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Interactions and Command handler 4 Dummies


npm i ic4d
sudo npm i install ic4d
yarn add ic4d
const ic4d = require("ic4d");
// or
const {
    /* Classess you need seprated by a comma */
} = require("ic4d");

and for yall ts lovers

import * as ic4d from "ic4d";
// or
import /* Class you need separated by a comma */ "ic4d";


Quick Example

Here's the example bot if you don't like reading

const { Client, IntentsBitField } = require("discord.js");
const path = require("path");

const { CommandHandler, ReadyHandler } = require("ic4d");

const commandsPath = "commands";
const readerOptions = {
    devs: ["671549251024584725"],
    testGuildId: "808701451399725116",

const client = new Client({
    intents: [

const handler = new CommandHandler(
    path.join(__dirname, "commands"),
const ready = new ReadyHandler(
    async (client) => {
        console.log(`${client.user.tag} is ready!`);
    async () => {
        await handler.registerCommands();

(async () => {
    await handler.handleCommands();



Ready handler is a handler that runs a set of functions when the bot starts.


  • client: Discord.js Client Instance
  • ...functions: Functions to run when the execute() method is called, and the ready event has been emitted. Functions may take one parameter (client) or none.
const { ReadyHandler } = require("ic4d");

const ready = new ReadyHandler(
    (client) => {
        console.log(`${client.user.tag} is ready!`);
    () => {
        console.log("Lol another function");



Start listening for the bot's ready event and execute functions once the event is called.

const ready = new ReadyHandler(client, ...)



Set whether the ready handler should throw or emit errors. Defaults to false.

const ready = new ReadyHandler(client, ...);

// Listen for the error
ready.on("error", (msg) => {
    // do something with the error message


Command Handler, which handles slash command creation, deletion, editing and running of slash commands


Before you use the CommandHandler class, make sure you follow the command layout or else the CommandHandler may not work properly. But these below are the minimum properties needed.

module.exports = {
    name: "command-name",
    description: "Command Description that looks cool",
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {



  • client: Discord.js Client Instance
  • path: Path in which your exported command objects are stored. The handler will not work if you do not use path.
  • readerOptions(optional): Command Reader Options
  • loaderOptions(optional): Command Loader Options
const { CommandHandler } = require("ic4d");
const path = require("path");

const handler = new CommandHandler(client, path.join(__dirname, "commands"));


Information for the handler and text that displays the the user when the CommandHandler is running checks before the actual command's code

    testGuildId: "808701451399725116",
    devs: ["671549251024584725"],

    // next params are not required, but cool
    onlyDev: "Text to display when a user runs a developer command.",
    userNoPerms: "Text to display when the user has insufficient permissions",
    botNoPerms: "Text to display when the bot has insufficient permissions"


Text that displays in the console when the CommandHandler is loading a command.

Make sure you keep NAME in the string or else you will not know what happened to which command. If there is no log in the console for a specific command, then it has been loaded, there are no edits and it has not been deleted.

        loadedNoChanges: "NAME was loaded. No changes were made to NAME."
        loaded: "NAME has been registered successfully.",
        edited: "NAME has been edited.",
        deleted: "NAME has been deleted.",
        skipped: "NAME was skipped. (Command deleted or set to delete.)",



(asynchronous function)

  • logAll(optional): Log command even if no change was performed.
  • serverId(optional): Register all commands in a specific server. if not provided it will be application wide
const handler = new CommandHandler(client, path.join(__dirname, "commands"));

async () => {
    await handler.registerCommands();


(asynchronous function)

  • ...middleWare: Functions to run before a command is run.
const handler = new CommandHandler(client, path.join(__dirname, "commands"));

const blacklisted = ["302983482377931"];
const blacklist = (commandObject, interaction) => {
    if (commandObject.blacklist && blacklisted.includes(interaction.user.id)) {
            content: this.readerOptions.onlyDev,
            ephemeral: true,
        return 1;
    return 0;

await handler.handleCommands(blacklist);

Middleware Parameters and use

Middleware is to define your own custom functions you want to run when a command is run by anyone. This can be a function to check for cooldown or function to add XP to a user.

Middleware that the package already contains is :

  • Check to see if developer command
  • Check to see if bot has sufficient permissions
  • Check to see if user has sufficient permissions

The Middleware must take in these parameters

  • commandObject: This is the commandObject that every command contains, this can check for the commands name, description, options, choices or a custom property you wish
  • interaction(optional): If the middleware function requires you to take in interaction for some reason, here you go 😃

And should always return 1 or another number. If it returns 1 it counts as a fail so the function won't proceed. Another number returned is okay seen as a pass and the function continues. (If you don't understand, if a normal user tries to run a dev command, it will return 1, which means it wont run and their met with a fail message)


Here i define a command with the custom property canBeServerDisabled

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Rob users",
    canBeServerDisabled: true,
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {
        interaction.reply("bang bang!");

And in my middleware function i check if the command has been server disabled, if the property is enabled.

const isServerDisabled = (name) => {
    // check to see if the function has been disabled by the server, if so return true, otherwise false.

const middleWare = (commandObject, interaction) => {
    // you can name the parameters whatever you want, ass long as you remember which one is which.
    if (
        commandObject.canBeServerDisabled &&
    ) {
            content: "This command is server disabled",
            ephemeral: true,
        return 1;
    return 0;

handler.handleCommands(middleWare); // pass the function alone without brackets or its parameters, i'll do that magic


Set whether the ready handler should throw or emit errors. Defaults to false.

const handler = new CommandHandler(client, path.join(__dirname, "commands"));

// Listen for the error
handler.on("error", (msg) => {
    // do something with the error message


Handler to handle interactions.


Make sure wherever your store your interaction objects they follow the export the interactions object with the minimum requirements being. NOTE : This is the case for any interaction EXCEPT FOR CONTEXT MENUS

module.exports = {
    customId: "customId",
    callback: (i) => {


  • client: Discord.js client
  • path: Path to where interactions are stored. (They can be stored in your commands folder to, as long as they meet with interactions object)
  • loaderOptions(optional): Context Menu Loader Options
  • emitErrors(optional): Log any errors that occur. True will emit errors, false will throw errors and null will not log any errors.
const { InteractionHandler } = require("ic4d");
const path = require("path");

const interactions = new InteractionHandler(
    path.join(__dirname, "commands")



Start listening for all the available interactions. (Context Menus, Buttons, Select Menus and Modals)

  • authorOnlyMsg(optional): Message to display when a interacts with another user's interaction (onlyAuthor is set to true.)
  • ...middleWare: Functions to run before an interaction is run.


Start listening for button interactions.

  • authorOnlyMsg(optional): Message to display when a user click's another user's button (onlyAuthor is set to true.)
  • ...middleWare: Functions to run before a button is run.


Start listening for select menu interactions.

  • authorOnlyMsg(optional): Message to display when a user click's another user's select menu (onlyAuthor is set to true.)
  • ...middleWare: Functions to run before a select menu is run.


Start listening for modal interactions. (After their registered)

  • ...middleWare: Functions to run before a modal is shown.


Start listening for context menu interactions. (After their registered)

  • ...middleWare: Functions to run before a context menu is run.

Interactions Middleware

Exactly like Command Middleware, where 1 will return and any number will continue execution. Only difference is here the only parameter you get is interaction.


function isAuthor(interaction) {
    // the handler does this for you (check the InteractionObject) but im writing this as an example only.
    const author = interaction.message.interaction.user.id;
    const clicker = interaction.member.user.id;

    return clicker === author ? 1 : 0;
function lucky(interaction) {
    // randdom one
    return 1 == 1 ? 1 : 0; // will always return 1.

// some other code

interactions.buttons("This isn't your button!", isAuthor); // this will only run for buttons.
interactions.start(undefined, lucky); // will run for every interactions


(asynchronous function)

Register Context Menus. Make sure your Context Menu object looks like this

  • logAll(optional): Log context menu even if no change was performed.
  • serverId(optional): Register all commands in a specific server. if not provided it will be application wide
await interactions.registerContextMenus();

Command Object

This package requires your command object to be layed out specifically, (If you're coming from a normal discord.js handler that uses the execute and data properties, skip to Tradtional discord.js object)

Using Class

You can use the class to build the command. (see SlashCommandObject)

const { SlashCommandObject } = require("ic4d");

const rob = new SlashCommandObject({
    name: "rob",
    description: "Rob a user for coins bro",
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {

module.exports = rob;

and when you need to add a new property (to get other stuff below) just

rob.deleted = true; // it's as simple as that!
rob.devOnly = true; // or you can add it to the object directly. Just showing this can work.


minimum requirements

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Rob a user for coins bro",
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {


Command will be deleted and when it's loaded again it will be skipped.

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Rob a user for coins bro",
    deleted: true,
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {

Developer Only Command

Command that only a developer can run

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Rob a user for coins bro",
    devOnly: true,
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {

Permissions Required

User needs permission

const { PermissionFlagsBits } = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Rob a user for coins bro",
    permissionsRequired: [PermissionFlagsBits.ManageMessages],
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {

Tradtional Discord.js Object

If you're user the data property which exports the class SlashCommandBuidler and the execute property. Like the discord.js docs have it, you can implement it here! (Although you have to use SlashCommandObject)

const { SlashCommandObject } = require("ic4d");
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("discord.js");

module.exports = new SlashCommandObject({
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription("ROb a user for coins bro."),
    async execute(interaction, client) {
        // client is an optional parameter.
    deleted: false, // add these properties above if you have to.

Interaction Object

Package also requires that wherever you store your interaction object (buttons, select menus, context menus etc), they have thesse minimum requirements:

Normal (button)

module.exports = {
    customId: "button1",
    type: "button",
    callback: (i) => {
        // callback

Author Only (selectMenu)

Not required but is handy

module.exports = {
    customId: "coolSelectMenu",
    type: "selectMenu",
    authorOnly: true,
    callback: (i) => {
        // callback

Takes in client (modal)

Not required, but also handy

module.exports = {
    customId: "myEpicModal",
    type: "modal",
    callback: (i, client) => {
        // callback

Timeout parameter

This parameter makes it so that after (foo) milliseconds, the action row will be cleared and the original message will be edited to (bar). Effectively making a button click or select menu selection have a limited time window. (Only for Buttons and Select Menus)

The onTimeout parameter takes in a function and is invoked when the interaction times out, of course.

module.exports = {
    customId: "button5",
    type: "button",
    callback: (i) => {
        // callback
    timeout: 10_000,
    onTimeout: (i) => {

Context Menu

This works a little differently to ones above, that's why it has it's own category lol.

const { ApplicationCommandType } = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
    name: "context",
    isCommand: false,
    type: ApplicationCommandType.User,
    callback: (interaction) => {
        const user = interaction.targetUser;


const {
} = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
    ...new ContextMenuCommandBuilder()
    isCommand: false,
    callback: (interaction) => {
        const message = interaction.targetMessage;

Command and Interactions in the same file

If you do not like having random buttons everywhere in different files, don't worry the following classess are here to help you!

here's a quick example for yall quickers

const { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require("discord.js");
const { SlashCommandObject, CommandInteractionObject } = require("ic4d");

const ok = new CommandInteractionObject({
    customId: "ok",
    type: "button",
    authorOnly: true,
    callback: async (i) => {
        i.update({ content: "this is from the same file", components: [] });
    timeout: 20_000, // 20 seconds
    onTimeout: (i) => {
        i.update({ content: "You're too slow!" });

const random = new SlashCommandObject(
        name: "random",
        description: "random thing",

        callback: async (client, interaction) => {
            await interaction.reply({
                content: "ok",
                components: [
                    new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(
                        new ButtonBuilder()

module.exports = random;



Represents an interaction object (NOT FOR CONTEXT MENUS)

This is layed out exactly as Interaction Object, just in extra code.

  • intObj: Object with properties associated with the interaction
const intObj = {
    customId: "mySelect", // the custom id of the interaction
    type: "selectMenu", // the type of interaction. can be "selectMenu", "button" or "modal"
    timeout: 10_000,
    onTimeout: (i) => {
        i.update("too slow.");
    callback: (i) => {
        // do something
    onlyAuthor: false,

const mySelect = new CommandInteractionObject(intObj);


Represents a slash command object.

This is layed out exactly as Command Object, just in extra code.

  • commandObject: Object with properties associated with the command
  • ...interactions: An array of CommandInteractionObject that is associated with this file.
// we'll be using mySelect from above

const commandObject = {
    name: "showselect",
    description: "shows you a cool select menu",
    callback: async (client, interaction) => {
        // show it

module.exports = new SlashCommandObject(
    mySelect /* add you can just keep adding more interactions seprated by a comma.*/

and that's mostly it!


Huge credit to underctrl, Code would've not been possible if i did not watch his helpful discord.js tutorials! I had to give him credit because this package is based off moving all those files fromm his tutorial into one package.

He probably has a way better package, so go check his out!


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