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html-webpack-plugin plugin for inlining i18n assets, like those from mini-i18n-extract-plugin.

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🪑 Table of Content

🧰 Features

Automatically inline information on all available translation files.

  • Indexed by locales.
  • Fetch the files when you need them.
  • Included assets, locale detection, and the inserted HTML tag and its position can all be overriden.

👶 Install

npm install -D html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin

🚀 Usage

The plugin looks for translation (i18n) files among the assets emitted by Webpack, detects which locale the files relate to, and inserts the information to the HTML file created by html-webpack-plugin:

<!-- ./dist/index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Webpack App</title>
    <!-- Following div is inserted by the plugin -->
    <script src="main.js"></script> 

The locales files can then be accessed on the webpage to fetch individual locales files when needed:

const localesData = window.document.querySelect('#i18n').dataset;
// or window.document.getElementById('i18n').dataset;
// {
//    de: "",
//    en: "main.en.i18n.json"
// }
// Get available locales
// Fetch the translations
const response = await fetch(;
const deData = response.json();
// {
//    greeting: "Tschüß!"
// }

The keys are extracted from the asset names. If you have a single file with all translations, or the regex that parses the asset name fails to match a locale name, the asset is stored under the default key instead.

const localesData = window.document.querySelect('#i18n').dataset;
// or window.document.getElementById('i18n').dataset;
// {
//    default: "main.i18n.json"
// }
// Fetch the translations
const response = await fetch(localesData.default);
const data = response.json();
// {
//    en: {
//      greeting: "Hello!"
//    },
//    de: {
//      greeting: "Tschüß!"
//    }
// }

When using this package, it is recommended to wrap it in a service that manages the retrieval of the asset files and loading of the data onto a package that provides the i18n functionality, like vue-18n.

Webpack config

The plugin requires HtmlWebpackPlugin among the webpack plugins.

// webpack.config.js
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackInlineI18nPlugin = require('html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin')
// or import HtmlWebpackInlineI18nPlugin from 'html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin';
const htmlWebpackPlugin = new HtmlWebpackPlugin();
const inlineI18nPlugin = new HtmlWebpackInlineI18nPlugin();
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    htmlWebpackPlugin, // creates index.html
    inlineI18nPlugin // inserts info on i18n files to index.html

Webpack config with MiniI18nExtractPlugin

By default, the plugin works with the default format of assets exported by MiniI18nExtractPlugin.

// webpack.config.js
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const MiniI18nExtractPlugin = require('mini-i18n-extract-plugin').default;
// or import MiniI18nExtractPlugin from 'mini-i18n-extract-plugin';
const HtmlWebpackInlineI18nPlugin = require('html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin')
// or import HtmlWebpackInlineI18nPlugin from 'html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin';
const i18nExtractPlugin = new MiniI18nExtractPlugin();
const htmlWebpackPlugin = new HtmlWebpackPlugin();
const inlineI18nPlugin = new HtmlWebpackInlineI18nPlugin();
module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.i18n\.json$/i,
        use: [i18nExtractPlugin.asLoader],
  plugins: [
    i18nExtractPlugin, // extracts i18n files
    htmlWebpackPlugin, // creates index.html
    inlineI18nPlugin // inserts info on i18n files to index.html


This project is written in TypeScript and the typings are included in the distribution. Available types can be imported as:

import { types } from 'html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin';


This project uses debug. To show debug logs, activate debug for html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin.

CLI example:

DEBUG=html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin node path/to/my/html-webpack-inline-i18n-plugin-project


TypeDoc documentation can be found here.


Options are passed to the plugin on instantiation.

const MiniI18nExtractPlugin = require('mini-i18n-extract-plugin');
const i18nExtractPlugin = new MiniI18nExtractPlugin({
  // pass them configs here
  include: /\.i18n/iu,

The plugin accepts the following options:


  • Type: RegExp | string | (PatternContext) => (RegExp | string)

  • RegExp pattern that specifies which assets should be recognized and made available as locales files.

    Can be either a RegExp, string regex, or a function that returns one of the former.

  • Defaults to /\.i18n/iu.


  • Type: RegExp | string | (PatternContext) => (RegExp | string)

  • RegExp pattern that specifies which assets should be excluded from the assets matched by the include option.

    Can be either a RegExp, string regex, or a function that returns one of the former.

  • No default.


  • Type: RegExp | string | (PatternContext) => (RegExp | string)

  • RegExp pattern that specifies which part of the asset name is the locale.

    The regex must have a match group. The locale has to be either the first match group, or a match group labeled locale.

    Can be either a RegExp, string regex, or a function that returns one of the former.

  • Defaults to function defined at src/lib/extract-locale.


  • Type: (ModifyTagContext) => HtmlTagObject

  • Function that is given (among other) the object representation of the to-be-generated HTML tag with i18n data, and returns the updated object.

    This function should be used if you need to modify either the properties, the tag type, or other aspects of the HTML tag.

  • No default.


  • Type: 'before' | 'after' | (PositionContext) => HtmlTagObject[]

  • Specify the position where the i18n tag should be inserted into the HTML body.

  • Can be one of:

    • 'before' - insert the i18n tag before other HTML tags in body
    • 'after' - insert the i18n tag after other HTML tags in body
    • Function - Function that is given (among other) the list of tags to be inserted into the HTML body, and returns the update list of tags. The order of the returned list decides the order in which the tags will be rendered in the HTML body.
  • Defaults to 'before'.


Options that can be functions are passed the data (context) that's available at their invokation.

Here is the list of used contexts:


The context object passed to modifyTag function.

Property Description Type
i18nTag HtmlTagObject for the to-be-generated tag containing i18n information. HtmlTagObject
assets Object with assets data, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin object
outputName HTML file output name, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin string
plugin HtmlWebpackPlugin instance, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin HtmlWebpackPlugin


The context object passed to functions that return RegExp patterns for filtering assets and extracting locale info from asset filenames.

Property Description Type
filename Name of the asset at hand. string
chunk Webpack's Chunk that the asset at hand relates to. Chunk
assets Object with assets data, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin object
outputName HTML file output name, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin string
plugin HtmlWebpackPlugin instance, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin HtmlWebpackPlugin


The context object passed to the position option if it is a function.

Property Description Type
i18nTag HtmlTagObject for the to-be-generated tag containing i18n information. HtmlTagObject
headTags List of HtmlTagObjects that will be inserted as HTML tags to head, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin HtmlTagObject[]
bodyTags List of HtmlTagObjects that will be inserted as HTML tags to body, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin HtmlTagObject[]
outputName HTML file output name, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin string
plugin HtmlWebpackPlugin instance, as defined by HtmlWebpackPlugin HtmlWebpackPlugin

⏳ Changelog

This projects follows semantic versioning. The changelog can be found here.

🛠 Developing

If you want to contribute to the project or have forked it, this guide will get you up and going.

🏗 Roadmap

There is no explicit roadmap for this project. However, if you have ideas how it could be improved, please be sure to share it with us by opening an issue.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Thank you ❤️

Feel free to dive in! See current issues, open an issue, or submit PRs.

How to report bugs, feature requests, and how to contribute and what conventions we use is all described in the contributing guide.

When contributing we follow the Contributor Covenant. See our Code of Conduct.

🧙 Contributors

Contributions of any kind welcome. Thanks goes to these wonderful people ❤️

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👨‍🔧 Maintainers

👤 Juro Oravec

📝 License

Copyright © 2020 Juro Oravec.

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • juro-oravec