxxx;"
pool.open(cn, function (err, db) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err);
  //db is now an open database connection and can be used like normal
  //but all we will do now is close the whole pool
  pool.close(function () {
    console.log("all connections in the pool are closed");



Copyright (c) 2017 Sathyanesh Krishnan msatyan@gmail.com

Copyright (c) 2017 Javier Sagrera

Copyright (c) 2013 Dan VerWeire dverweire@gmail.com

Copyright (c) 2010 Lee Smith notwink@gmail.com

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