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Hulk Button

Linux driver script for Dream Cheeky's USB Hulk Button. Could also work for the Iron Man and Spider-Man variants (let me know!).

Video demonstration/reverse-engineering steps:

Reverse-engineered from the official drivers. I found them here:

Many thanks to this excellent reverse-engineering guide:


Install NodeJS and NPM for your platform. Then install some additional dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install libudev-dev

Pick a permissions fix from Setting up permissions below. Finally:

$ sudo npm install -g hulk-button
$ hulk-button -h
hulk-button [options] COMMAND [args..]

  -v, --vid                   Device VID, hex       [string] [default: "0x1d34"]
  -p, --pid                   Device PID, hex       [string] [default: "0x0008"]
  -i, --poll-interval         Polling interval in milliseconds     [default: 15]
  -t, --timeout               Protocol timeout for flaky devices in milliseconds
                              (0 to disable)                      [default: 300]
  -d, --detach-kernel-driver  Detach kernel driver first
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  -h                          Show help                                [boolean]

When the button is pressed, PRESSED is printed to stdout and `COMMAND` is
invoked with the given arguments, if present. When the button is released,
RELEASED is printed to stdout.

Do you want to make Hulk trigger real keypresses? Maybe your COMMAND should be xdotool key Return:

As a matter of fact, that's exactly how I've pushed this to github :)

Setting up permissions

By default raw USB devices are read-only for normal users. You could in theory run this script as root, but do you really want to run some random script from the internet as root?

The hack way

You can manually chmod the device node for testing purposes. This won't persist across device unplugs or machine reboots.

  1. Find the device bus and device ID with lsusb:
$ lsusb
  Bus 002 Device 010: ID 1d34:0008 Dream Cheeky Dream Cheeky button

In this example, the bus is 002, and the device ID is 010. The leading zeroes are significant. 2. Hack the permissions to /dev/bus/usb//

$ sudo chown 777 /dev/bus/usb/002/010

The proper way

Create a udev rule that automatically assigns permissions. This will persist across unplugs, reboots, etc.

  1. Find the device vid and pid with lsusb. For my Hulk button, these are 0x1d34 and 0x0008, respectively
$ lsusb
  Bus 002 Device 010: ID 1d34:0008 Dream Cheeky Dream Cheeky button

In this example, the vid is 0x1d34 and the pid is 0x0008. 2. Decide which UNIX group should get access. You can create a special hulk group with sudo groupadd hulk, and add yourself to it via sudo gpasswd -a YOUR_USERNAME hulk. If you're not willing to go that far, just choose a group your user is already a part of (see groups). 3. Create a udev rule file under /usr/lib/udev/ I used 70-hulk-button.rules, but you can name it anything as long as it ends with .rules.

$ sudo vim /lib/udev/rules.d/70-hulk-button.rules

Enter the following, replacing VID, PID, and YOUR_GROUP for the appropriate values. Do not prepend an 0x for any of the values:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="VID", ATTRS{idProduct}=="PID", GROUP="YOUR_GROUP", MODE="0660"

There is a sample in 70-hulk-button.rules.sample. 4. Re-plug the Hulk, re-login (if you modified your groups). 5. Gamma rays? 6. PROFIT


Much inspiration was taken from these excellent USB reverse-engineering resources:

A guide to reverse-engineering a USB car:

USB Made Simple:


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  • progman32