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Homebridge UPS

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Homebridge plugin for Network UPS Tools

Copyright © 2022-2025 Erik Baauw. All rights reserved.

This Homebridge plugin exposes to Apple's HomeKit Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) devices connected to a host system over Network UPS Tools (NUT).

It provides the following features:

  • Monitoring the UPS device from HomeKit:
    • UPS status: on mains power, in use (clients are connected), alarm state, power consumption by connected devices, input voltage, incl. Eve history for power and consumption;
    • Battery: level, voltage, charging state, remaining duration;
  • Controlling the UPS device from HomeKit:
    • Enabling or disabling the audible alarm;
    • Setting the low battery threshold;
  • Support multiple hosts running upsd, support multiple UPS devices per host;
  • Includes ups command-line utility for troubleshooting.

Homebridge UPS exposes an accessory for each UPS device, with an Outlet service, a Battery service, and a History service for Eve history. See the Wiki for details.


Homebridge UPS connects to the socket provided by upsd on port 3493. Before configuring Homebridge UPS, make sure your UPS has been configured correctly. See the Wiki for details.


Homebridge UPS needs a list of host systems running upsd, specifying the host (IP address or hostname and port), name, and the username/password from uspd.users for each system. See the Wiki for details.

Best configure Homebridge UPS through the Homebridge UI.

Command-Line Utility

Homebridge UPS include the ups command line utility, to interact with upsd. Run ups -h for more info.


Make sure your UPS has been configured correctly, before setting up Homebridge UPS. See the Wiki for details. I do not have the bandwidth to provide support on setting up your UPS.

I developed this plugin for my APC Back-UPS BE850G2-GR devices, connected over USB to the host. I've connected one of these to a Synology NAS, running DSM 7.1, and another one to a Raspberry Pi 4B, running Raspberry Pi OS bullseye. Both systems run NUT protocol version 1.2.

I would expect Homebridge UPS to work with NUT on other systems, as long as they use protocol version 1.2 or 1.3. Homebridge UPS will probably not work with older protocol versions.

I would expect Homebridge UPS to work with other UPS devices, but I'm not sure whether they implement all NUT variables and commands used by Homebridge NUT. Homebridge NUT ignores other devices (like PDU, SCD, PSU, ATS).

I'd appreciate feedback on what other systems and UPS devices work. If Homebridge UPS doesn't work for your setup, please open an issue on GitHub, listing the output of ups info, and attaching a debug log file (see FAQ).

In my experience, the upsd username and password are not needed for monitoring a UPS device. These are needed only when controlling a UPS device.
The username and password are defined in upsd.users. To control the UPS device, the username needs actions = SET and instcmds = ALL. Note that the NUT config files are in /etc/nut on Raspberry Pi OS, but in /etc/ups on Synology DSM.
upsd doesn't seem to validate the username and password. If you don't specify them, provide incorrect values, or use an unprivileged username, the command to control the UPS device simply times out, with no indication of an incorrect or missing username or password.

Getting Help

I do not have the bandwidth to help you setting up your UPS.

If you have a question about Homebridge UPS, please post a message to the #ups channel of the Homebridge community on Discord.

If you encounter a problem with Homebridge UPS, or want to request a feature or support for a particular UPS device, please open an issue on GitHub. Please include the output of ups info and the relevant messages in the Homebridge log.

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  • ebaauw